the next day.

Su Chen fell asleep again and woke up naturally.

Take out your phone and check the time.

Su Chen found out that it was almost ten o'clock.

Get up and go out.

Su Chen found that there was no one in the living room.

However, on the dining table in the living room, a note was left.

Su Chen walked to the dining table, picked up the Japanese note and looked at it.

I found that the above is a message from Su Ting to herself,

The content of the message was that they had all eaten breakfast and went out. There was breakfast in the refrigerator for Su Chen, and they only needed to be heated and eaten.

And at the end of the message, he also wrote a few words crookedly: Uncle big lazy.

Saw the crooked words on the note.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing.

Put down the note in your hand.

Su Chen went to the bathroom to wash up, and then came out to warm up the breakfast in the refrigerator.

After having breakfast.

Su Chen looked around, looking at the house that was already dilapidated and obviously not enough to live in.

Decided to buy the car and house together today.

After having a plan in mind.

Su Chen brushed the tableware and chopsticks he had eaten, and went out directly.


Twenty minutes later.

Su Chen came to the only Porsche 4S shop in Yucheng.

Although Su Chen's dress is very ordinary today.

But because Su Chen's appearance is quite high, plus the temperament is good.

Therefore, as soon as Su Chen entered the Porsche 4S store, he was warmly welcomed by several good-looking female shop assistants.

"Sir, you want to see that car!"

One of the female clerks asked Su Chen.

"I'll take a look first!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

Several good-looking female clerks heard Su Chen say this, and immediately felt that Su Chen was probably here to see the driver's experience, and it was unlikely that he would buy a car.

In addition, there were several young people who were either rich or expensive when they suddenly came into the store.

So the beautiful female shop assistants surrounding Su Chen dispersed one after another.

Su Chen looked at the several female shop assistants who had left, shook his head and smiled, and then wandered around the store by himself.

"Su Chen?"

Suddenly, Su Chen's beautiful voice came.

Su Chen followed the sound and saw a pretty girl who was quite familiar but couldn't remember who it was for a while.

The girl is about 1.6 meters tall, wearing the professional attire of the Porsche 4S shop, showing her graceful figure vividly.

"Don't recognize me?"

"I'm Zheng Qianqian!"

The girl walked up to Su Chen and reported herself directly.

As soon as Su Chen heard it, he immediately remembered it.

The person who came was Zheng Qianqian, his school belle and class flower in high school.

And the reason why Su Chen is not impressed with Zheng Qianqian.

It's because when she was a student, in addition to her looks, Su Chen's academic performance and family background were all in the lower middle class in the class.

So at that time, many people tried their best to chase after Zheng Qianqian.

Su Chen was very self-aware and did not participate.

It can be said that in three years of high school, Su Chen and Zheng Qianqian said no more than ten sentences.

"It's you, you work here?"

Thinking of who Zheng Qianqian is Su Chen, her face shows the joy of seeing her old classmate.

"I work part-time in the studio here!"

"My main job is to work at our Yucheng Industrial and Commercial Bank!"

Zheng Qianqian said with a smile.

Then Zheng Qianqian said again: "Actually, we only spoke on the phone yesterday..."

When Su Chen heard the words, she immediately remembered that there was a man named Zheng Qianqian yesterday, called herself, and said that she would be her private bank in the future.

"I said the name is so familiar!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

"We actually don't have much interaction, you don't remember me being normal!"

Zheng Qianqian showed a slightly disappointed expression on her face, and then said, "Are you here to buy a car today?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Well, I'll take a look first and buy a few if it suits me!"

How many to buy?

Zheng Qianqian had a surprised expression on her face when she heard Su Chen's words.

She has been working part-time at the store for some time.

A lot of people come to buy a car, although the clothes look rich or expensive, but when they finally pay, they all feel sore.

After all, the cheapest Porsche starts at 500,000.

For most families in Yucheng, 500,000 is a huge sum of money.

So if you come to buy a car, you should buy one at most.

Like Su Chen, he just bought a few cars when he opened his mouth. This is the first time Zheng Qianqian has encountered them.

However, when Zheng Qianqian thought about Su Chen's current worth, she had no doubts about Su Chen's purchasing power.

After all, it is not easy for a person who is worth more than one hundred million to buy a few Porsches.

"I'll watch it with you!"

"I'm very familiar with the cars here."

Zheng Qianqian looked at Su Chen and said with a significantly faster heartbeat.

At the same time, Zheng Qianqian also secretly said in her heart, "If I can catch up with Su Chen when I go to school, then I am now the wife of a billionaire, so I don't have to worry about my mother's medical bills!"

Su Chen didn't know what Zheng Qianqian was thinking.

At this time, Su Chen just wanted to quickly buy a car and leave.

So Su Chen casually looked around at the Porsches and said to Zheng Qianqian, "Tell me about these cars, I like them!"

"This is a Porsche Cayenne, which is very suitable for mature and stable people to drive!"

"This is a Porsche Taijan. If you choose bright colors, it's very suitable for girls to drive!"

"This car..."

Zheng Qianqian gave Su Chen a detailed introduction to the vehicle.

Su Chen listened for a while and said, "Two Cayennes and one Taizhan, how much do you give me!"

Zheng Qianqian immediately started counting with the calculator.

Results came out soon.

"A total of 3.4 million!"

"But I made a discount with my internal price, and it only cost 3.15 million in total!"

"Insurance cards or something, it's all covered!"

Zheng Qianqian said.

"Okay, swipe the card to sign the contract!"

Su Chen nodded and said directly.

"Uh... ok!"

Su Chen's simplicity made Zheng Qianqian not react for a while.

Then Zheng Qianqian immediately brought a few contracts and began to guide Su Chen to sign.

At the beginning, the girls who surrounded Su Chen saw that Su Chen didn't say a word, and directly spent more than three million to buy three Porsches, and their faces suddenly showed remorse and remorse!

Because the few of them who were serving just now, those who were dressed in either rich or expensive clothes, just came to see the car, took advantage of them, and stopped by the store to eat and drink, but they didn't say what to buy.

On the other hand, Zheng Qianqian said a few words from the beginning to the end, and the three Porsches were sold.

This made them not only regret their choice just now, but also all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred towards Zheng Qianqian.


Under the watchful eyes of many beautiful female staff in the store.

After Su Chen signed the contract and paid the payment, he got up and prepared to leave.

Saw that Su Chen was leaving.

Several good-looking female staff members in the store wrote their personal phone numbers and WeChat IDs on their business cards and handed them over to Su Chen.

They hope that Su Chen can keep in touch with them and give them a dream of being a rich wife.

For their thoughts, Su Chen can guess.

But Su Chen despised them because of it.

A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a beautiful girl wants to marry a rich man. Although this idea is a bit wrong, it is very consistent with the current social situation.

So Su Chen just took their business cards casually, didn't say much, and left directly.


(Thanks: My super sweet boss is rewarded with 500, thanks: Gong E’s night battle with the eunuch, the monthly ticket of the two bosses who fly into the sky!)

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