The deputy captain also threw away his gun and slowly walked towards Cheng Xu, stopping about two meters in front of him.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"It's very simple. Talk about your views on the Foundation..."

"The Eye of the Universe Containment Foundation is sacred! The interests of the Foundation are inviolable!"

Before Cheng Xu started to instigate, the deputy captain let out a nervous roar.

From Cheng Xu's perspective, all the cowardice and doubt in the deputy captain's heart were swept away, and his attitude towards the Foundation became extremely firm.

"Sorry, what did you say just now?"

The deputy captain's carapace bulged in an exaggerated state, making his body look a little bigger, showing his anger in an almost instinctive way.

"I said, I belong to the Foundation, I have been a creation of the Foundation from the beginning to the end, I will never betray the Foundation!"

Cheng Xu roughly scanned his team members, those guys did not doubt the deputy captain's speech at all, and their beliefs were extremely firm.

"You were still doubting the headquarters just now, why are you suddenly so firm now, as if you were brainwashed..."

Cheng Xu was thinking about the emotional changes in them, and a gentle mental signal suddenly interacted with him and sent a greeting.

The greeting from mental perception was not just a simple sound information, but a series of perception signals synchronously displayed.

At the moment of receiving the mental signal, Cheng Xu felt that a very familiar face appeared in front of him, with gentleness and friendliness, which made Cheng Xu have the urge to hug him.

The face had no obvious features. Cheng Xu did not know who he was, and did not find the answer in his memory, but the warm feeling it brought to Cheng Xu was extremely real.

When this series of signals disappeared, Cheng Xu found that a brand new biological individual really appeared in front of him.

Its body is composed of translucent membranes, which are constantly floating in the air, like many jellyfish gathered together.

"Nice to meet you, visitor from another world. I am the agent responsible for this communication protocol. I am sorry to scare you."

The strange creature made up of countless jellyfish floated towards Cheng Xu and stretched out a section of equally translucent tentacles, exuding apology and gentle requests.

Cheng Xu understood that this was just one of the Foundation's usual methods.

First send some cannon fodder to test the strength of the contained objects, and then contain them according to needs.

Those who can't beat the cannon fodder team don't need to be contained. If they die, they die, or they can be taken back for fun.

Those who tie with the cannon fodder team can be taken back as new cannon fodder, anyway, it's just a matter of brainwashing.

And those individuals who show unique and powerful abilities will be arranged for individual agents to recruit.

For those who pose a major threat, the most powerful detention method will be directly adopted to control them to prevent threats to the Foundation's rule.

Those who are intelligent, can communicate, and have strength can be recruited into the team.

As for what they will do after joining the team, Cheng Xu feels that they will probably be high-level cannon fodder.

Cheng Xu looked at the tentacles emitting apologetic fluctuations, opened the space backpack, took out the energy core of the resurrection, and threw it to it.

"I will only kill those who are hostile to me, and I will also punish such annoying invaders."

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Are you willing to follow us back to the headquarters?"

Cheng Xu looked at the creature emitting soft fluctuations. There seemed to be a binding force field specifically for spiritual bodies around it, and Cheng Xu's pigment particles could not penetrate it at all.

"If I say I don't want to, I'm afraid you will just arrest me, right?"

"After all, you have killed three of our agents, so I have to be on guard against you."

"Where are the three? Strictly speaking, I only killed the guy who shot me."

The flexible creature hesitated for a few seconds, as if checking something, and then showed a stronger sense of apology, and even directly released the mental restraint on Cheng Xu.

"Sorry, alien, I didn't detect the mental signals of Hal and Nix just now, and I thought they were dead."

"Why would I kill them? As long as they are not hostile to me, I will never take the initiative to attack them."

After Cheng Xu felt the mental restraint around him disappear, he naturally walked down the stairs.

The hole in the board returned to the side of his shelter.

The two agents were hiding in Cheng Xu's "Magician" shelter at the moment, not daring to make a sound.

Originally, they were indeed staying in the damaged "Clown" house, but after hearing a burst of gunfire from the upper floor, they weighed the pros and cons and entered another shelter house through the interconnecting cabinet.

The gentle creature seemed to be a pure spiritual creature, directly penetrating the floor and appearing near the shelter.

"Is this your nest?"

"If you want to call it a nest, that's fine, but I prefer to call them houses."

The two agents who felt the call came out of the house and were relieved to see Cheng Xu who was unharmed.

Cheng Xu was a little confused when he saw their reaction, but he didn't show it obviously.

"The clerk and field recorder of the 32nd team of "Absolution Dust", welcome back to the team."

"You... you are "Hells Spire"! The dispatching officer of the headquarters..."

The gentle creature exuded a very friendly wave, as soft as its appearance, as if the breeze was blowing on your face, making people feel comfortable.

"Are you willing to return to the headquarters with us? Or do you have any demands? We can try to help you realize them."

Cheng Xu looked at the gentle creature, thought for a while, and decided to stick with his previous statement.

"I need to find a way home. Returning to my hometown is my only wish."

"As long as your hometown exists in this universe, we will do our best to find it for you... May I ask how we should call you?"

Cheng Xu glanced at Knicks next to him and answered casually: "He gave me a name in the report, called 'Yi Lin'. I think it's okay, so let's call me that."

Knicks and Hal looked at each other and felt as if they were dreaming. Just now, they felt like they were falling into an ice cave in hell. After a while, they seemed to have become the clerk who left a name in history.

"Very good, two agents, have your reports been uploaded? ”

“Not yet… not yet. We don’t have internet access in the letterhead. If you request, we will upload it immediately!”

“There is no rush. I hope you two can take good care of this guest and go to the headquarters with us.”

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