The three layers of protection in the laboratory were slowly melting, and the giant plant burning with flames approached the researchers with an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Open the door! The data is all here! If we die, all the data will be gone!"

"Help! My child can't be without a father..."

"Let us out! You are violating human rights!!"

The voices of those researchers could not penetrate the thick protective barriers at all, and no one cared about their lives.

The defense forces stationed at the edge of the barrier were given a death order, no matter what came out of the door, they would be killed.

Even if the other party looks exactly like someone you know, you must never believe it.

"What broke out in the experimental area is the plant containment that has just been numbered today. The current hazard level has been raised from "Blade" to "Crown"..."

The junior officer in charge of commanding the on-site troops paced back and forth, explaining the details of the order to the guards who were waiting in a state of alert.

"All scientific researchers have died, including 29 researchers and 14 observers. They are all great pioneers and deserve our remembrance."

The officer paused, as if receiving a manuscript written by someone else for him.

"Before they died, they had transferred all their research data to our "Confluence" through the "Coman Analyzer"..."

The officer took out his pistol, put it on his chest, and saluted.

"When the situation stabilizes, I need you to go in and ensure that the bodies of these heroes are not desecrated by the containment, and kill all the still active organisms!"

"Before the specialists of the containment center arrive, you are the first line of defense of the "Ochre Blade". Be sure to prevent any leakage of the containment!"

"Yes! ! "

Each guard felt the responsibility they had to shoulder, holding their weapons tightly, waiting for every possible occurrence.

Inside the laboratory, the huge plant transformed by Qi Ling had melted all the defense facilities and successfully brought its body close to the researchers.

Then, just when the researchers thought they were about to be burned to charcoal, the black and white flames quickly disappeared, leaving only the white jade-like vines.

The slender and crystal vines slowly moved, approached the researchers, and released gentle mental fluctuations.

But no one dared to touch the plant, but just squeezed in the corner, shivering and shaking.


A young man suddenly stood up, holding a broken table leg, and smashed the winding white vines hard.

"Get out! You bloodthirsty beast! ”

The person who stood up was the young observer who hated the abnormal containment. At this moment, his eyes were full of resentment, without any cowardice.

"I can feel your unwillingness, young man..."

The plant exuded very clear mental fluctuations, allowing every researcher present to hear every word clearly.

"Anger has occupied your heart, and even wiped out all the fear of existence, so that you dare to challenge me without knowing your own strength..."

"Yes! Come on! If you have the guts, burn me to ashes!"

The plant curled up, and there was a hint of elegance and luxury.

"You still don't understand why you are angry, human..."

"Why am I angry? !"

The young man threw the table leg in his hand at the plant, which bounced off its body and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Because of the appearance of abnormal containment like you, the lives of ordinary people are becoming less and less valuable! Even today, no one came to rescue me when I was trapped in the sea of ​​fire! ! "

Hearing this, the white vines of the plant lifted up high and trembled slightly, as if it was laughing with its mouth covered.

"Hahaha...'You' abnormal containment objects... May I ask if I and those containment objects gave ourselves this title?"

The young man was stunned, staring at the plant in front of him carefully, clenching his fists.

"We were originally part of this world, and we were forcibly labeled as 'abnormal' and became the private property of the foundation..."

The plant once again put its tentacles close to the researchers. This time they didn't seem to resist so much and let the plant get close.

"The agents and researchers at the bottom exchanged their lives for data, fantasizing that they could become legends who recorded all this..."


A researcher stood up, panting, and wanted to say something, but his throat was choked and he couldn't make a sound.

"But those upper-level leaders regard you as consumables, the lubricant to maintain their private property, and send you to fill the list of those contained objects with blood!"

An emotional atmosphere full of rebellious spirit was ignited, quietly leaving the seeds of rebellion in the hearts of a group of researchers, and now it is secretly taking root with the words of the plant.

"We are all victims, the bottom lives exploited by those greedy people, humble and insignificant, powerless, and even powerless..."

A small white flower slowly bloomed, exuding a fragrance around the young man, making him, who was gradually a little depressed, feel an unprecedented excitement.

Then, the plant picked up the table leg that fell on the ground and handed it back to the young man.

"Now, we must rise up and resist, take your weapons!"

"Why... do you want to help us?"

The plant raised its head again, and the high arc was like a sharp blade in the hands of a knight.

"Because when I was scanned by the "Corman Analyzer", I also read its storage and saw a lot of things about you..."

"9 days ago, "EXD-1376 Blood Pond" mutated, 39 researchers and 27 security soldiers were devoured, and it was not reported publicly."

"17 days ago, "EXD-1246 Sorrow Chewer" got out of control, 13 researchers were torn to pieces, and it was not reported."

"19 days ago, "EXD-998 Greedy Sneer" ran wild, killing 117 soldiers and destroying an entire containment department, and it was still not reported to you."

"There are many other examples. This huge containment foundation has anomalies that escape and lose control almost every day, and the ending is that the news is concealed without exception..."

"After today's disaster, I'm afraid your names will be erased from the records. No one cares what you did, and no one cares if you ever existed." ”

The plant spreads its vines around everyone, inviting all researchers.

“Come on, cooperate with me, and I will give you a future that belongs to you alone!”

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