However, among the data, Cheng Xu still found a bird's-eye view map, which included the map of all commercial areas.

And on that map, Solanum thornyum also marked the locations of all the survivors.

Cheng Xu found his position very easily and began to study the environment around him.

The mall where he was located was surrounded by commercial venues of various shapes, with a large number of shops distributed in it, and the number was staggering.

Even to the north of Cheng Xu, there was a four-story venue, which was full of restaurants and businesses.

Cheng Xu removed the protection of the window, picked up the telescope, looked to the north, and found the venue full of restaurants.

It was already crowded with distorted creatures, and it seemed that they were diners who were still eating when the disaster broke out.

At this moment, the weather forecast changed again, forcing Cheng Xu to close his protection.

"The "plague maze" will continue for the next two hours"

Since he could no longer explore the outside world, Cheng Xu chose to stay in the shelter and study the map carefully.

Cheng Xu planned to at least memorize the distribution of resources within a few kilometers of his vicinity to ensure his future survival.

After memorizing the distribution of resources, Cheng Xu began to study the specific distribution of people and estimate the possibility of meeting other survivors.

The two survivors closest to him were also in the commercial area, but there was a "natural moat" between them and Cheng Xu.

That thing was the "shopping mall wall" that Shuiqie had added for Cheng Xu. The huge shopping mall of more than 20 kilometers long looked very obvious on the overhead map.

The wall directly blocked Cheng Xu alone in the corner of the arena area to prevent him from excessive contact with other survivors.

Next to his name, there was even a very detailed annotation describing the reason for blocking him.

"There is a survivor whose strength is expanding too quickly in this area. In order to prevent the survival-themed game from becoming a hunting game with a larger scope, we chose to block him off."

"Because of the suggestion of one of our team members, we considered that he might climb over the mall building, so we specially raised the height of the building."

"The current building height is 436 meters. As the game progresses, it will continue to rise until the scheduled 600-meter target stops."

"Is it necessary... 600 meters, 200 floors, even if I climb over, I won't have the strength to kill anyone..."

"And they didn't seem to tell Tengjia about the subsequent map improvements. Tsk... Those managers really thought of using Tengjia's judgment to target me."

When Cheng Xu closed this report, another report was already released, which was Ruqie's "Survivor Report".

"Rubber Eggplant: @Nanqie, Boss, I've finished writing. There's nothing to analyze, so I just wrote a little..."

"Rubber Eggplant: Survivor"

"Nanqie: Why is your report only 1,200 words?"

"Rubber Eggplant: @Tengqie, its report is only 500 words, why don't you say it..."

"Nanqie: It's in the combat department, so it's already very good to be able to write 500 words"

"Rubber Eggplant: My brain is not good either, why can't 1,200 words..."

"Nanqie: Well, I'll add some more content for you, that's it for now"

"Rubber Eggplant: Long live the boss!"

Cheng Xu opened the file and frowned immediately.

The description of that file was in sharp contrast to the previous one. The sentences used were extremely simple and straightforward, without any detailed description. It can be seen that the culture is very limited.

Moreover, this report does not have any charts or data. It is all Ruqie's own subjective description, which can't be called an objective "report" at all.

However, Cheng Xu was still able to extract a lot of useful information from the descriptions of the survivors.

Dong Duo, the "hyena" who was in the same group with him before, was still alive and did not die in his own blood-red flames. Ruqie had a very high opinion of him.

"His survival attribute is very high. He can eat most of the food raw and has a very keen sense of danger, like a real wild animal."

And Qi Ling, the "fortune teller" in the trio, was also alive, but this time she was forced to separate from the other two. I don't know if she can survive this round.

Cheng Xu followed the names and found the two people near him.

"Name: He Qi"

"Gender: Male"

"Occupation: Fitness Coach"

"Very good at fighting, but that's all. His brain is not very good."

Ruqie's evaluation of him was very brief, but Cheng Xu

I have almost sketched out the image of a big fool in my mind.

"Li Zi"

"Gender: Female"

"Occupation: Swordsman"

"Not good at long-range, but very good in other aspects, agile enough, and strong explosive power"

After reading these descriptions, Cheng Xu became a little curious about his own entry.

When he found his own description, he didn't know what to say.

"Name: Cheng Xu"

"Gender: Male"

"Occupation: Killer"

"There is already a separate report for you, I will quote it here"

Then there is a hyperlink below, directly connected to Tengqie's report.

Since Cheng Xu did not have a local file, he could not open the hyperlink at all.

"... Really lazy."

Cheng Xu browsed some possible opponents to kill time and wait for the release of the last report.

But there was no news from Shuiqie in the group, it was very quiet, and no one even spoke...

Cheng Xu was bored and had no way to sleep due to the existence of the "Sleepless Blessing", so he could only open the detailed geographical report in front and start studying it.

As a result, Shuiqie dragged it until the last minute of the twelve hours to submit the report, and Cheng Xu had already read the detailed report of more than 50,000 words at that time.

"Shuiqie: I finally finished writing... more than 20,000 words, I almost died from writing"

"Shuiqie: Now I really envy those conscious creatures... processing data is like moving fingers..."

"Shuiqie: Monster"

"Nanqie: Very good, seeing how hard you work, I will grant you a 24-hour leave"


"Shuiqie: Long live the boss!!"

"Nanqie: But there are still some problems with your report. I will mark it for you. You can rest after you have revised it."


Cheng Xu opened the third report, which was also the one he was most looking forward to. It contained detailed data on the surrounding monsters, which would determine his future course of action.

The content of the report was very comprehensive, and the ecology, species, and evolutionary process of the distorted creatures were described in great detail.

Cheng Xu frowned as soon as he saw the beginning of the text.

"The source of the distortion is actually that flower?"

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