The game is about to begin.

"After a great evolutionary war, I believe you all have a deeper understanding of the meaning of your own existence."

"Then this game will be the best opportunity for you to verify your own understanding!"

"In the broken containment center, you will encounter its original owner - the human beings of this universe!"

"In this game, you can still fight each other and prove your truth with blood!"

"However, the ultimate goal of the game will change--"

"Disrupting the Foundation's containment plan! Creating chaos! Even killing the Foundation's leaders! Will become For your points! ! "

"Those who rank in the top 500 will be eligible to participate in the next game - the Dark War of Doomsday!!"

"Now, dear survivors, prepare your claws and brains to meet the challenge from the Foundation!"

"You... We really can't answer your question. We are just agents with very low authority. We don't know all this knowledge..."

"Are you planning to restore the containment facilities on this planet?"

Cheng Xu interrupted Hal's defense and asked a new question.

Hal and Nix looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"To be honest, we haven't been able to contact the headquarters. The communication line has been completely damaged. I don't know how long it will take to recover..."

"Yeah, we have no idea what the headquarters thinks..."

Cheng Xu turned his face to Hal and Nix, stared at them for a while, and then threw a new question that made them both excited.

"Is the living environment in the shelter comfortable?"

Nix was stunned for a moment when he heard this question, and then he slapped Hal's thigh in disbelief, causing his companion to almost jump up on the spot.

"Have you really considered living in the shelter!"

Cheng Xu paused for a while, showing some hesitation.

But after a moment, Cheng Xu answered his question.

"I can consider it. As long as you promise to find my hometown, I can join the shelter."

Nix, who heard this, felt like he had won the jackpot and had never felt so lucky.

Since he joined the Foundation, his idol has been the Fenrir agent who died in the "Endless Stairs".

Today, he is finally going to become a legendary agent with a shelter project on his file, and the other party took the initiative to accept the shelter.

In this way, his resume can be openly named "Interspecies Communication Scientist".

The first person to recover from the excitement was Hal, who discovered the special nature of the conditions proposed by Cheng Xu.

"What kind of place is your hometown?"

Cheng Xu did not answer in words, but constructed a landscape picture in his mind and directly transmitted it to the minds of the two.

Under the breeze, large patches of neat sunflowers swayed in the wind, showing an unusually soft tone in the setting sun, as peaceful as a dream.

"A beautiful agricultural planet... We will help you find this planet."

"Thank you."

Cheng Xu withdrew his power, and the connection between them was broken. The dots of pigment powder gradually returned to Cheng Xu's body.

After they were completely returned to their positions, Cheng Xu found that the amount of his pigment seemed to have increased a lot.

Those increased pigment powders showed a dark pink color symbolizing joy, a bright yellow color symbolizing surprise, and a little black symbolizing fear.

These pigment powders seemed to be related to the emotional reactions of the two agents just now.

Just when Cheng Xu was about to talk to the two agents again, Cheng Xu felt a breath full of malice and despair.

"Boom! Squeak--"

A giant arthropod with a metallic luster suddenly appeared in the hole dug by the two agents, making a loud noise.

The two agents quickly drew their guns, but seeing that Cheng Xu did not react much, they put down their weapons and waited for Cheng Xu to deal with the matter.

In Cheng Xu's perception, there were still many embedded cables on the body of the arthropod, which looked like the remnants of some monitoring equipment.


The angry arthropod screamed and tried to put its broken body in an extremely aggressive posture.

Cheng Xu found that the body of the arthropod

It seemed to be hanging on something, and its appendages could only barely touch the supporting surface.

"It may have fallen from above..."

When Cheng Xu sensed the panic of the arthropod, some black pigment powder was quickly generated and floated towards Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu tried to spread his power to it and established a mental connection with it.

"Fear... hunger... confusion... food... food... food..."

Some very concise and clear mental reactions were fed back to Cheng Xu. It was obvious that this guy was a completely low-intelligence creature.

Cheng Xu's figure disappeared in an instant, walked out of the vicinity of Hal and Nix's nest, and came close to the arthropod.

At this moment, the arthropod's mind was only hungry, and it was only very interested in the breath of Hal and Nix.

Then, Cheng Xu showed his form in front of it, and the extremely oppressive breath instantly filled the arthropod's heart with fear.

"Panic... run away... run away... run away..."

It struggled frantically, trying to free itself from the cable that trapped it, but it tried its best, and only let its two appendages hang on the edge of the contact surface.

Cheng Xu tried to use his power to change its emotional response, adding some soft buffer colors to the almost pure black emotional color...


As a result, the next second, the head of the arthropod exploded, and all the emotional reactions disappeared instantly, becoming a complete empty shell.

"Uh... did I add too much?"

Cheng Xu untied the dead arthropod from the cable, and was about to study it, when the body of the arthropod began to collapse rapidly and turned into powder.

The powder did not retain its original metallic luster, but quickly turned into pure black, turning into a finger-sized cylindrical powder polymer.

Cheng Xu was sure that he had seen this kind of thing.

"It's really gouache paint..."

On the side of the cylinder, there are actually a few Chinese characters printed, clearly written: "90% fear + 10% hunger".

Cheng Xu picked up the paint stick and observed it carefully. When he turned around, he found that two agents were filming his behavior.

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