I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 50 Manufacturing Functions And Manufacturing Libraries!

What did Song Lao, Zhang Lao and Ren Lao say?

Su Chen didn't know.

After Su Chen left Lao Song's office, he left the State Reserve Bureau under the escort of security personnel.

Originally, Su Chen could have left directly on the exclusive plane of the State Reserve Bureau.

But Su Chen didn't do that.

Because Su Chen currently has more important things to do.

That is to go to Dongling Mountain and take what you put there.


After Su Chen left the State Reserve Bureau, he found a high-end hotel and rented a suite.

Then Su Chen asked the optical brain to check whether there was any camera equipment in the room.

After getting a reply from the light brain that said no.

Su Chen activated the energy shield directly in the suite and used the teleportation function.

And Su Chen's destination was the teleportation coordinates he set on Dongling Mountain.

Light Brain: [The distance of this transmission is about 26 kilometers, and the transmission environment is safe. 】

[Begin the transmission... The transmission is over, the transmission coordinates set by the host have arrived, and the total time taken is one ten thousandth of a second! 】

Listening to the cold voice of the brain.

Su Chen saw that he had reached his destination.

He looked up and looked forward.

Su Chen saw a metal case containing californium and helium-3.

"Finally put together!"

"It's really easy to do things by relying on the country!"

"The most important thing is that, without spending a penny, nearly 57 billion of things were prostituted for nothing!"

Su Chen lifted the metal box and put it directly into the carry-on space.


In the hidden state of the energy shield, Su Chen returned to the hotel suite he ordered through dozens of instant teleportation.

Just got back to the hotel suite.

Su Chen couldn't wait, took out the metal box in the portable space, and quickly opened it.


Su Chen stared at the californium and helium-3 in the metal box and told the light brain: "light brain, start absorbing the californium and helium-3 you need!"

Light Brain: [Start absorbing californium and helium-3! 】

Accompanied by the voice of the light brain.

Su Chen saw the familiar transparent light pouring out of his body, and then covering the jar containing californium and helium-3.

next moment.

Su Chen saw that the silver-white californium in the jar was shrinking rapidly and eventually disappeared.

Immediately after.

The voice of the light brain sounded in Su Chen's mind.

Optical Brain: [Complete the absorption of californium and helium-3... Optical Brain begins to repair itself...]

[Hint: The light brain repair progress has increased to 3%, and the energy has been exhausted. The light brain repair progress is 3%, and the upper limit of energy points is 300 points! 】

[Ding: Light Brain unlocks a new function: Manufacture, refresh a matching manufacturing library, add one teleportation coordinate, fuse the energy shield and the energy armor, and become an energy armor! 】

[Hint: If you want to increase the progress of optical brain repair to 4% and unlock more functions, you need 4 tons of gold, 400 grams of helium-3, and 400 grams of californium each! 】

"The repair progress has finally increased to three percent!"

"And a manufacturing function has been added, and a manufacturing library has been refreshed!"

"There is one more teleportation coordinates!"

"Energy shield and energy armor are also merged into energy armor!"

Su Chen was very happy after listening to a series of data after the progress of the optical brain repair was improved.

As for the things needed to restore the light brain progress to 4%, although Su Chen felt that it was burning money, it was already within his tolerance.

As long as the State Reserve Bureau allocated half of the profits from the "demon nickel" incident to him, it would be more than enough to buy 400 grams of californium and helium-3.

As for the 4 tons of gold needed, Su Chen decided to dig it himself.

Do it yourself, well-dressed!

Even Su Chen was thinking about whether to spend a lot of money to build a scientific research base to extract californium and helium-3 for himself.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by Su Chen.

Because in that case, he would be too noticeable.

"One step at a time!"

"Let's take a look at the new function manufacturing of the light brain, and the energy armor transformed into the energy armor after the fusion of the energy shield and the energy armor. The functions have improved!"

Su Chen discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Directly instructed the optical brain to turn on the manufacturing function that was just unlocked.

next moment.

A detailed description of the manufacturing function appeared in front of Su Chen.

Manufacturing: [Light Brain can consume its own energy points, and then use extremely rare resources to manufacture the items in the manufacturing library! 】

[Hint: The performance and quality of the items made by the optical brain will be 8% higher than the original items! 】

Read the description of the manufacturing function.

Su Chen couldn't wait to open the manufacturing library immediately.

And when Su Chen saw the items in the manufacturing warehouse.

Su Chen was immediately stunned.

Because in the manufacturing warehouse, there are two of the world's top technology products: the B2 bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine!


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