The whole live broadcast room exploded when Cheng Xu's shelter was directly wrapped by the space bubble. No one expected that things would develop like this. "Hive Tyrant_01: Why not kill him! Why keep that guy alive! You can tell he has bad intentions!"

"Ericsni_Kell: Idiot, the way of playing this game is very simple, it's just to see who can cause the biggest disturbance. No matter how big it is, can it be as big as going to the headquarters?"

"Core Observer_349: The question is, can the "killer" cause any waves at the headquarters..."

"Star Incarnation_1: Absolutely! The headquarters of this quadrant was created temporarily, and all the rules and weapons were destroyed, with only the most basic combat capabilities."

"Star Incarnation_1: Their containment projects are all supervised by agents in person. As long as you can avoid those agents, you can definitely cause some trouble!"

"Star Incarnation_1: I think with the ability of the "killer", it is even possible to assassinate the temporary acting senator!"

"*Star Incarnation_1 has been muted by the administrator*"

Teng Qie, who was watching the live broadcast with a trumpet, angrily slammed the table, and the temperature of the thermal radiation that burst out instantly exceeded the surface of the star.

Furious, Teng Qie immediately opened the administrator group and began to question the two consciousness-linked colleagues who were in charge of the live broadcast.

"Teng Qie: @十牡茄, @刺天茄, why did you block me!!"

"十牡茄: If you keep talking, you'll reveal all the inside information..."

"刺天茄: This is called a protective ban, which will stop you before you lose your salary."

"Teng Qie: ..."

"十牡茄: I've applied for a new account for you, named @炽热核心_1, stop talking nonsense."

Cheng Xu himself knew nothing about all this, and was in the space bubble, chatting with Hal and Nix.

"...Yes, Lord "Hells Spire" is a being with extremely strong mental abilities. Its body is a ball of soul alloy, a byproduct of a certain experiment."

"Thank God Lord "Hells Spire" still exists, otherwise I would have thought the headquarters was finished, haha. ”

“The headquarters has indeed suffered a great loss and is almost completely destroyed, but it is still barely functioning.”

“Uh, Lord “Hells Spire”, you have been listening…”

After “Hells Spire” appeared, Nix, who had been talking nonstop, became a little stuttering and his voice became smaller and smaller.

“Don’t be nervous, I like the atmosphere of your chat just now, please continue.”

Nix opened his mouth, but did not make any sound, and it seemed that he had lost interest in chatting.

Cheng Xu quickly took over the conversation and continued to chat with “Hells Spire”, trying to get more information.

“In other words, you are recruiting now?”

“Yes, we are in urgent need of agents like you to join us now. After all, as you know, we have suffered a devastating disaster…”

“Hells Spire” exuded an angry red color, showing a sharp emotional reaction like a sting.

"That disaster caused most of our containment nodes to fail, and many containment objects that endanger the world's safety were released. The whole world is in danger..."

Cheng Xu cooperated and showed a slight sadness, even though he just picked up some powder from his paint bottle and spread it, and he did not have any empathy for others.

After feeling the sadness waves emanating from Cheng Xu, "Hells Spire" seemed to have a higher degree of recognition of Cheng Xu, and his emotional response to him was also milder.

"I guess you are also a person who loves your homeland and companions. If you are willing, are you willing to help other wanderers find their hometown?"

"Are there other wanderers?"

"Hells Spire" showed a picture, in which there were humans, giant monsters, and even many figures that Cheng Xu was very familiar with.

"We suspect that during this cosmic wave disaster, many beings similar to you also fell into our universe, collectively known as 'outsider'."

"What can I do for you?"

"Persuade them to join the Foundation, or accept shelter, reduce their time wandering in the outside world, and at the same time reduce the harm they may suffer."

"Hells Spire" showed a very sincere mental fluctuation, waiting for Cheng Xu's reply.

"I can serve you, but it depends on your sincerity."

"I am glad that you can accept our request. It is an honor for the Foundation.

, we will definitely do our best to satisfy you and look forward to the day when we can cooperate with you. "

"Has arrived at the temporary command center"

A paragraph of text appeared in the space bubble, which Cheng Xu could not understand, but according to the mental fluctuations of others, Cheng Xu knew what it meant.

"This is our temporary headquarters. It was originally just an observation station. After temporary expansion, it is now used as a command center."

While "Hells Spire" introduced it to Cheng Xu, another thread of it had already notified Senator Infinite who was staying in the command center.

Or, one of Senator Infinite's clones.

As a new member of parliament, Infinite's logo in the parliament is "infinite overlap", which is a symmetrical pattern like the inside of a kaleidoscope.

This is closely related to his hobby.

Before becoming a member of parliament, he was very keen on making replicas of himself. Each individual has a different morphological structure, but shares the same consciousness.

That consciousness comes from his original body. As for where this original body is, only he knows.

Without any worries, he basically won't stay at home like other congressmen, but will participate in a lot of activities in a high-profile manner.

"Well, the guy's good intentions are obvious, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Congressman, I suggest you talk more about its hometown. We need to know the truth of the matter."


Infinite put down the wine glass in his hand, in which there was a strange curly creature, which seemed to be alive.

"Does this guy have any obvious connection with those alien visitors?"

"Most of them have houses with very similar shapes, and some carry creations that are more like 'nests'. It is not clear what the relationship between these structures and them is."

"Okay, I'll ask it later."

Member Infinite tidied his collar and gently patted the small creature in the wine glass, and the thing quickly let out a crying wail.

Then, the mellow wine quickly gushed out from around the body of the small creature, like a miniature fountain.

At this moment, the hatch opened, and "Hells Spire" took Cheng Xu into the councillor's house.

"This is our temporary chief, Mr. Infinite."

"Hey! Hello, friend from another world..."

Infinite gave Cheng Xu a firm hug without hesitation.

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