The wreckage of the main building of the Bancos Reception Center has been completed.

"We have arrived at our destination, the remains of the main building of the Bancos Reception Center. Due to the subsequent impact of the time-space rupture, the building no longer has any mechanical structure."

A human in heavy armor is introducing the mission details to his teammates, waiting for the transport cabin to start the delivery mode.

He is the captain of the "Anti-Gravity Net", an agent who has participated in 12 containment operations and a thorough transformation.

He is nearly 3 meters tall and has undergone many experimental transformations, including toxin detection throat sac, third lung, second heart, intelligent assisted tumor brain, and built-in energy circulation.

And his teammates all have similar experiences to him, and each of them has more or less some transformation projects.

Among the 23 members besides him, there are 7 non-human members. They all received cognitive transformation surgery and implanted auxiliary computers to enhance their intelligence.

"There are still 30 seconds to reach the target point. The intensity of this containment project is in the "blade" rating range. The data is unknown. Be careful."

Then the captain patted the body of a monster team member, "Resurrection, you take the lead."

The monster called Resurrection walks upright like humans, but the end of its spine is not a head, but a tumor with a mimicry effect.

There are some black scars on the tumor, making it look like a very sloppy head.

The real head of the Resurrection is near the abdomen, and the face is a cone-shaped bulge that looks like a strangely shaped trash can lid.


The Resurrection made a sound of approval, walked to the front of the transport cabin, and began to warm up.

"Boom! "

With a roar, the rear cover of the transport cabin suddenly opened, wrapped the resurrected with a ball of hard material, and smashed towards the destination like a cannonball.

"The landing point is accurate, the camera is working normally, and the resurrected starts to move!"

In the transport cabin hovering in the air, the remaining team members were in a very relaxed posture, watching the real-time images on the screen like watching a movie.

The place where the resurrected landed seemed to be a dilapidated experimental area, and there was a floor away from the target location.

"Martha, increase the force later, otherwise it won't be able to break through."

"Got it. "

Even their captain was not that nervous, because he had experienced twelve operations and no longer cared about this level of danger.

And the ugly monster "Resurrection" was also the team member who had followed him the longest, and he could complete the task excellently every time.

After all, its feature is as its name suggests, it can be resurrected after receiving fatal injuries.

Theoretically, the Resurrection with a built-in energy core is difficult to kill, unless the opponent is strong enough to crush the energy core's shell that has been specially reinforced by the Foundation with one blow.

"Gulu... I hate digging... and I hate talking..."

The Resurrection took out a heavy composite tool from the airdrop shell, which included various disassembly functions such as thermal cutting and impact drilling.

Then it began to cut the floor slab Cut, find a feasible way to the next level.


The sound of gravel splashing sounded, and the resurrected person was bored and held the tool, waiting for the floor to be completely broken.

"Alas... It's like this every time, I guess I'll die once I go down..."

The resurrected person already hated his job. Every time he was either torn apart by powerful monsters or crushed by rules, he had to experience the pain of the edge of death more than once every day.

"I really hope this time will end quickly..."

As soon as this thought came to the resurrected person's mind, its detection radar lit up red.

"Alarm: Danger is coming"

As soon as this message appeared in the resurrected person's eyes, he felt that his head was torn apart by something, and his thinking was instantly cut off.

A moment later, its subsidiary thinking was successfully activated, and the energy core buried in the body began to operate, quickly repairing its broken body.

"Look, it's like this again..."

The resurrected being in the subordinate mind was like a bystander who had nothing to do with it. It was not interested in what kind of abuse its body would suffer.

But soon, it realized that something was wrong.

Because the guy who killed it did not take the usual treatment method.

Its body was not torn into pieces, nor was it eaten, nor was it thrown into the furnace as fuel...

Instead, he was dragged around and acted as a "paintbrush".

The blood of the resurrected showed a deep and thick black color like ink, which was very suitable for painting.

The first time Cheng Xu saw this color, he decided to use it to paint a stunning work.

In fact, from the beginning, Cheng Xu planned to use his power to draw some paintings with spiritual influence as traps to ambush those team members.

But after thinking about it, he didn't have a suitable inspiration and didn't know what subject to paint.

But at the moment when the blood of the resurrected splashed out, Cheng Xu's mind burst out with an extremely cruel inspiration...

"What else is more shocking than the flesh and blood of a companion... Well, maybe the bones of a lover are more effective..."

Cheng Xu didn't realize how much his mentality had changed after merging with the hunter.

Especially in the aspect of "art", he has gradually moved closer to the hunter, full of cruel elegance.

Soon, the blood of the resurrected was smeared all over the room, and the floor showed a silent black, reflecting weak light, and the fishy smell was pungent.


Cheng Xu broke off one of the resurrected's arms, and the bones and flesh were disassembled separately, forming a strange shape on the black ground.

Then Cheng Xu did not stop, and quickly tore the resurrected's body and spread it evenly on the ground, forming a picture, which was the resurrected with a smile on his face.

The "head version" of the resurrected painted with the flesh and blood of the resurrected is very similar to the original one, and looks full of black humor.

Cheng Xu deliberately picked up the camera carried by the resurrected, pointed it at its broken body, took a circle at random, and then suddenly raised it high, as if to show the full content of the painting to his audience.

"Unfortunately, the resurrected didn't bring back any useful information. We can only confirm that the object to be contained has optical invisibility or spatial transfer capabilities..."

The captain looked at the painting made of blood and bones without much emotion.

"Everyone, cheer up and get ready to go. You don't have the ability of the resurrected, so be careful not to get hurt!"

"Captain! The resurrected's signal... disappeared!"

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