In fact, Cheng Xu was unconscious for longer than he thought.

When he killed the three thieves, there were only 10 minutes left until morning.

Cheng Xu was in a daze in the pool of blood for ten minutes, his mind was empty, easing the shock of everything that had just happened.

His "devouring seeds" quickly turned the flesh and blood of those people into Cheng Xu's health.

When the daylight came, Cheng Xu seemed to wake up from a dream, stood up slowly, put all the weapons in a dull manner, and walked out of the door.

"It takes 7 wooden boards, 11 iron bars, and 6 springs to repair the door..."

Cheng Xu repeated the data like an emotionless machine, then picked up Zhang Fen's door key and walked towards the stairs.

His face was covered in blood, and no one would want to get close to such a bloody killer.

"Good morning, fellow survivors!"

"I believe you must be eager for the dawn!"

"559 people died yesterday! The number of survivors remaining is 192!"

"Congratulations, everyone. Tonight we will usher in the last night of this community. Celebrate! Survivors!!"

Cheng Xu did not check the message at all. He walked towards Building No. 7 in a trance.

Cheng Xu, who was not used to taking the elevator, actually walked all the way to the twelfth floor and poked open the door of Room 1203.


Cheng Xu stood at the door and suddenly sneezed, blowing out a ball of scarlet stuff from his nasal cavity.

"Uh... my head hurts, go drink some water... wait, where am I?"

Cheng Xu finally woke up, and his brain finally isolated the memory. The part that suddenly popped up last night was stuffed back into the deepest part of his memory.

"7-1203... is this Zhang Fen's house?"

Cheng Xu scratched his head and closed the door.

Zhang Fen's house was very simple, without much furniture. There was a pile of barbell weights and a yoga mat on the floor of the living room, and nothing else.

Her choice of strengthening the house was also a fortress type. Many of the materials were not found by Cheng Xu, but they were supplemented at Zhang Fen's house.

The strengthening materials that Cheng Xu dismantled even filled one of the space backpacks.

After cleaning up Zhang Fen's house, Cheng Xu found that the room next to her house was also open, and the door was full of scars, and the scars were particularly new.

Various items in the room were scattered all over the floor, and even broken weapons and damaged armor could be seen.

It is estimated that the owner of this house had experienced a desperate fight.


The strengthening materials can be disassembled, which means the owner of this house is dead.

Cheng Xu started collecting again, and stopped after more than four hours.

"By the way, why haven't you sent a notice today? I want to see how many people died..."

Cheng Xu finally remembered to open the system, and then he found that he seemed to have missed a lot of information.

"Is tonight the last day..."

Cheng Xu sat on the bare bed and took a short break.

"I wonder if it will be useful for me to continue strengthening the room..."

Cheng Xu took the opportunity to check his professional tasks while resting.

"1. Make 2 "daggers""

"2. Make 10 "arrows""

"3. Make 1 "dagger""

"It seems to be easy to complete. I will level up before the evening and click "Shadow Dance". "

Cheng Xu simply didn't leave, and looked for ready-made materials in that room.

"I wonder if a wooden sword counts..."

Cheng Xu took out a not-so-sharp axe, cut off a stool leg, and began to carve, cutting its shape into the shape of a dagger.

A few minutes later, the short sword was finished.

"1. Make 2 "short swords" (1/2)"

The task prompt also popped up, indicating that the wooden sword was really okay.

Cheng Xu threw the wooden sword aside, picked up the axe again, and started carving.

Half an hour later, the task of the wooden sword and wooden sword was completed, and Cheng Xu planned to go home.

As soon as the door opened, a sneaky figure slipped into the corridor and collided with Cheng Xu head-on.


The man was startled by Cheng Xu's bloody face, and quickly threw two darts, then fled in a hurry.

Cheng Xu was also startled, and quickly crouched down to avoid the attack of the two darts.

"What a fast dart..."

Cheng Xu did not chase him, and let the guy run down the stairs.

Listening to the guy's voice gradually fading away, Cheng Xu pressed the elevator button.

"It should be tonight

This is what the managers call a "ring match", I don't know what kind of opponent I will meet, I just hope I won't meet that guy just now. "

At this time, the manager group also received news.

"Teng Qie: @Kaxi Qie, did you see that our No. 2 seed and No. 1 seed just met!"

"Kaxi Qie: What, do you want to have a proxy war?"

"Teng Qie: Of course, don't you want to know who has a better vision?"

"Kaxi Qie: Hmm... how about giving it a try?"

"Teng Qie: @Nan Qie, Boss, Boss, can we add a plug-in tonight, can we move the No. 1 and No. 2 seeds together?"

"Nan Qie: Lord Zai Jie also thinks so, this will make the show more effective ”

“Teng Qie: OK, OK, I bet 1000!”

“Kaxi Qie: I bet 1001”

“Teng Qie: OK, you want to fight for this, right?”

“Kaxi Qie: Didn’t you start this?”

“Teng Qie: Wait till tonight, and see how my “killer” will deal with your “master of hidden weapons”!”

“Ci Tian Qie: Just right, I have finished arranging the schedule, and it’s a good thing you two told me in time, otherwise I can’t change it”

“Ci Tian Qie: Battle”

Cheng Xu downloaded the file, but didn’t dare to open it now, otherwise he might expose his identity.

He pretended to know nothing, trotted all the way back to his room.

According to his previous idea, he strengthened the room, then made 10 crossbows, completed the task, and opened the skills.

After having the skills, he pretended to rest and lay on the bed to check the file.

The file not only contains a list of duels, but also specific information about each player.

The information was extremely detailed, even including the weapons owned by each person.

Cheng Xu's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw his opponent.

"Name: Tang Yin"

"Level: Survivor lv5"

"Profession: Hidden Weapon Master"

"Skills: Mysterious Jade Hand, Hidden Weapon Hundred Solutions, Hidden Weapon Casting"

"Weapons: Flying Needle*43, Money Dart*20, Arm Crossbow*1, Crossbow Arrow*4, Flying Knife*29"

"Why do I feel like I've seen this guy's skills before... I actually feel disgusted from the bottom of my heart... Is it an illusion?"

Facing this guy who only has long-range attacks and no footwork skills, Cheng Xu plans to attack him directly.

"If I don't kill this kind of shady person who plays with hidden weapons now, he will be a disaster in the future... It may not be a bad thing to fall into my hands."

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