The thunder roared outside the window, and torrential rain suddenly arrived. The whole city seemed like heaven just now, but it returned to a ruined hell in an instant.

Cheng Xu walked out of the door and decomposed all the dead humanoid bodies to feed himself.

There were not many sounds in the mall at this moment, except for the second floor, where there were still many humanoids, who were roaring threateningly at the thunder outside the window.

Cheng Xu moved slowly this time, using spiders to check every tiny gap.

Then, he also laid "strokes" in those places where monsters were likely to climb, in case of emergency.

When he turned around and returned to the hamburger shop, he found that the pile of squashed tentacles were still alive and even slowly gathering.

Cheng Xu tried to activate the seeds in his body to decompose the body of the black creature as soon as possible, but found that those things were not dead at all, and no matter how small the fragments were, they were alive.

In desperation, Cheng Xu had to find a packaging bag, wrap all the fragments in it, seal it, and throw it out of the mall through the window.

When the bag fell to the ground, a group of gray-white creatures came out from nowhere and tore the plastic bag that made the sound frantically.

Cheng Xu was still a little worried, so he used a spider to conduct a carpet search, and only after confirming that there were indeed no fragments there did he continue to clean up.

After completely removing all the corpses on this floor, Cheng Xu saw some billboards, which seemed to be special events prepared for a food festival.

"This thing...maybe it can help me circle some areas..."

Cheng Xu brought those billboards back to his shelter, placed them on the road between him and the hotel, and added "brush strokes" to them as warning feedback.

When making the "brush strokes", Cheng Xu found that his spirit value had actually increased to a very large extent, nearly doubled.

"This is the attribute improvement obtained by swallowing that guy...If I really swallowed everyone that day..."

Cheng Xu shook his head and continued to place more "brush strokes" near his shelter.

Near the huge crack on the fifth floor of the mall, Cheng Xu also found banners for promotion and a rivet gun.

Cheng Xu also found packaging bags that had been stored for an unknown period of time and several food festival posters in the store next to him.

Using these things and the remaining rivets in the rivet gun, Cheng Xu barely sealed the huge crack.

Although there is no actual defensive ability, at least it can make the monsters outside less aware of the existence of a crack here.

Cheng Xu wasted a lot of "Ukiyo-e" crossbows in the battle royale, and there are only seven or eight left so far.

Cheng Xu placed one near the rift, barely building a defensive trap.

"I don't know if those deformed monsters will be mentally shocked, anyway, put it there first..."

After doing all this, the thunderstorm was about to end, and Cheng Xu quickly returned to his shelter.

"Now I feel a little relieved... But I still can't deal with those guys downstairs..."

During the cleaning process just now, Cheng Xu also found a lot of interesting things, threw them all into the space backpack, and took them back to his home.

He took out a copper hot pot for gifts, and took out the matches and coal included in the gift package.

"Now we just need to find where the fire main on the third floor is..."

The administrator group suddenly received a new message and a new file, and Cheng Xu hurriedly opened it to check.

"Ci Tian Qie: @Nan Qie, I've finished writing, 4.49 million words, are you satisfied?"

"Ci Tian Qie:"

"Nan Qie: This is a report, not a detailed summary, keep it simple"

"Ci Tian Qie: Wait for me for a few seconds..."

"Ci Tian Qie: The framework is sorted out, and there are 320,000 words left"

"Nan Qie: Keep it simple, until a physical creature is willing to read it"

"Ci Tian Qie: Then I'll cut a little more?"

"Ci Tian Qie: I've erased a lot of details, and deleted a lot of data, and there are still 30,000 words left..."

"Nan Qie: How did you write reports before?"

"Ci Tian Qie: Lord Disaster never asked me for reports before... @Shui Qie was the one who wrote them"

"Nan Qie: Okay, 30,000 words is 30,000 words, send it to me"

"Ci Tian Qie: Abridged version of the"


Xu was a little curious, so he opened the first report first, wanting to see what these four million words actually said.

As a result, the catalog alone had twelve pages, and the content inside was so detailed that it was outrageous.

Thorn Sky Eggplant integrated all the geographical information that could be collected, without any deletion, and filled it completely into the report.

Including every centimeter of ups and downs on the ground of this city, it made a detailed geological analysis and attached extremely detailed data content.

Cheng Xu opened the second report again, and the content inside was still as detailed as the paper, but as a human, he could barely understand it.

This city is located in an infinitely proliferating overlapping space, where a large number of replicated human cities are stacked together, constantly collapsing and reshaping.

And the managers used the power of the company to delineate a range as an arena for the survivors to compete for survival.

Within this range, all house structures, resource distribution, and road systems can be controlled.

The entire city can be divided into three parts, each with a different form.

The first part is where Cheng Xu is located. It is called the "commercial area" and has a large number of commercial buildings. Shopping malls around the world have been copied.

The resources here are very rich, but at the same time, the possibility of gathering monsters has also greatly increased.

The second area is next to the commercial area, called the "residential area". Various buildings of different heights stand in this area without any regular arrangement.

Between the buildings, there will also be a large number of vehicles that cannot be driven. They all have the same appearance, but the colors are different from each other.

In this area, the resources are still very rich, but the monsters gather the most seriously, and a large number of deformed creatures can be seen everywhere.

The third area is distributed in the residential area, called the "urban village", where there are many bungalows and intricate streets.

There are no resources here, but the number of deformed creatures is not small, even more than in the residential area.

The remaining data is some detailed descriptions of the geographical environment, including precautions for manipulating the terrain, and the impact of ground soil on structural stability...

Those data are of little use to Cheng Xu. After all, they are written for the management to see, and he, a survivor, can't use them at all.

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