Something happened in the cultural park.

Su Chen and Shang Rongyue didn't know.

After Su Chen left with Shang Rongyue, he immediately made a simple plan for some scenic spots in Yucheng.

Then he followed the planned route and took Shang Rongyue to play.

hours later.

The time has come to night.

Shang Rongyue was also a little tired from playing.

So Su Chen took Shang Rongyue to a nearby restaurant with a good reputation, opened a private room, and had a simple dinner.

After dinner.

Su Chen took Shang Rongyue around the nearby night market and bought some snacks.

Shang Rongyue happily ate the snacks that Su Chen bought, while telling Su Chen about her childhood past.

that's it.

in a pleasant and convivial atmosphere.

It's past ten o'clock in the evening.

Shang Rongyue saw that it was getting late, and her father also urged her to go home.

She reluctantly said goodbye to Su Chen.

Then got into her Rolls-Royce van and left.

"Huh, I'm a little tired!"

"Women are such strange creatures."

"Shang Rongyue looks like a very weak girl, how can she be better than me..."

Su Chen looked at the departing Rolls-Royce van, shook his head, smiled and muttered.


Su Chen stopped a taxi and headed home.

Sitting in the car, watching the busy traffic outside.

Su Chen strengthened his desire to buy a car.

After a while.

Su Chen's destination has arrived.

After paying for the car, Su Chen bought an ice cream at a burger shop at the gate of the community, and then entered the old community where his house was located.

Although it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

However, because the community where Su Chen's family lives is a community where resettlement houses were demolished a long time ago.

There are many middle-aged and elderly people living in the community.

So even though it's late.

However, the inner square of the community and the people on the aisles were exceptionally large.

They run at night, dance in the square, and gossip in groups of three or five.

After seeing Su Chen, these people who knew Su Chen immediately greeted Su Chen.

Su Chen also responded with a smile.

But after Su Chen left, those who talked to Su Chen would tell the people around them the news they heard about Su Chen today.

For example, Su Chen has a girlfriend who looks like a fairy.

And Su Chen's fairy-like girlfriend is also very rich and rich, and it is more than 500,000 jade pendants that can be sold casually.

Many people also speculated that this whispered, saying whether Su Chen was going to join the family to eat soft rice.

In short.

There are all kinds of speeches.

And these remarks quickly spread inside and outside the community.

And Su Chen is also keenly aware of this.

But for this kind of thing, he can't justify it.

So I just pretended that I didn't hear anything, and after saying hello to the people I knew, I left.


Su Chen finally arrived home amid the chatter.

Take out the key and open the door.

Su Chen immediately saw Nuonuo running towards him with bare feet.

"Uncle, you are finally back!"

"Nuo Nuo has missed you for a long time!"

Nuonuo ran to Su Chen's side, hugged Su Chen's thigh and acted like a spoiled child.

"Haha, I miss the ice cream in my hand!"

Su Chen picked up Nuo Nuo and handed the ice cream to Nuo Nuo.

Nuonuo happily took the ice cream, and said in a milky voice, "Nuo Nuo misses my uncle, and I also want ice cream!"

talking room.

Nuonuo opened her small mouth and licked the ice cream twice, her cute little face filled with a happy and contented smile.

"Come back, did Rong Yue have a good time in the afternoon?"

Chen Huilan walked up to Su Chen at this time and asked Su Chen with a smile on her face.

"With my little guide in Yucheng, Rongyue will definitely have a good time!"

Su Chen smiled and boasted.

Then he said, "My sister? Haven't come back yet?"

Chen Huilan shook her head, her face full of worry and said, "Well, I'm still working overtime. Recently, the temperature difference between day and night is big, and the elderly and children are prone to get sick, so your sister is busy in the hospital."

Su Chen heard the words and said again: "Is my sister still not thinking of looking for a partner?"

Su Chen's sister, Su Ting, is a child who was abandoned by her biological parents and then adopted by Su Chen's parents.

This made Su Ting feel inferior since childhood.

However, Su Chen's parents and Su Chen slowly influenced Su Ting with love, and then they formed a big happy and happy family.

Later, Su Ting grew up to work and worked as a trainee nurse in Yucheng Medicine.

While Su Ting was working as a trainee nurse, she broke up in the hospital to have an abortion because she had seen too many couples.

So Su Ting has no illusions about love since then.

Later, Su Ting saw with her own eyes that Nuo Nuo's biological parents abandoned Nuo Nuo in the trash can at the entrance of the hospital and left without looking back.

Afterwards, Su Ting adopted Nuo Nuo, who was just born, and became an unmarried mother who had never been in a relationship.

Although Chen Huilan and Su Kangming have done a lot of ideological work for Su Ting.

But it never shook Su Ting's firm mind.

After a long time, Chen Huilan and Su Kangming could not persuade them, so they went with Su Ting.

As long as Su Ting is happy, they will be satisfied as parents.

at this time.

When Chen Huilan heard Su Chen mentioned Su Ting, she glared at Su Chen and said, "You two brothers and sisters, you really worry me and your father to death."

"One is a staunch unmarried and infertile person, and the other is a friend of the opposite sex who has such a beautiful appearance, and doesn't even tell her mother."

"It's the first time my mother sees people today, and I don't even know what to give to others after receiving such an expensive gift!"

"My dad and I discussed it for a long time tonight, and decided to give Rongyue a pendant to Nuonuo and give it back to others. After all, that pendant is too precious!"

Su Chen asked suspiciously, "What did Rongyue give Nuo Nuo?"

Chen Huilan said, "The girl Rongyue is very kind. She should have heard about Nuonuo's age, so she specially bought a little mouse jade pendant for Nuonuo."

"I thought it was just an ordinary jade pendant!"

"I never thought about it, Chen Aunt scanned the QR code above and found that small pendant worth more than half a million!"

"For a gift of more than half a million, neither your father nor I know how to return the gift."

As soon as Su Chen heard it, he immediately understood why he was being talked about by many people all the way home, and even said whether he was going to join the family and eat soft rice.

All the problems of the relationship lie in the gift that Shang Rongyue gave Nuo Nuo.

"Mom, the jade pendant was given to Nuo Nuo by Rong Yue, so there is a reason to return it!"

"You don't need to worry about this, I'll handle it myself!"

"I have a lot of business dealings with Rongyue's father, so you can accept the gifts that Rongyue gave Nuonuo!"

Chen Huilan looked at Su Chen after hearing the words, and finally nodded: "Okay, listen to you!"

Just as Su Chen and Chen Huilan were talking.

Su Kangming came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

When Su Kangming saw Su Chen, he immediately said, "You have to treat Rongyue well. If you don't hear that, such a good girl, if you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime!"

Hearing this, Su Chen smiled wryly and shook his head: "Dad, you think too much, and Rong Yue and I are just ordinary friends now!"

Su Kangming waved his hands in disbelief and said, "Ordinary friends, a girl will make a special trip to find you to play with her!"

"Anyway, if I hear Rong Yue say that you are bullying her, wait for me and see how Dad handles you!"

Su Chen couldn't wash himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River, so he simply didn't explain it, and just followed Su Kangming's words and said, "Okay, parents, don't worry, I will treat Rongyue well!"

When Su Kangming and Chen Huilan heard what Su Chen said, they immediately laughed with satisfaction.

Then they took Nuo Nuo in Su Chen's arms and motioned Su Chen to wash up and rest quickly, and they were going to coax Nuo Nuo to sleep.

After ten minutes.

Su Chen washes over.

Coming out of the bathroom, Su Chen saw that Nuo Nuo had been coaxed to sleep by her parents.

The parents are watching TV in the living room.

After Su Chen greeted his parents, he went back to his room.

Just got back to my room.

Su Chen looked at the current energy point of the light brain.

When I saw the energy point of the light brain, it had recovered to almost 60 points.

Su Chen took out his mobile phone, switched it to stealth mode, and then entered the website of a cargo ship in Vladivostok, the country of goose.

After some communication.

Su Chen paid 50,000 meters of gold from an overseas account, ordered a cargo ship with a load of more than 30 tons, and informed the other party that he would arrive at Shencheng Haikou in four days.

Then Su Chen was stunned by the other party's face, wondering why Su Chen would, and ordered an empty cargo ship to run from Goose Country to Xia Country, and cut off contact with the other party.

"Everything is ready!"

"As long as the energy points of the light brain are fully recovered, you can go to the Palladium A1 star in the solar system!"

"And the palladium I got from the palladium A1 star in the solar system, I can put it all in on the empty cargo ship I ordered!"

"Having a carry-on space is so easy for me to do!"

Su Chen planned in his heart, and then turned off the lights to sleep.


(The 3000-word chapter will be updated later. It is customary to ask for a monthly ticket for flower evaluation. In addition, there is a self-proclaimed Bai Fumei who is building a building in the comment area. You can go and have a look.)

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