The old man was very happy.

"Nothing, just a bunch of identical plant collections came to the containment department, all collected today."

"What a coincidence."

"That's right, it is said that the ship in the accident was parasitized by plants, and it is still being studied!"

"Very interesting, I will pay attention to it later."

The freighter sorted all the medicines and put them away, then pushed the cart away.

"Mr. Cheng Xu, there is nothing interesting here for the time being. If you like, you can go and see the ship."

Cheng Xu heard the doctor's words, but did not leave. Instead, he stayed there, waiting for the next patient to come.

"Tengqie: Wow, these two oaths are so important, are they really effective?"

"Ci Tianqie: Actually, I have made this system, but for ordinary people, the impact weight is only about 5%"

"Ci Tianqie: That is to say, if you break the oath, there is a high probability that there will be a very small blood disaster"

"Tengqie: Small? How small can it be?"

"Ci Tianqie: Once every ten days, accidentally breaking a finger or something like that"

"Tengqie: What about the "fortune teller"?"

"Ci Tianqie: 200% weight, but if she abides by the oath, she will get a buff of increased spirit value. The more oaths she makes, the stronger the effect"

"Tengqie: Interesting"

Cheng Xu stayed in the emergency room for nearly fifteen minutes. During this time, only one patient was sent to the emergency room, and he was here to pick up follow-up medicine. He left after staying for a few minutes.

Cheng Xu, who was too bored, decided to leave here first and take a look at the small boat.

The boat enclosed in the containment cage is being dissected at this moment, and many researchers are operating it through several layers of protective facilities.

Two idle researchers are standing by the observation window chatting, seemingly arguing about something.

"The mechanical components of the spacecraft are normal, and no abnormal reactions have been detected, but we should wait until the "Kerman Analyzer" has free threads before drawing conclusions."

"Don't we have anything else to prove ourselves except the "Kerman Analyzer"? Must everything be handed over to an abnormal containment object for judgment?"

"You are a newcomer and don't know anything. You will understand after working for another two or three years."

"No matter how long I work, I will never rely on an abnormal containment object!"

"You are talking nonsense. Our technological level has suddenly leaped up and broken through superluminal travel within 500 years. What is it based on? Is it your smart brain?"

"No... you can't..."

"Even children know that we can develop to the current level by relying on the "EXD-20 Star Walker". The knowledge He gave us has not been digested yet. ”

“But, I still don’t…”

“Nothing, our top leaders, four of those councillors were once containment objects, these things are our future and wealth, it’s okay to respect them.”

The young man who was just indignant fell silent, looking at the dismantled spaceship in front of him, biting his lips tightly.

“It’s a pity, our development has reached a bottleneck, no one knows what the future will be like…”

“The future is definitely not for containment objects…”

The young man muttered in a low voice, his eyes still full of unconvinced resentment.

“Mr. Lisbon! There is a vacant thread in the “Kerman Analyzer”!”

“Okay, I’ll go right over. ”

The older researcher patted the young man on the shoulder and walked to the work area, leaving the young man alone in the observation area.

"Look at what we have become... Relying on abnormal containment objects and worshipping them, the value of human life is not even as good as a "jewelry" level containment object..."

"The level of technological development is more terrifying than myths, but we are still mortals full of greed, and we need to satisfy our desires to live... Even the congressmen are the same..."

The young man sighed and returned to his workstation to carry out the boring observation task.

Cheng Xu thought about this and had some ideas in his mind.

However, he did not stop for this sudden idea, but entered the operating area and observed the operation of the dissection equipment.

When the upper part of the operating cabin was almost disassembled, the analysis work moved to the next stage.

"Start disassembling the cargo hold, be careful of the spread of abnormal containment, and turn the force field to maximum power!"

When the cargo hold was forced

When the robot arm opened, the mechanical creature covered with broken parts appeared in it, holding its head with a frightened look.

"An abnormal creature was found and is being contained."

A small containment cage was transported into it and placed on the ground. The mechanical equipment was slowly calibrated and was about to push the mechanical creature into the small containment cage.

But before the mechanical arm touched it, the mechanical life let out a wail, rushed directly into the small containment cage, and curled up.

"The containment "EXD-3369-1" is suspected to be the original cargo hold manager of the team. He is emotionally unstable and can be sent for biological identification. "

Just when the mechanical life was locked in the small containment cage, a containment cage in the cargo hold suddenly released a large amount of flames, forming a firestorm in the force field shield.

The black and white firestorm did not cause any damage, and the high temperature could not even be transmitted outside the force field shield, and could only rotate around the containment cage.

The containment cage that had already failed quickly melted and turned into a ball of purple liquid, which quickly solidified to form an opaque crystal ball located in the center of the force field shield.

The remaining low-level containment cages were also dissolved by the flames, and more substances were quickly covered on the outside of the crystal ball, making the ball thicker.

When most of the cargo hold was engulfed by the flames, all that was left was the increasingly large ball.

Just when all the researchers were about to observe it again, an alarm sounded in the nearby research room.

"The containment broke through the blockade! Lock up the plants brought today! Quick! "

The black and white flames instantly melted the metal walls and containment cages, and then reshaped them into weapons, destroying more research areas.

Before the guards arrived, all the white plants loaded in the laboratory gathered together to form a huge creature entwined by white vines.

The moment it formed, the entire research area began to heat up. Even with several layers of protection, all the researchers still felt the stuffiness and suffocation.

"Where are the guards? Where is the emergency security!"

"Help! Guards! Come quickly! !"

"They... they blocked this area..."

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