The more the psychic cage was built, the more it was.

"Build a psychic cage!"

The dozen guards suddenly jumped up and wanted to contain Perli as before, but their power was completely unable to get close to Perli, and they could only be swallowed by the space rift.

"You still want to activate the dormant protocol you left in my scum!"

Perli's power was gradually unsealed, and more starlight with blazing light appeared in his body, like the universe of the Big Bang when chaos first began.

The chaotic space rifts moved towards a more exaggerated degree, and Perli's body began to become unstable.

Cracks began to appear on the surface of his body, and blazing white light leaked out from the cracks, bringing more unstable space storms.

The area covered by the space turbulence was in an unobservable state, and time was even slightly disordered. The separated things collapsed again, and then they were reunited in an instant, repeating the cycle...

Zauli, who originally wanted to retreat, found that his feet could not control the direction of his advance at all. No matter which direction he went, he would eventually deviate to the self-destructing Perli.

In the end, Zauli simply stopped walking and stood there, looking at the rampaging Perli with an indifferent smile on his face.

"Perli, or "EXD-126 Void Legacy", we have known each other for nearly five years."

"No matter how many years... I will definitely make you die without a complete corpse! !"


Zauli sighed, opened his armor, and began to feel around on the outside of his coat, as if looking for something.

"I finally know why I feel tired all these years. It turns out that I have been pretending to be a good person against my heart... This won't work. "

Zauli took out a bone-made amulet, which looked very delicate. There was a hollow carving of a figure sitting on a throne, which looked like a king.

At the moment the amulet appeared, a shield full of purple starlight appeared beside Zauli, wrapping him perfectly.

When those chaotic space storms touched the shield, the two merged with each other as if they were one, without any collision or repulsion.

"Do you know it? This is one of your ribs."

Zauli laughed very happily. In all these years, he felt that he had never felt so refreshed.

"Roar! ! "

Poli, whose vocal cords were torn by the space rift, could no longer make human sounds, and could only roar in anger.

More spatial turbulence burst out from his body, tearing madly at the man in front of him who made him furious and desperate, but it was completely unable to defeat the shield that was of the same origin as his own.

"After all this commotion, I remembered one of my hobbies..."

Zauli walked leisurely and approached Poli, looking at the poor guy who was gradually disintegrating in mid-air, and smiled comfortably.

"Sure enough, I never get tired of watching it... the indignant and powerless expression of the humble..."

"Bang! "

A thorn with a strong gravity hit Zauri's palm. Although it failed to break his armor, it successfully made the bone amulet fall out of his hand.

A black shadow reacted faster than Zauri and took the amulet away just as it was out of his control, leaving a defenseless Zauri for Perri.

In an instant, Zauri turned into a real "ochre-red blade", and his body was torn into dozens of pieces by the violent space cracks, and a lot of blood drifted like mist.

Because the space blade cut too sharply, Zauri, who was completely dead, still stood in the same place, with the horror of the amulet falling out of his hand on his face.

A few seconds later, the skin attached to the surface of his body began to fall off. The flames fell, revealing the gray skeleton below, which was no longer burning, and filled with ochre-like fragments.

Cheng Xu took the amulet and quickly walked towards Perli, standing in front of him, and connected with Perli's mind.

"Well, although I failed to kill the old man Amphibiy, I am satisfied. If you want to know anything else, ask quickly..."

Cheng Xu did not speak, but just showed the dagger in his palm, with the sharp blade pointed at Perli's chest.

"Oh, don't ask anything, but it's true. I am kept in the dark by them every day, and basically I don't know anything. It's useless to ask..."

At this moment, the scales on Cheng Xu's face all disappeared, revealing his original human face, and bowed to Perli who was about to die.

"Hey, you're still hesitating when you come to kill someone. Hurry up! I can't wait!"


Cheng Xu's blade pierced Perri's chest, and a large number of thorns began to multiply rapidly, instantly occupying his almost burnt body, ending his pain as quickly as possible.

The souls belonging to Zauri and Perri were completely swallowed by Cheng Xu. Before they could digest them, a crystal-like mechanical creation rushed out of the hole.

"No time, follow me!"

The guy had a human tied to him with white plant vines, and it seemed to be the laboratory observer with a strong will to resist.

The crystal machine threw the tied human to Cheng Xu, and then a large amount of flames suddenly appeared on its body, and it threw a shield full of flames at the outer shell of the spacecraft!

"Bang! Boom..."

The purple flames instantly crystallized the outer shell of the spacecraft, and the hull that could not withstand the pressure suddenly broke, revealing an outer layer maintenance platform in space.

The cabin began to lose pressure rapidly. Cheng Xu felt a little short of oxygen and his eyes went dark.

At the critical moment, a helmet was installed on his head. The purple crystal structure looked a little rough.

"Go out later. My sister will show you the way. Someone will come to pick us up!"

A layer of crystal film quickly covered Cheng Xu and the human's body, isolating them from the outside world.

After he said this, the cabin completely lost air pressure, sound could not be transmitted, and the surroundings fell into a dead silence.

"Who is the outsider?"

Cheng Xu asked Qi Ling, who was tied to the human body, with mental fluctuations, but received no response.

A few seconds later, she sent a hasty reply: "I am negotiating now and will explain to you later."

After about a few minutes, a small ship was moored at the breach amid the flashing red accident alarm lights of the spacecraft.

Cheng Xu found that he seemed to recognize this ship, as if there was a pioneer team led by a female captain in this ship before.

The hatch slowly opened, and the first person to appear was Qi Ling, who was wearing a protective suit. Her plant body was squeezed into the protective suit, which looked inexplicably funny.

"Quick, get on board!"

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