The door was closed, but the door was closed.


Cheng Xu looked at the continuously decreasing health value of the gate, and his heart was bleeding.

Cheng Xu didn't know how much materials he spent to build that thing. If it was destroyed because of this unexpected disaster, he would be heartbroken.

But compared to a door, life is more important to Cheng Xu, and he still knows the priorities.

Since the dead soul has found him, Cheng Xu simply stopped pretending and took out the arrow stamping machine to start stamping arrows.

"This thing should be what the administrators call the "evolved dead soul". It should have a physical body and its lethality is not small..."

After Cheng Xu replenished enough arrows, he pulled three iron wires at the door as the most basic tripwire trap.

Cheng Xu planned to attack with a crossbow after his door was dismantled. If he could not kill the dead soul in the end, he would risk using skills.

Soon, Cheng Xu's door was corroded to 50%, and the door hinges and hinges began to creak.

At the moment when the health value of the security door dropped to 50%, the door lock was corroded and broken, and the door was slowly opened by the dead soul.

Only one spine of Ge An's body was still normal, and the rest became part of that bloody mouth.

Her upper body was completely cracked, and all tissues became giant jaws with sharp teeth, spewing out foul-smelling pus.

"Swoosh...Duo! "

The first crossbow arrow hit the head of the Wrong Dead Soul, and Ge An's face, which was still open, was immediately covered with blood.


In less than half a second, the head tilted back and fell to the ground, like a useless decoration.

Cheng Xu quickly loaded the gun and shot the second arrow before the Wrong Dead Soul took a step.

The crossbow arrow directly hit Ge An's spine, shattering the spine that was almost corroded by black pus.

Then, the second body of the Wrong Dead Soul slowly fell down in a bowing posture, lost its support, began to melt, and turned into black pus.

Cheng Xu remembered that the information he had just read mentioned that the Wrong Dead Soul liked to strangle its prey with his hands.

So the moment Ge An's body fell to the ground, Cheng Xu squatted down predictively!

"Pah! "

The hands of the dead soul collided with each other and failed to grab Cheng Xu's neck.

Then, Cheng Xu quickly stood up, relying on his instinct as a "killer", holding the Emei spear in reverse, and stabbed the dead soul's neck!

At the same time, Cheng Xu's feet began to exert force, ready to escape quickly after the stab.

At the moment when the two sharp thorns intersected, the dead soul disappeared.

Cheng Xu felt a sudden cold wind behind his neck, and his legs suddenly exerted force, changing the direction of his retreat and sending his body half a foot away.


The crack of the dead soul closed just a dozen centimeters in front of his body, and a large amount of liquid with a fishy smell splashed out.

Cheng Xu's body tilted, just exposing his left arm, and the loaded crossbow arrow was instantly fired, successfully hitting the dead soul's jaw.


The dead soul, who was physically hurt, let out an angry scream.


Cheng Xu's body fell to the ground because of losing balance. He tried to stand up with a somersault by exerting force on his waist and abdomen.

But the dead soul had already turned into a chaotic wave and drilled into his head.

Cheng Xu, who had just stood up half an inch, fell again and his body began to twitch.

"It's over..."

Realizing that he was attacked by the dead soul, Cheng Xu instinctively began to struggle, but it was all in vain. He soon fell into the vortex of consciousness.

In fact, he shouldn't have been so worried. After all, the report made it clear that the mental impact of the dead soul had no effect on mental patients and even had a healing effect.

But this is also a common symptom of mental patients. They are unwilling to admit that they are sick and think they are normal people.

The same is true for Cheng Xu. In his subconscious, he is just a normal person with "a little" mental problems.

Every time he saw a doctor, he would secretly hide the second medical record, leaving only the page with "emotional disorder".

He would selectively ignore the parts about "intermittent mania", "traumatic amnesia" and "hippocampal shadow".

At this moment, he was experiencing a dream, which came from the memory buried deep in his heart.

Cheng Xu saw a woman sitting on the ground crying, and beside her

There were two bottles of liquor, and only a little was left.

The whole room was filled with the smell of liquor, which made Cheng Xu want to sneeze.

Cheng Xu found himself lying under the table, his stomach ached, and there was a shoe print on his clothes, which looked like a man's leather shoe.


Cheng Xu found that his voice was very hoarse, and the name he shouted made his heart suddenly ache.

The disheveled woman turned around, her face was covered with blood, her nose and lips were torn, and the dried blood was a little black, making her look like a demon.

"My child, go out and play for a while, when you come back, mom will have cooked..."

The woman showed an extremely forced smile on her face, her eyes were swollen, and she didn't look happy at all.


Cheng Xu got out of the table, and he found that his body seemed to have shrunk, and he was not as tall as the table when he stood up.

Just when he wanted to leave, there was a sound of keys at the door, and a footstep that made Cheng Xu feel trembling in his heart slowly approached.

He saw the man's face.

There were three scratches on his face, which was swollen and looked like it was about to crack and grow dozens of eyes, which made Cheng Xu feel disgusted.

"Little bastard, glare at me again!"

The man raised the thing in his hand, which seemed to be a brick.

A burst of extremely violent anger surged in Cheng Xu's heart, rushing to his head, making him roar like a wounded beast.

"Go to hell!"

His body began to lose control, and he directly hit the man's crotch, aimed at between his legs, and punched him hard.

Then Cheng Xu heard a crisp sound from the back of his head, and the whole world suddenly fell into darkness.

A voice sounded in his ears: "You found the anger in your heart... That is your power..."

"No, I hate it! Let me forget it all! Just like last time, let me pretend that I don't remember anything, let me get rid of it all!!"

"Poor... Poor... We can never forget, we will always be angry until you kill everything that disgusts you... The anger will subside."

"Kill... Kill everything!"

Cheng Xu suddenly woke up from his coma, with endless anger in his eyes, as if everything in the world turned into that man.

He saw his house and the three thieves who broke into the room.

One of them was holding a dagger, ready to cut Cheng Xu, but was frightened by Cheng Xu's angry eyes, and the knife fell to the ground.

"Boss... Boss..."

"Tear you apart!!!"

Cheng Xu's body suddenly jumped up, like a phantom, picked up the dagger, and pierced the neck of the thief in front of him directly.

The powerful force directly shattered his cervical vertebrae, throwing his unsupported body into the air and slamming into the other two thieves.

The two men were startled and just as they were about to turn around, Cheng Xu had already arrived, slashing at the back of one person's neck with his sharp folding knife, and the suddenly ruptured carotid artery spurted out a burst of blood mist.

In the blood mist, Cheng Xu's black figure, like the god of death, rushed towards the last thief and knocked him to the ground.


Cheng Xu did not use a weapon, but opened his mouth and bit down, tearing the man's throat into pieces, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood...

"Teng Qie: Cool!"

"Kaxi Qie: Let me see this kid's panel... Wow, is this the first awakening of the spiritual essence?"

"Teng Qie: This kid's spiritual world is full of violence and anger, a good candidate for a killer..."

In their screen, Cheng Xu chopped the body of the thief into several pieces with a knife, and his anger was slightly calmed.

"What's wrong with me?"

Cheng Xu looked at the blood all over his body and the thief on the ground who was still horrified until his death, and was a little bit unbelievable.

He slowly closed his door, which was no longer meaningful, and sat at the door, holding the folding knife tightly in his hand.

In his panel, one of the skills in the "spiritual tear" column was successfully lit up.

"Angry Disaster"

"After using it, you will become an angry disaster, and all attributes will be improved by 300%, but you will lose all reason and attack all living things you can see crazily"

"The angry disaster state will last for 8 hours. After it ends, you will enter a 24-hour weakening period, during which your attribute values ​​will be reduced to 20% of the original value"

"What happened just now... Why can't I remember it at all..."

Cheng Xu covered his head and sat in a pool of blood, feeling a little powerless.

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