The door was opened, and the door was opened.

"Open the door... Open the door..."

The spirit body exuded vague mental fluctuations and gradually opened the door of the containment cage, like lifting a corner of a mosquito net, lifting the transparent protective wall, waiting for Cheng Xu to enter.

Cheng Xu didn't want to talk to this guy even a word, so he hurried into his cage and walked towards the shelter.

It wasn't until he closed the door of the shelter that Cheng Xu felt that the discomfort of being peeped on his body completely disappeared.

"The isolation effect of the shelter seems to be effective..."

Cheng Xu finally removed the scales on his face, opened a pack of instant noodles, and ate them dry without water.

Previously, he, the Spire of Hell and the two agents were all in the Magician's Shelter, and he didn't dare to let them get close to his real base.

"This congressman really treated me like a fool..."

Cheng Xu chewed instant noodles while thinking back to the meeting that was so deliberate.

"Who doesn't have other mental reactions? You're pretending so badly, and you've wasted that glass of wine..."

With the existence of the Spire of Hell, Cheng Xu should have no way of reading Infinite's thoughts. They passed the information to Cheng Xu so obviously, and their intention was too obvious.

"Think I'm a threat, and test my IQ?"

Cheng Xu carefully recalled the events just now, and suddenly felt that Infinite had another plot in this play.

"No, looking at their performance, it seems that they not only regard me as a threat target, but also as a spy who has infiltrated the inside..."

Cheng Xu thought carefully, and since he met the two agents, he didn't seem to have any particularly obvious spy behavior.

He neither actively sought help from the Foundation nor showed goodwill to the Foundation, and even killed a Foundation agent. He could not be a spy in any way.

"Even the scenes of my hometown in my mind are real... Which link aroused their suspicion..."

Cheng Xu suddenly remembered what "Hells Spire" mentioned before, about the survival game players who went here with him.

"They are also called aliens... or we are collectively called aliens, even though each of us has a great degree of difference..."

Cheng Xu continued to think along this line of thought, why these abnormal targets of his were noticed, or who might be the first guy called "alien".

"Yes, the administrator group, I have seen it!"

Cheng Xu suddenly remembered that he had glanced at it. In the chat group, Nanjia once said that he would take Tengjia to discuss the subsequent map selection.

And then the map was changed from "Containment Foundation" to "Failed Containment Foundation"...

After searching the chat records, Cheng Xu finally confirmed his thoughts.

"Tengqie and Nanqie have definitely brought a great disaster to the Foundation, and they must be the first group of alien visitors. No wonder we are so concerned..."

Cheng Xu thought for a while and suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to see any staff along the way.

Except for the stupid and rude Rubik's Cube, there were no other working guys, not to mention humans, and there were few mechanical equipment.

"This place is definitely not a headquarters. It is probably an oversized prison. At least my shelter will be difficult to escape..."


Cheng Xu's door was suddenly knocked, and the sound was muffled, not like the sound of hard objects colliding.

Cheng Xu quickly put down the instant noodles, covered his face with scales again, and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a human in red armor, her skin showing a similar ochre red color to the armor.

"Oh! Cool!"

The moment she saw Cheng Xu, her eyes lit up and she whistled.

"A handsome guy of a different race, or a cool sister, can you meet me?"

Cheng Xu sensed her inner reaction, which was a gentle red, but full of teasing fluorescent colors.

Cheng Xu also sensed a very clear idea: "This crystal scale is definitely powerful to chop!"

"Erto! Come out!"

A man with a mechanical body stood outside the transparent protective wall and let out a rough roar, and "Erto" seemed to be the name of the guy in front of him.

Cheng Xu did not show any reaction, but just stood at the door of his house, staring at her face.

But the next

In one second, Cheng Xu sensed a very provocative idea.

"I know you are reading my thoughts, little trash, if you have the guts, beat me up!"

"Erto, you won't come out, right!"

The man with the whole body of machinery actually passed through the transparent protective wall and stuffed a piece of dark blue ore into her pocket.

In the range covered by the ore, Cheng Xu found that he had lost all his perception, and Erto's thoughts became a chaotic noise.

"Sorry, this 'different scale' agent, we are the "Ochre Blade" agent team, just completed the mission, this girl is aggressive, heard that a new agent came, and had to come to provoke..."

Cheng Xu did not make any extra movements, directly closed the door, and returned to the shelter.

"There are more people... and it is obvious that they are all combat troops. "

Although the female agent just now showed extreme arrogance, her muscle reaction did not look like she was ready to fight to the death.

And she seemed to have a unique radar reaction, similar to the threat detection radar on Knicks and others.

"You want to collect information from me... That's not possible."

Cheng Xu activated his skills instantly, and his figure disappeared from the shelter and entered the mirror world.

In the world composed of reflected light, Cheng Xu saw the two guys standing behind the transparent barrier, talking.

"Is it okay to talk here?"

"No problem, this transparent glass is a real-time display screen, and the screen playing inside is all masked images, so we won't appear."

"What do you think of this thing?"

The girl with ochre-red skin opened her mouth and yawned, spewing out a ball of flame.

"I can't see through it, but at least it's a high-level "sharp blade."

"Since the captain said so, brothers will work hard to strengthen the protection nearby. "

The girl waved her hand, her expression a little serious.

The mechanical man who looked very rough just now left without looking back the moment he saw the gesture.

"Another big job... None of these visitors from other worlds are worry-free..."

The hall where only Cheng Xu existed originally quickly became lively, and many agents were busy running around in it, arranging defensive fortifications around Cheng Xu's containment cage.

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