The blood was still flowing, and the wound was still wet.

Cheng Xu went to the bathroom to get a mop, stretched the telescopic rod to its longest length, and then barely cleaned up the remaining blood.


The slowly swaying branch touched Cheng Xu's mop, making a crisp sound, and its sharp organ left a small pit on the mop handle.

Cheng Xu cleaned up most of the blood, then washed the mop, stood in the living room looking at the plants, and relaxed his body a little.

"Vine Eggplant: This should be the enemy he hates the most. He can't beat it in close combat, and he can't be fooled by stealth, haha."

"Breast Eggplant: The "Soul-Eating Tree" that relies on traces to search for prey is definitely not a simple enemy."

"Ten-calyx Eggplant: It's not that difficult to deal with, just leave it alone."

Those weakened larvae seemed to have found the remnants of blood, greedily sucking the remaining water stains on the ground.

The water with little nutrition did not make them grow, but instead stimulated their thirst for flesh and blood.

Those already thin branches grew rapidly, stretched their branches quickly, and climbed towards the corpse in the living room.

Cheng Xu slowly raised the fire axe he had just confiscated, aimed at the longest branch, and chopped it down hard!


The fire axe smashed a crack on the tile floor and cut off the fragile branch.

The branch that lost its tip quickly grew side buds and began to grow longer from the side...


Cheng Xu cut off another section, and the frustrated branch began to retreat and returned to Cheng Xu's sight.

"The weakened juvenile is really weak..."

Cheng Xu followed suit and cut off four or five branches that were thirsty for blood, making those plants realize his danger.

Without energy supply, the weakened juveniles that grew too much began to shrink, and those extra branches began to wither and turned into a pool of mud.

The remaining branches began to sway slowly, trying to find a direction to bypass Cheng Xu.


The fire axe in Cheng Xu's hand could accurately hit those branches every time. Whether it wanted to circle from a distance or take the overhead route, Cheng Xu would find it.

They tossed like this for half a night until the "Soul-Eating Tree" individuals were completely starved to death, and Cheng Xu could barely rest for a while.

However, the number of dead larvae was exactly six, which reduced Cheng Xu's professional task.

"I actually completed a task, which is a bit of a gain..."

But Cheng Xu's debuff timer has only been reduced by less than two hours, and there are still more than six hours left.

"Whatever happens, unless this guy resurrects, I'm not going to move..."

Cheng Xu lay on the floor of the living room, imagining himself as a salted fish, waiting for someone who wants to make porridge to buy him.

Roselle's message arrived on time, announcing the new rules for tonight.

"Survivors! Tonight! You will have an unprecedented opportunity!"

"The rules of the "Killing Feast" are about to start!"

"Everyone's kill count will become a cumulative score, and there are a total of 100 rewards of completely different levels waiting for you!"

"The top 100 survivors will receive this mysterious reward!"

"Hurry up! Survivors!"


Cheng Xu's stamina has recovered to more than 50 points, which is not very sufficient.

He was a little entangled. After all, there are still many people left. Only the top 100 will get rewards. It is not possible to get the guaranteed reward by causing one or two kills.

"Then... what if?"

Every time he felt entangled, Cheng Xu would toss a coin to decide his choice.

If he liked that choice very much, it meant that he had made the right choice.

If the coin fell and he wanted to toss it again, it meant that another choice was more suitable.



Cheng Xu felt another voice in his heart slowly ringing, sending out a fatal temptation.

"Come on... Kill them, let the world feel your malice..."

"No, I can't just go out like this..."

"You can't convince yourself, even a coin is useless! You are just a devil who craves blood!"

"No... I'm not... Those have nothing to do with me..."

Cheng Xu held a coin, but he couldn't make a move no matter what, and his heart was full of struggle.

The management group just had new news, and Cheng Xu wanted to divert his

Attention, opened the group chat.

"Teng Qie: Come to think of it, what did you put in there? 100 weapon boxes?"

"Kaxi Qie: That makes sense, there must be a gradient level, but the last 50 are indeed just weapon boxes..."

"Teng Qie: Ha, those people fought hard to get to the last 50, but found that what they got was not as much as what they lost..."

"Kaxi Qie: The reward for 21st to 50th place is a special item, and the reward for 11th to 20th place is a weapon box and a special item"

"Teng Qie: That's really shabby"

"Ci Tian Qie: Indeed"

"Kaxi Qie: 5th to 10th place, one weapon box of your choice, 4th place two weapon boxes of your choice, 3rd place two weapon boxes of your choice and a prop box of your choice"

"Teng Qie: I'm asking a question ", how big is the range of choices?"

"Kaxijia: It's the range of normal game progress"

"Tengjia: That's it, you can't even choose firearms in the first game"

"Kaxijia: So, this rule is to trick them, and the reward can only be said to be disproportionate to the effort"

"Kaxijia: The second place will get four self-selected weapon boxes and two self-selected prop boxes, and the first place will get the same other rewards as the second place, but with an extra "resurrection coin"


"Kaxijia: It's boring, isn't it?"

"Tengjia: That's quite boring, the existence of this kind of prop is an insult to the fighting spirit!"

Cheng Xu, who was about to lie down, sat up again, and then he lay down again, convincing himself that it would be more trouble than gain anyway.

"Breast Eggplant: By the way, where is the boy you are optimistic about? Why can't I see him on screen?"

"Vine Eggplant: He killed an abandoned baby yesterday and is lying down with a muscle strain today."

"Kaxi Eggplant: You are so lucky. You can avoid this kind of activity that deceives the big enemy because of the injury, and you don't even have to convince yourself."

"Vine Eggplant: Let me see, hey, he is really lying on the ground, but why is there a dead person behind him?"

"Breast Eggplant: He has no killing points, probably killed before the killing started."

"Vine Eggplant: Seeing his calm appearance, he probably saw through the essence of the rules tonight!"

"Ten-e Eggplant: Just keep healing, and you will stop talking if you die one day..."

Cheng Xu looked at the chat in the administrator group, and his body completely relaxed. He lay on the floor and let out a long and soothing sigh...

"By the way... why don't I lie on the bed?"

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