The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Cheng Xu stood up and wanted to go back to lie down, but he didn't feel too sleepy.

Finally, he decided to sit by the window for a while and drink some tea.

The kettle that hadn't been steaming for a long time finally made a familiar sound, making Cheng Xu, who had been fighting in the bloody storm these days, feel leisure and warmth again.

"It is said that drinking tea at night is not good for the body... Who cares."

Cheng Xu took out his tea leaves that had been there for who knows how long, brewed them with boiling water, then removed a protective component in front of the glass and looked out.

There was no figure in the garden outside the window, and the man-eating plants were moving slowly, as if the competition had not started.

"Ah! - Bang."

A figure falling from the sky broke the calm, like a fish food thrown into a pond, causing ripples.

The first person to die attracted countless man-eating plants and some people who targeted plants for killing.

Hacksaw, carpenter's axe, homemade alcohol incendiary bombs...

The division of labor among those people was very clear, burning, chopping, digging, and finally everyone shared the results.

After a while, conflicts arose within this organization that was formed at an unknown time.

"Why do you have one more!"

"I don't know, I didn't mean it!"

"It's not your mother! I saw you chop one more axe!"

"You have a brain, right? I'm holding a shovel, digging plant roots, where can I chop one more axe!"

"Damn, I don't have one, no!"

The man responsible for throwing incendiary bombs worked for a long time, but didn't get a single kill, and the heads of those plants were counted on others.

"If you don't have it, it's because you're not good enough. Don't blame the uneven road!"

"That's right. Hurry up. I'll give you a head!"

The guy looked at the group of people around him. Each of them had a two-digit number on his head, and he was a very conspicuous "0". He was immediately filled with anger.

"You didn't tell me when I made a Molotov cocktail, right? You like to use me as a tool... I asked you to grab heads, and you all don't want to live!"


A burst of fire ignited, and the man who had the skill of making Molotov cocktails went crazy and ignited all his Molotov cocktails at once!

More than a dozen bottles of alcohol suddenly exploded, igniting a large area around them.

He was immune to flames and stood in the center, mocking his companions who had just walked with him.

"You bastards, I'll clean up these plants myself in a while! I won't give you any!"

But unfortunately, those guys were not directly burned to death by the flames of the Molotov cocktails.

If flames don't have enough equivalent, they can only cause burns to human skin at most. Although the damage is greater afterwards, the instantaneous killing effect is not very effective.


The guy who was laughing wildly had an axe on his forehead, which went straight into his face, and red and white things suddenly flowed wildly...

Cheng Xu, who was watching all this upstairs, nodded, savoring the taste of tea and feeling the slight ironing brought by hot water.

"It turns out that people who participate in the competition will have corresponding numbers on their heads..."

Cheng Xu raised his head and found that there was also a "0" hanging next to his head.

"I don't know what kind of person can get the first place."

Several managers in the manager group seemed very excited and were discussing.

"Bidongqie: The current No. 1 is a guy who takes an unconventional approach. He is killing people in the garden with a chainsaw for weeding."

"Thorny Qie: He even used "Flashing Star Mark" to ignore any attacks for fifteen minutes. It seems that he wants to quickly accumulate points within fifteen minutes and finally get to the front row!"

"Roselle: The second place is a crazy killer who specifically targets people with higher points than him. It seems that he has found the real rules of this game..."

"Tengqie: As long as I kill everyone who ranks higher than me, I will be the first... Easy to understand!"

"Kashiqie: The fire in Building No. 2 just now successfully attracted the attention of many people, and the battle group began to tilt towards that side!"

Perhaps it is due to human instinct. Even in a mutual fight, people are more willing to get close to the light.

So, when the liquid fuel in the Molotov cocktail continued to burn, nearly a hundred people gathered together, scrambling for killing points while moving towards Building No. 2.

"This is the real

Reality show in the true sense..."

Cheng Xu felt an inexplicable morbid pleasure when he saw those humans stabbing each other for a kill point.

"Dear survivors!"

"I will provide you with a special list showing the top 30 survivors on the kill list!"

The managers who were eager to watch the fun typed the kill list in everyone's system to further intensify the conflict between them.

Soon, those who were fighting each other realized the problem.

They shouldn't just get entangled with the people around them. Their points were far worse than those on the list. If they continued like this, they wouldn't even get the guaranteed minimum.

"Everyone! We can't fight each other anymore. Let's go find these guys and kill them, otherwise we won't get anything!"

Someone said a very inflammatory speech, which caused a response.

Those who were going to meet each other suddenly calmed down and quickly searched other areas to hunt down those on the list.

"Have they never considered what would happen if they killed these people and were on the list?"

Those guys who were already bloodthirsty would not consider these things at all. All they had in their eyes were the rankings and those bloody numbers.

After they left the garden of Building No. 2, the "Soul-Eating Tree" began to reproduce with a lot of blood and corpses, and soon covered the entire garden.

The "Soul-Eating Tree" was so lush that Cheng Xu could hardly see what was on the ground.

"No one will come now, after all, they can't beat these things..."

At this moment, the buzzing sound of a chainsaw sounded.

I saw a man walking over at the edge of the garden. He was wearing extremely heavy clothes, which looked like they were made from sofa cushions.

Behind him, he was carrying a small diesel generator to power two circular chainsaws that could saw trees.

He was like a war machine, with a flashing glow on his body, completely ignoring the attacks of the "Soul-Eating Trees".

"Boom! Buzz..."

Amid the flying wood chips, Cheng Xu saw a scene that looked like shaving.

A large number of "Soul-Eating Trees" were cut in half, and the number on the man's head was also growing wildly, reaching more than 200.

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