The moment he felt the danger, the enemy was in great danger.

"Damn it!"

Duan Zhicai turned and ran the moment he sensed the danger, quickly ran more than ten meters away, and hid behind a cement board to observe.

"Roar!... Boom!"

The crystal hill suddenly cracked with a roar, and a large number of crystal fragments flew away. The sharp edges of the fragments even cut off the stems of many plants.

In the deep crack, a ball of blazing flames burned fiercely, showing an extremely incredible black color.

At the moment the flame was ignited, the spiral-growing plant also turned into a pitch-black color, began to shrink, and spiraled down towards the crack.

A few seconds later, a hand burning with black flames stretched out from the crack, accompanied by a series of low roars, and completely tore the crystal that was about to collapse completely.

"Bang! Boom..."

In the collapsed crystal hill, a five-meter-tall giant slowly walked out, with black flames all over his body, and his face could not be seen at all.

But the shield on the giant's right hand was too conspicuous, and Qi Ling instantly sensed the mark engraved on it.

Although the mark has been deformed after these days of wear and tear, it can still be seen that it is a person's name: "Zhang Duanxing".

"It's really big brother..."

Zhang Duanxing, who had awakened, was still wrapped in a snake-like plant, which was also wrapped in black flames and lingered around his waist, looking like some kind of seal.


Zhang Duanxing didn't care about what was around him at all. His awakening was completely due to the sense of the breath of his old enemy.

The reason why he turned into a giant beast was because of the pressure of the hunter.

Feeling the hunter's breath again at this moment, the anger engraved in Zhang Duanxing's instinct was completely ignited, directly prompting him to complete the last step of the leap.

His breath perfectly merged with the plant that once wanted to kill him, turning into a flame that burned everything, rushing towards the direction of the hunter!

"Big brother doesn't seem to recognize us... but he has become so strong. When I looked at him just now, I felt that I was about to be ignited..."

Duan Zhicai looked at the giant burning with fire and didn't dare to follow him. The heat bursting from his body was really terrifying, and the surrounding plants were quickly roasted into black charcoal.

In the area where he stepped, all the creatures were ignited by the black flames, turning into black charred embers, scattered all over the ground.

The black flame seemed to be inextinguishable, and it would only dissipate when the contaminated target was burned out.

All the burning substances turned into the giant's power source, making his stride gradually expand...

After accumulating a certain degree of basic speed, Zhang Duanxing began to run, placing the huge shield burning with black flames in front of him, and blasting a road like a shield machine.

After the flames completely disappeared, Duan Zhicai quietly stepped onto the coke road that was still warm, following Zhang Duanxing's footsteps.

At this moment, the hunter had performed a second dissection on Yin Shou, completely separating his flesh from the parasitic plant, and cultivating them separately.

Yin Shou's body, which was stained with scarlet, soon entered death. He lost most of his binding threads and vitality, and basically lost the possibility of recovery.

The hunter's dissection completely killed his possibility of resurrection.

After his body died, the parasitic plant did not show any signs of withering, but took root directly in the soil of the scarlet forest.

Soon, mottled scarlet marks appeared on its leaves.

"I didn't expect you to choose to surrender to me..."

The hunter gently played with the leaves of the parasitic plant, feeling the gentle spiritual fluctuations from the plant.

"In this case, you will be my first experiment..."

The hunter pulled up the parasitic plant by the roots, replaced its original roots with its own red tentacles, and began to parasitize in reverse.

"I want to know what the consequences of merging with multiple plants will be..."

The parasitic plant trembled slightly in the palm of the hunter, emitting extremely painful spiritual fluctuations, and made a low cry of begging for mercy.

"Servant... slave... inferior race... ask for forgiveness..."

The hunter didn't care about its plea at all, and the scarlet color quickly covered its leaves, making the sad low cry smaller and smaller.

"You should feel honored to merge with me..."

When the stem of the parasitic plant

After the stalk was completely dyed red, its eye appendages quickly withered and died completely, without any independent consciousness.

A large number of red tentacles grew on the hunter's arms, which quickly decomposed the parasitic plant and merged with itself.

After the fusion was completed, the hunter stood there for a long time, as if evaluating the changes in his own power.

"It seems... this level of fusion does not work. It feels like eating a meal with little nutrition."

While the hunter was thinking, a giant figure with black flames all over his body appeared at the edge of his scarlet forest and rushed over.

The hunter quickly felt the breath of the giant and was a little confused.

"It is forbidden for descendants to fight each other. Doesn't it know this ban?"


Zhang Duanxing, who rushed like a mountain-breaking shield machine, directly smashed the bushes closest to the hunter, and a large number of black and red fragments flew all over the sky.

With the help of "Shadow Dance", the Stalker dodged the powerful blow very easily, stood up and issued an expulsion order to Zhang Duanxing.

"Fourth-generation descendant, the battle between you and me is not at this moment, as a mother--"


Before the Stalker finished speaking, Zhang Duanxing swung the shield in his hand, like hitting someone with a pot, and swung it directly at the Stalker.

Black embers flew all over the sky, and the entire scarlet forest changed color for a while. There was no scarlet at all, only hot and boiling ashes.

Although this attack did not hit the agile Stalker, it caused great damage to the scarlet forest that he had shaped for several days, and many plants born from it were completely burned.

"I know... Mother has fallen into a deep sleep again. She can't see our fight at all. The commandment has long been invalid..."

The hunter's momentum began to surge, and some scarlet flames ignited on its arms, which were very similar to Zhang Duanxing's black flames.

"Since you like to burn, then I will accompany you to burn happily... After all, you broke the commandment first!"

"Roar! Buzz!——"

The snake-like plant wrapped around Zhang Duanxing's waist suddenly let out a hissing sound, opened its huge mouth, and spit out a large amount of black flames!

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