I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 49 He Will Be The Youngest Academician And President!

The Academy of Sciences is not far from the State Reserve Bureau.

Following Mr. Zhang's instructions to the Academy of Sciences, he sent californium and helium-3 to the State Reserve Bureau.

Less than half an hour.

Gu Yanbing from the Academy of Sciences and several scientific researchers, escorted by more than a dozen soldiers, brought a metal box made of unknown materials to a secret room under the State Reserve Bureau.

at this time.

Many people in the State Reserve Bureau are still in the excitement and joy of winning the "demon nickel" victory.

After Zhang Lao received the news brought by things.

Together with Lao Song, Su Chen, accompanied by several security personnel of the State Reserve Bureau, went to the secret room in the basement of the State Reserve Bureau, and met with the members of the Academy of Sciences who came with things.


As the elevator descends rapidly.

Su Chen followed Song Lao and Zhang Lao to the basement of the State Reserve Bureau.

"Su Chen, you are the first person to come here as an ordinary person!"

After the elevator door opened, Song Lao walked out of the elevator and said to Su Chen.

"Then I'm really honored!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

"You really know how to talk!"

Zhang Lao smiled and pointed to Su Chen and said.

While talking, they came to the door of a secret room.

Song Lao coughed.

The door to the secret room opens automatically.

Su Chen looked around and felt that the door here should be face recognition or voice control.


Su Chen followed Song Lao and Zhang Lao into the secret room.

And the few accompanying security personnel stayed outside.


Su Chen just entered the secret room.

The secret rooms behind which they did not know what material they were made of, were closed directly.

"Teacher, you have brought what you asked for!"

Zhang Zhongming's most satisfied female student, Gu Yanbing, said immediately after seeing Mr. Zhang entering the secret room.

While speaking, Gu Yanbing also looked at Su Chen.

She didn't understand, what identity Su Chen entered here.


Zhang Lao nodded, then pointed at Su Chen and said, "Yan Bing, this is Su Chen, palladium and electrolytic nickel, all from the patriots behind him!"

Gu Yanbing heard the words. Immediately, Qiao's face was full of surprise and shock, and she looked at Su Chen again.

Then she stretched out her hand and said, "Hello Mr. Su, my name is Gu Yanbing!"

Su Chen stretched out his hand and shook Gu Yanbing and said, "Hello!"

Immediately after.

Several other researchers also greeted Su Chen one after another.

After a simple greeting, the two sides got to know each other.

Zhang Laodang stepped into the theme and said, "Su Chen, this box contains what those patriots behind you need!"

talking room.

Zhang Lao opened the box.

Su Chen saw two jars inlaid with a special glass material in the box.

Through special glass material.

Su Chen saw that one of them contained silver-white californium.

As for the other one, nothing can be seen.

However, helium-3 was originally a colorless gas, so Su Chen did not ask, but secretly let the light brain detect it.

After getting the test results of the optical brain.

Su Chen said indifferently: "Elder Zhang, Lao Song, those patriots behind me who need californium and helium-3, they told me to put these things in the place where I traded with you for the first time!"

"As for that place, they say that you know Mr. Zhang, and you also know the trading rules!"

Su Chen told a lie without blinking.

"Okay, I understand!"

Zhang Lao nodded when he heard the words, and then said to Gu Yanbing beside him: "You accompany Su Chen to the place where we put californium last time!"

Gu Yanbing: "Good teacher!"

Zhang Lao said: "It's getting late, you all go, go early and return early!"


Su Chen and Gu Yanbing, accompanied by several soldiers, walked out of the underground secret room and took the elevator directly to the top of the State Reserve Building.

At the top of the building, Su Chen saw a helicopter parked there.

He followed Gu Yanbing into the helicopter.

Su Chen leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.

Gu Yanbing saw that Su Chen didn't mean to talk to her, so she couldn't help but pouted, and didn't take the initiative to talk to Su Chen.

Although she has a lot of curiosity about Su Chen.

But she felt that she didn't need to be cheeky and took the initiative to talk to Su Chen.

Twenty minutes later.

Accompanied by the roar of helicopters.

Su Chen saw that he was over the familiar Dongling Mountain.

But the last time I came, it was night.

"Miss Yanbing, the unmonitored area is below, where we put things last time!"

A soldier who opened the helicopter looked down and said to Gu Yanbing.

"You're going to let it go or I'm going to let it go?"

Gu Yanbing nodded when she heard the words, then looked at Su Chen and asked.

"I'll go!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

Then Su Chen followed a soft ladder opened by a soldier and fell towards the bottom.

The altitude at which the helicopter stopped was not very high.

So Su Chen quickly landed on the ground.

Looking at the familiar environment in front of him, Su Chen smiled and put the box in his hand on the ground.

And instructed Guangnao to revoke his teleportation coordinates in the rented house in Shencheng, and use this as a new teleportation coordinate.

Teleporting coordinates can be canceled at any time and reset at any time.

This is why Su Chen wants to come in person.

Light Brain: [The setting of the teleportation coordinates is complete! 】

After Su Chen heard the light-brained voice in his mind, he directly climbed up the helicopter's soft ladder.

The soldier guarding the helicopter door closed the door when Su Chen came up, and then made a gesture to the soldier who opened the helicopter.

next moment.

The helicopter rumbled towards the State Reserve Bureau.

Speechless all the way.

Su Chen and Gu Yanbing still didn't say a word.

The helicopter returned to the State Reserve Bureau and stopped on the roof of the State Reserve Bureau.

"Thank you both!"

Gu Yanbing politely said to the two soldiers.

"you are welcome!"

The two soldiers said, and saluted at the same time.

Seeing this, Su Chen also returned a salute.

Then Su Chen and Gu Yanbing took the elevator on the roof to the floor where Song Lao's office was located.

Because there were only two people in the elevator, Su Chen and Gu Yanbing.

So the atmosphere in the elevator is a little weird.

But from the beginning to the end, Su Chen and Gu Yanbing still didn't say a word, just like a fighting couple.


Accompanied by strange anger in the elevator.

Su Chen and Gu Yanbing came to the floor where Song Lao's office was located.

at this time.

The people on the floor have dispersed, the noisy scene just now has disappeared, and only some security personnel on patrol are walking back and forth.

When Su Chen and Gu Yanbing arrived at Song Lao's office.

Song Lao is talking with Zhang Lao and Ren Lao.

When they saw that Su Chen and Gu Yanbing were back, they temporarily stopped the conversation.

"Su Chen, we made a total of 245 billion Xia Guoyuan from this enchanting incident!"

"According to our original promise, half of it belongs to the patriots behind you."

"However, at present, the money of Goldman Sachs Group, Glencore Group and Lianshuhui Group has not been fully received, so half of the profits cannot be given to you for the time being!"

Song Lao said apologetically.

"It's okay, when is it time to give the same!"

"Those patriots behind me don't care too much about this!"

Su Chen smiled and shook his head.

Song Lao was relieved when he heard the words, obviously he was afraid that the patriots behind Su Chen would not be willing.


Su Chen chatted with Zhang Lao and Ren Lao for a while.

After learning that Shang Weiguo, Shang Rongyue and Zhang Fangwen had left Shangjing by private plane and headed to Shencheng.

Su Chen also found a reason to leave.

Song Lao, Zhang Lao and Ren Lao did not force their stay.

However, before Su Chen left, the three old men still had the cheek to remind Su Chen, and remember to ask overseas patriots about the lithography machine.

Su Chen naturally nodded in agreement.

"Elder Zhang, do you think there is much hope for the lithography machine?"

Song Lao looked at Su Chen's leaving back, sighed and asked Zhang Lao next to him.

"There is little hope, but there is hope after all!"

"This kid Su Chen, anyway, really helped us a lot!"

"In addition, is there any department-level temporary post in Yucheng, arrange one for him!"

Zhang Lao said to Song Lao.

"Well, that's what I thought too!"

Song Lao nodded, and then said: "Zhang Lao, Ren Lao, you said, if this kid Su Chen really got the lithography machine, how should we thank him?"

Zhang Lao smiled and said: "I don't know how you thank him, I only know that our Academy of Sciences may have one more academician who is the youngest in history!"

Ren Lao also said with a smile: "We, Huawei, will also have the youngest senior president in history!"


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