The hug made Cheng Xu feel threatened subconsciously, and the scales on his body suddenly tightened, but relaxed after a moment.

"I'm sorry to meet you in such a cramped place, but we have been in too much trouble recently, and there is not enough manpower to hold a welcome ceremony for you..."

The cannon fodder agents left at some point, and took Hal and Nix away with them. Cheng Xu didn't feel their disappearance at all.

Infinite showed enthusiasm that did not belong to his identity, and even moved a chair for Cheng Xu and placed it near Cheng Xu.

"Sit wherever you feel comfortable!"

Cheng Xu did not pick and choose, and sat on the chair with a very special material, trying to capture Infinite's emotional reaction.

To Cheng Xu's surprise, his power penetrated into Infinite's body effortlessly, closely monitoring his brain reaction.

"I have heard reports about you. I heard that you came here to find your hometown, right?"

Infinite's emotions were very clear, with a kindness that was almost like the sun after the rain, pure and amazing.

"That's right, Mr. Infinite."

"Oh, you are a conscious creature like "Hells Spire", so it's easy to deal with."

Infinite did not procrastinate at all, and seemed to be really working hard for Cheng Xu's matter.

"Please describe your hometown for me. If you add some scenery images, it will be more perfect. ”

Delight, kindness, expectation, eagerness.

So far, Infinite has only shown these emotions, without any other negative reactions. He can be called a perfect saint.

Cheng Xu closed his eyes and began to recall the scenery he had seen before.

The untrodden riverbank, the quiet park in the afternoon, the shining residential area at sunset...

More than a dozen pictures flashed by, along with Cheng Xu's nostalgic emotions, and were transmitted to Infinite's mind.

"Your hometown is beautiful. I hope that when you return to your hometown, you will treat me to a glass of your good wine."

Infinite picked up the wine glass in his hand, took a sip, and nodded to Cheng Xu with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Infinite. "

Cheng Xu's gratitude was not overly enthusiastic. Instead, he said thank you in a hushed voice, like a very reserved child.

"You're welcome. This is what we should do. It is also the long-cherished wish of the Foundation, so that the residents of the entire universe can live a stable life and enjoy this world!"

An extremely grand emotion emerged from him, and the compassion for the world was extremely shining.

At this moment, he really turned into a sage. Cheng Xu even extracted some bright pigments with metallic light from his emotions.

"Later, I will hold a private banquet for you and the two agents who bravely communicated with you. Please be sure to attend..."

Senator Infinite waved his hand, and the "Hells Spire" hidden in the void showed its figure and sent a guiding wave to Cheng Xu.

"Come this way, Agent "Different Scales."

"Am I considered an agent now?"

"If you mind, I can choose another title. ”

“Just call me ‘Odd Scale’.”

“The Spire of Hell” took Cheng Xu into an empty space, where there were three layers of translucent observation cages with many unremoved signs on them.

““EXD-1307 Jungle Calls”, containment level… Blade.”

Cheng Xu read the top label, where another containment project seemed to have been imprisoned.

“This is the former containment cage. The guest area is still in a damaged state and has no air pressure. It is a bit too difficult for you to survive…”

“I understand.”

Cheng Xu saw his three shelters on a crane tower, being transported from the ground to the containment cage.

The pyramid-shaped geometric body responsible for providing energy and operating the crane tower seems to be a spiritual containment similar to the “Spire of Hell”.


Cheng Xu’s shelter, along with part of the land under the shelter, was transported to the containment cage, which looked very inconsistent with the surrounding green remnants.

"Let me introduce you to this, this is the dispatcher of the original observatory, "Kellyer Cube."

The pyramid-shaped geometric object slowly descended and transformed in front of Cheng Xu.

The shape turned into a very basic cube, and the surface was constantly repeating the process of decomposition and reorganization.

Cheng Xu felt a strong curiosity and very vague communication expression from its changes.

"Approximate body... human... non-human... crystal structure... bone... plant..."

Cheng Xu quickly blocked the very impolite mental scan, and felt a little disgusted with this obviously not so smart spiritual creature.

"Please rest in your house. The banquet will start in a few hours. I look forward to your presence."

The figure of "Hells Spire" gradually faded and disappeared, leaving only Cheng Xu and the constantly changing spiritual creature looking at each other.

In a room that was dozens of times more luxurious than the reception room just now, Senator Infinite held a containment in his hand and kept playing with it. The jade black crystal stone spread unstable energy outward.

"What's the situation with "Hells Spire"? "

"The true intention of the containment is still hidden deep in its heart. The scam we temporarily built did not work. "

Infinite threw the crystal aside, and purple lines quickly spread on the surface of the crystal, and the chaotic energy waves quickly supported it.

"In my opinion, that guy is very likely to come here with some purpose, such as killing me."

Infinite called up a blurry surveillance video picture, which was Nanqie and Tengqie who came to "negotiate" before.

"Different races, but they get along very well, and they also have incomprehensible power... More importantly, they all come from the outside universe."

"Hells Spire" also called up a few pictures, all of which were the latest alien visitors.

"These alien visitors don't get along well with each other. Among them, three pairs of alien visitors were even fighting each other when we found them."

"Hehe, play with them for a while, anyway, they can't escape with the "Eternal Sleep" and "Gazer" troops guarding them. "

"I have notified the "Black Stone Mark", "Ochre Blade", "Lamenting Singer", and "Hissinger" to move closer to us in case of emergency."

When Infinite heard these names, he changed his previous wildness and his eyes became calm and composed.

"That's not enough. Notify the twelve teams on standby in case of emergency."

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