I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 27 Teleportation Location: Solar System Palladium A1 Star!

"Su Chen, wait for me!"

As soon as Su Chen left the Porsche store, Zheng Qianqian followed behind.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Su Chen asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to invite you to dinner. You helped me complete three orders today. I want to express my gratitude!"

"Besides, don't you have my phone number? You can add my WeChat!"

Zheng Qianqian said with a blushing face.

"Okay, but you don't need to eat!"

Su Chen smiled and took out his mobile phone and added Zheng Qianqian's WeChat.

"Where are you going to go?"

Zheng Qianqian quickly passed Su Chen's application and asked.

"Go to Shenghe Yaju to see, my house is not enough to live in, I want to change to a new bigger house!"

Su Chen said truthfully.

Su Chen has checked that Shenghe Yaju is a building with the best environment and the most convenient transportation in Yucheng.

Of course, Shenghe Yaju is also the most expensive real estate in Yucheng, with an average price of more than 30,000 yuan.

But money is just a string of numbers to Su Chen now, so what Su Chen buys doesn't matter at all whether it's expensive or not, it just depends on whether it suits his heart or not.

Just like buying a car, if the average person has Su Chen's current worth, he must have bought a Porsche of tens of millions, and it would be a lot of face to drive it.

But Su Chen bought more than one million Cayenne.

The reason is that Su Chen feels that there is a car that he can drive, and it's not ashamed to drive out.

The most important thing is that the Cayenne is an SUV, with a lot of space inside, and it is comfortable to drive and sit.

It will not look cool on the outside like an expensive, but compact sports car, but it is very depressing to sit on the inside!

In short, Su Chen buys things as he feels comfortable.

"I'll come with you, I also work part-time there, so I'm very clear about the housing there!"

When Zheng Qianqian heard that Su Chen was going to buy a house, she looked at Su Chen pleadingly and said.

"How many jobs have you held!"

Su Chen looked at Zheng Qianqian in amazement and said.

"Just two, one to sell a car and one to sell a house!"

"With no skills like me, these two part-time jobs are the most rewarding!"

"Although I would have a lot of money if I fell a little bit, but I don't like that kind of life."

"I just want to earn more money in a safe and secure way, treat my mother's illness, and then I'm saving money to buy a small home for myself, and find someone who can entrust my life to marry him, and I'll be fine after this life!"

"Just like you, the type I want to entrust for life the most!"

Zheng Qianqian looked at Su Chen and said.

At the end, her face flushed a little shyly.

"What's wrong with aunt? Is it serious?"

Su Chen directly ignored the main point in Zheng Qianqian's words, but changed the subject to ask about her mother's condition.

Zheng Qianqian felt very disappointed when she saw that Su Chen ignored what she mustered up the courage to say.

Because it means that Su Chen is not very interested in her.

However, Zheng Qianqian was not discouraged by this incident, but quickly sorted out her mood and said, "My mother's illness is an old one. It's usually not a big problem, but she needs to take medicine for a long time to maintain it!"

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then said, "I will take time to visit my aunt these two days."

Zheng Qianqian immediately said happily: "Okay, I'll wait for you, you've come to my house, I'll cook for you, and I've specially studied chefs, and my cooking skills are very good!"

Su Chen smiled and hummed, then stopped a taxi and took Zheng Qianqian straight to Shenghe Yaju.


more than an hour later.

Su Chen bid farewell to the reluctant Zheng Qianqian, took a house purchase contract, and stopped a taxi to go home.

By the time we got home, it was already noon.

Su Chen opened the door and entered the house, and Nuonuo immediately ran to Su Chen's side to hug her.

Su Chen picked up Nuo Nuo and asked Nuo Nuo where she went to play in the morning.

So Nuo Nuo then told Su Chen the whereabouts of her grandmother and her in the morning with a milky voice.

Chen Huilan, who was cooking, saw that Su Chen was back, and immediately cut another piece of meat and put it in the pot.


The meal is ready.

Su Kangming also came back from get off work.

On the other hand, Su Ting was still busy in the hospital and had no time to come back for lunch.

"Dad, I went out today and bought a car for you and Mom, and it will be ready in two days!"

"You're on vacation in the future, and you'll take my mother out to play in the car!"

During the meal, Su Chen said to Su Kangming.

"You're spending money indiscriminately!"

Su Kangming glanced at Su Chen, and then asked Su Chen with satisfaction and curiosity on his face: "What car and how much?"

Su Chen said casually: "Cayenne, more than one million!"

When Su Kangming heard it, a mouthful of rice almost spat out.

Chen Huilan is similar.

"How many?"

"More than a million?"

"If you have this money, why don't you let me and your mother collect hundreds of thousands for you to buy a new house for marriage!"

Su Kangming's face was full of pain.

"I also bought the house, and the decoration company has also found it. At most one month, the house can be lived in!"

Su Chen said lightly.


"Have you bought the house too?"

"The neighborhood you bought? How much?"

Su Kangming was shocked by Su Chen's words at this time, and his hand holding the bowl was shaking slightly.

"The villa with courtyard that Shenghe Yaju bought has three floors and a courtyard, totaling more than 600 square meters."

"When we go to live there, you and my mother will have more space for activities, and Nuonuo can also run away!"

"In terms of price, it's in the early 20s!"

"The contract to buy a house is sitting under your butt, Dad!"

Su Chen pointed to Su Kangming's seat and said.

Su Kangming heard it.

Immediately, like a frightened rabbit, he immediately stood up from his seat.

Then he quickly picked up the contract sitting under his butt, and opened his hands with trembling slightly.

"What do you do now?"

"You didn't do anything illegal, did you?"

Su Kangming looked at the house purchase contract and asked Su Chen at the same time.

Chen Huilan also quietly waited for Su Chen's answer.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal!"

"It turned out that I didn't do that job. I am now a mining middleman, responsible for connecting domestic and foreign sources of goods!"

"Finished a big order recently, so I made some money!"

Su Chen said the excuse that he had thought of for a long time.

Su Kangming and Chen Huilan listened to Su Chen's explanation, and they immediately showed relief and proud smiles on their faces.

Children have the ability, they are happy and proud!

As for how much money Su Chen earns and what to do, they don't think it is necessary to ask so carefully.

When the child is older, as long as they don't do illegal things, they all feel that it's fine to let him go.

"No wonder your mother told me last night to stop working part-time, it turns out that my son is promising!"

Su Kangming looked proud and relieved, looked at Su Chen and said with emotion.

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words and said, "In the future, the two of you can stop working and learn from many people in our community to travel around the world."

However, Su Kangming immediately said: "I don't have that hobby with your mother, we still think that we are doing a good job now, and we are not tired. We have fixed weekends every week, and we have a fixed salary every month. And pensions!"

Chen Huilan also said: "Yes, we can't be idle. When we take annual leave, the same goes for traveling!"

Su Chen saw that Mom and Dad were determined to be idle, so she didn't say anything more.

that's it.

The lunch ended in a pleasant atmosphere.


the following few days.

Su Chen lived almost every day.

The only difference is that Nuo Nuo's Saturday and Sunday holidays are over, and they start getting up early every day to go to kindergarten.


Time has come this evening.

Su Chen saw that everyone in the family was asleep.

He looked at the light brain energy point that was about to be fully restored, and then instructed the light brain: "Set my current location as the teleportation coordinates."

Light Brain: [The setting of the teleportation coordinates is completed, and the host currently has two teleportation coordinates. Transmission Coordinate 1/Transmission Coordinate 2 (Cancel at any time)]

With the cold voice of the light brain sounded.

Two pictures of teleporting coordinates appeared in Su Chen's field of vision.

One is where he is now.

One is in a house rented to him by Rongyue, a businessman in Shencheng.

The set transmission coordinates can be canceled at any time to change the position.

Regardless of Su Chen's current plans to cancel the transmission of coordinates.


Su Chen instructed Guangnao again: "Guangnao, activate the planetary navigation map!"

Optical Brain: [The planetary navigation map has been activated, but due to the limited progress of optical brain repair, it can only provide the host with all the planetary data data in the solar system! 】

Accompanied by a light-brained cold voice.

Su Chen saw the miniature of the entire solar system, and appeared in front of his eyes in a real-like image.

Su Chen instructed Guangnao: "Search for the Palladium A1 star in the solar system!"

next moment.

Su Chen saw the entire solar system that seemed real and illusory, and half of it disappeared in an instant.

And a silver-white planet that was slowly spinning occupied most of Su Chen's field of vision.

Looking at the silver-white planet in front of him, Su Chen instructed Guangnao: "Guangnao, activate instant teleportation, and target the palladium A1 star of the solar system in my eyes!"

Light Brain: [The distance of this transmission is about 2365,9874,654 kilometers. 】

[Warning: The living environment of the teleportation location is detected, which is seriously bad for the host. After the teleportation starts, the optical brain will consume an additional 15 energy points per second to provide the host with an energy shield and provide the host with all-round protection without dead ends. ! 】

[The teleportation is on... The teleportation is over, the host's target location, the Solar System Palladium A1 star, has been reached, and the total time taken is ten thousandths of a second! 】

[The current ambient temperature of the host is: +706 degrees]

[The oxygen content of the current host environment: zero. 】

[The gravity of the current host environment is: six times that on Earth. 】

[The current light brain still has 175 points of energy left! 】

[In order to protect the safety of the host, after the energy point is lower than 10 points, the light brain will directly transmit the host back to the teleportation coordinates set on the earth! 】

With a series of prompts from the light brain.

Su Chen was shocked to find that he had changed from the bedroom to being immersed in a silver-white liquid with a temperature of more than 700 degrees.

If not there is energy shield protection.

Su Chen is sure that the moment he arrives, there will be no slag left by the surrounding silver-white liquid vaporized.


(In a new day, I beg for the monthly flower evaluation ticket, the data has not been moved for a day, I am so scared, I beg everyone to move the little hands of making a fortune, vote for the monthly flower evaluation ticket, kneel, thank you!)

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