The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"By killing creatures, we can extract their emotions as pigments... Then, can these pigments be used to draw paintings that affect emotions?"

Cheng Xu didn't care about the two agents' filming, but just turned on stealth and disappeared from the camera.

"Hal, did you see it clearly? That seems to be "EXD-1244 Forging Material Spider"! "

"In other words, we should be at the Banerkos Reception Center. Good man, we have run more than 40 kilometers these days..."

"Since we know the approximate location, why don't we report the coordinates to the headquarters?"

"By the way, ask for some reinforcements to participate in the containment of Mr. 'Odd Scale'."

"Sir? "

"Maybe it's a lady, or something else, anyway, there's no way for us to contain it."

While speaking, Nix reconnected the information channel with the headquarters.

After a while, a voice that was much clearer than before came.

"Agent Nix, we have found your location and are currently doing precise positioning. Please ensure that the containment remains calm."

"We are sure it has no ill intentions. The containment even gave us food and water to help us block the attack from "EXD-1244."

"Received, please continue to communicate with the containment, the "Anti-Gravity Net" team is about to arrive."

The communication was shut down by the other party. Nix was happy but also a little confused.

Hal saw his confusion, raised his eyebrows at him, and asked him what was going on.

Nix frowned and pointed at Cheng Xu over there, "The "Anti-Gravity Net" is coming..."

"Aren't they mainly responsible for containing anomalies above the crown level? Could it be that...”

“What is the “Anti-Gravity Swarm” team?”

Cheng Xu’s voice startled the two of them. The words that sounded from the heart were more terrifying than the whispers that suddenly sounded in their ears.

“ can hear us talking...”

“I just heard you say something was coming, and I was a little curious.”

In fact, Cheng Xu had already had the intention to kill these two agents. Judging from their current performance, staying would only cause him more trouble.

“Tsk... Actually, let me put it this way. We originally wanted to provide you with a suitable environment to wait for the Foundation to find your hometown...”

Nix paused for a while, and actually handed the Eternal Letterhead to Cheng Xu directly, which had some characters that Cheng Xu could not understand.

“The report I recorded about you was all positive, and even emphasized your affinity, but the headquarters seemed to have misunderstood and transferred a team with extremely strong combat effectiveness...”

“Does anyone among them know you?”

“You...what are you going to do? "

Cheng Xu turned to Hal and Nix, and in his hand, the "Hundred Files" that had fully evolved into a living body appeared instantly. The ferocious sharp teeth bared towards the two, with a full smell of blood.

"I will treat every outsider equally. As long as you don't show hostility to me, I will repay you with kindness."

Cheng Xu's body instantly turned into a shadow and appeared behind Nix. The tip of the "Hundred Files" gently touched Nix's protective suit.

Even through the heavy protective suit, he could feel the sharpness of the dagger, and the murderous aura made his hair stand on end.

"But if you show any threatening behavior to me... I will return it tenfold."

"No, no!"

Hal hurriedly explained to Cheng Xu, fearing that his companions would be swallowed by the living dagger in the next second.

"After the "Anti-Gravity Net" team arrives, we will go and persuade them to return in person! "

The dagger in Cheng Xu's hand instantly pierced into Nix's protective suit. It didn't penetrate completely, but it almost made Hal pull out his gun.

"I'll give you two choices. If you can't complete them, you will become my food."

"First, persuade the headquarters to give up the idea of ​​violently arresting me and send someone to negotiate with me peacefully."

"Second, tell me all the configurations of the "Anti-Gravity Net". Don't lie, otherwise you will become my living sacrifice."

The two cold choices instantly put Hal and Nix in a dilemma. No matter which one they choose, it means betrayal of the Foundation.

"Mr. 'Yi Lin', you make it difficult for us to choose. Before becoming agents, we all swore to be loyal to..."

Before Nix finished complaining, Cheng Xu picked up

He took away his most cherished Eternal Letter and moved the dagger on his neck closer to the electronic device full of data.

"I know you value your records very much. In this case, I will add one more sentence to the previous conditions..."

"Hundred Files" has put the protective shell of the Eternal Letter into its mouth, and its jagged teeth are frantically cutting the soft material, making a creaking sound that makes Nix distressed.

"If you don't finish, I will destroy these records as well, and make you completely disappear in the true sense."


Nix's legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

As an agent who has been a clerk for more than ten years, this is an opportunity he will never encounter in his life, and he is only one step away from being famous in history...

But because of a small mistake of his own, the current situation has been caused.

The containment project that should have been a merit may bring him greater disaster.

"Mr. 'Yi Lin', if you can guarantee to protect us in the future and accept peaceful containment, I can fulfill both of your conditions..."

Hal showed the qualities of a field agent, calm and alert, trying to talk to Cheng Xu by exchanging conditions.

Then, in front of Cheng Xu, he opened the communication and connected to the headquarters.

"This is the headquarters, please speak."

"Headquarters, this is Agent Hal, requesting the withdrawal of the "Anti-Gravity Net" team, which makes the containment disgusted."

"The request is rejected, please use all possible means to cooperate with the "Anti-Gravity Net" team to carry out the containment operation."

"But... I..."

"No buts, remember your identity, agent! "

Cheng Xu felt a sense of resentment that had been suppressed for a long time in Hal's heart, so Cheng Xu tried to control his own power and magnify this resentment...

Hal fiercely shut down his communication, and his eyes became gradually firmer as he looked at Cheng Xu.

"Mr. 'Yi Lin', are you sure you can face 24 abnormal creatures alone?"

"Of course, as long as you are willing to tell me what kind of guys they are..."

Just as Cheng Xu was communicating with Hal, a loud noise came from the top of the damaged shelter...

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