The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.

At this moment, Cheng Xu seemed to have crossed countless time and saw Zauli, who had just started to fight. The moves he made with the wooden sword in his hand were extremely immature and immature.

"Hengshan Cuo."

Cheng Xu muttered the name of the move, retracted his left leg, raised his right hand high, and the dagger in his palm was slanted like a sword, accumulating strength.

"Hengshan Cuo is not used like this. You have to have the determination to fight to the death and the courage to sweep through thousands of troops!"

Although Zauli still had a master-like tone, he was merciless in his moves, and the flames of the resentful soul buried in his body suddenly burst out!

A large number of dark red skull-shaped flames flew out with the swing of the sword blade, besieging Cheng Xu from the west in eight directions.

Behind the flame barrier that was stacked and pieced together like a curtain wall, Zauri's bone sword followed. The blade with strong gravity had the power comparable to a battering ram.

Cheng Xu, standing in place, did not make any move to dodge. His expression was a little dazed, his thoughts were wandering, and his eyes did not look at the attacks that were about to approach.

In his mind, fragments of Zauri's life were flowing rapidly. The young man who could only swing the sword with brute force was struggling on the battlefield, and the scars on his body continued to increase...

Figures appeared one after another, and faces disappeared one after another. Cheng Xu stretched out his hand, felt that he had found something, and hummed softly.

"The country will last for thousands of years..."

A gravity wave centered on Cheng Xu's body suddenly broke out, instantly defeating all the flying flame skulls, turning them into flying ashes!

Even the gravity blessing on Zauri's bone sword was offset, and the force of the slash returned to normal...


The dagger in Cheng Xu's hand completely blocked Zauri's bone sword, and the ferocious sharp teeth bit the blade of the bone sword directly to death. A large number of thorns quickly climbed along Perri's arm towards the bone sword.

A flame containing malice and death blocked the progress of the thorns, causing the power of Zauri and Cheng Xu to confront and seesaw.

"You have forgotten its name and the honors you once shouldered, right?"

Cheng Xu directly removed the scales on his face, staring at Zauri in front of him with a burning gaze, his eyes filled with a familiar and palpitating light that made Zauri feel.

"It seems that you like to explore other people's pasts, which is very rude..."

"They are in your body, right?"

Zauli's flame pupils ushered in a tremor, and the swaying flames were like candle shadows in the wind.

"What do you know?"

"You are not a god of war, never have been, that is just the beautified memory you chose..."

The thorns that continued to grow along Cheng Xu's arms suddenly began to grow, directly piercing through the flames that prevented it from climbing, and continued to spread towards Zauri's body.

Zauri fell into silence, the flames in his eyes swayed more and more, and the light gradually changed from dark red to blazing red.

"You are a butcher, killing your brother, your father, the emperor you once swore allegiance to, and all the subjects who opposed you."

"Of course, you are also the emperor of a short-lived dynasty, a tyrant, a demon who slaughtered 100,000 civilians as sacrifices for pleasure!"

Cheng Xu raised his left hand, and a sword made of thorns appeared in his hand, which looked very much like the rough and simple wooden sword that Zauri used when he learned sword.

"You left because your country was doomed. You were overthrown by the rebellious soldiers and forced to flee. You joined the foundation and became one of them."

"Even if you have cleared your memory and filled it with false memories, their wronged souls still surround you, questioning you, where is the oath you made at the beginning!"

The sword in Cheng Xu's left hand grew again, turning into a broad general sword, full of dents and blood stains left by the war.

"Those who fled with you were once your confidants and your brothers and sisters. They went through life and death with you just because of the oath you made at the beginning of the army!"

The thorn vines have completely overwhelmed the existence of the flames and touched Zauri's withered body, but he didn't seem to notice it at all.

A memory picture extracted by Cheng Xu was transmitted to Zauri's mind through the thorns. It was his young self.

He was wearing a red damaged armor, holding a general sword confiscated from the enemy, and facing the forty or so remaining soldiers under his command.

Soldier, made a vow...

"I, Zauri! I will never betray my comrades who have lived and died with me, otherwise, I will take my life with this sword!!"

The fire in Zauri's eyes suddenly went out, and his flesh and blood grew again, wrapping the bones burning with flames again.

"Alas, you said you, you made me think of these bad things, and I have to do another memory reconstruction, is it troublesome..."

A powerful mental wave came instantly, directly interrupting the connection between Cheng Xu and Zauri, and turning the thorns into dry branches in an instant, losing their vitality.

Beside Zauri, more than a dozen guards with four corners had gathered and launched a powerful controlled mental restraint at Cheng Xu.

The strange mental prison could not be avoided in a conventional way, so Cheng Xu had to sneak into the mirror world and disappeared within the perception range of those guards.

"Sir, the fuses of the explosives on the outside of the spacecraft have all been removed, and all 31 manufacturing units have been destroyed. The control of the ship belongs to "Ochre Blade". "

Zauli's face showed that careless smile again, and he spit at the place where Cheng Xu disappeared with an attitude of indifference.

"Besides him, have you caught another alien visitor?"

"No, but we have blocked the space force field, and they can't leave this ship!"

"What about the traitors who participated in the riot?"

"They have been controlled. Do you want to interrogate them? "

Zauli smiled, just like when he was an emperor, killing people for fun every day.

"Let's go, I will interrogate them myself..."

Cheng Xu looked at the still carefree figure, accumulating strength in the mirror world, preparing to launch a second attack, directly piercing this guy's psychological defense.

But a voice arrived before his attack, full of anger and uncontrollable madness.

"Zauli! ! I'm going to tear you apart! ! ! "

A figure with twisted light arcs flashing all over his body rushed over, cutting up all the cabins of the spacecraft along the way, and the twisted space fluctuations were as terrifying as a chaotic storm.

Perli, who escaped from his restraints for some reason, has entered a completely crazy state. His skin has turned into a completely transparent crystal shell, and the condensed starlight is running wildly in his body...

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