"Ghost bomber? (B2)"

"2nm lithography machine?"

Su Chen saw the two items lying down in the manufacture of Curry, and only felt that this happiness came too suddenly.

Not long ago, Mr. Ren, Mr. Song and Mr. Zhang licked their faces and asked themselves to ask the patriots behind them if they could get the lithography machines that they didn't use.

How long did it take.

The lithography machine is here.

And it is the most advanced 2nm lithography machine.

And the performance and quality of the lithography machine manufactured by the optical brain will be 8% higher than the original 2nm lithography machine!

Su Chen himself is also a very patriotic citizen of Xia.

Therefore, Xia Guo does not have the dilemma of high-end lithography machines. Su Chen has complained and wailed on the Internet before.

But he is an ordinary person, complaining and wailing are useless.

But now.

Su Chen felt that he seemed to be able to help his country and break through the predicament of the lithography machine.


It can also fulfill the greatest wishes of the three old people Ren Lao, Zhang Lao and Song Lao.

This sudden happiness made Su Chen feel refreshed from beginning to end!

And what makes Su Chen the happiest is that.

There are even ghost bombers in the manufacturing library!


The lithography machine is the lifeblood of the card owner Xia Guo.

Then the ghost bomber is stuck in the air dominance of Xia Guo.

Because the ghost bomber can fight at an altitude of nearly 20,000 meters, and can come and go freely in the airspace anywhere in the world.

The most terrifying thing is that the stealth performance of the Ghost Bomber can almost fool any existing radar and satellite monitoring!

Terrifying flying height, terrifying stealth performance.

and many other unannounced features.

This directly makes the Ghost Bomber the top fighter in the world.

Although Xia Guo also has many world-leading fighters.

But those fighter planes will be compared in all aspects compared with the top technology products that have been leading the world for decades, the Ghost Bomber.

Xia Guo's top fighter jet is aimed at the American Raptor.

So they are not comparable to the Ghost Bomber.

Even the American Raptor is not comparable to the Ghost Bomber.

"This light brain repair progress is increased to 3%!"

"Give me a pair of big and small kings directly!"

"Ghost bomber plus lithography machine, tsk tsk!"

Su Chen looked at the ghost bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine in the manufacturing library. The expression on his face was not only happiness and excitement, but also happiness and excitement.


Su Chen took another look at the consumption of the optical brain to make the ghost bomber and the lithography machine.

It's okay not to look.

At a glance, Su Chen is even more happy to smoke.

Because only one kilogram of gold, silver, iron, aluminum, and copper is needed, it consumes 200 energy points.

You can make the ghost bomber and the 2nm lithography machine!

"Mysterious Light Brain is too powerful!"

"How can it use such scarce resources to make a ghost bomber and a 2-nanometer lithography machine!"

Su Chen secretly said in his heart.

But after thinking about it, this question is not something that I should consider, and Su Chen doesn't want to.

In short.

As long as the light brain can create it, it doesn't matter what principle it is created by, as long as it can be created!

After Su Chen gave up thinking about how the light brain made things, he took a look at the current energy point of the light brain.

"The current energy point of the light brain is 125. At this time tomorrow, you can consider creating a ghost bomber and 2 nanometer light technology!"

Su Chen glanced at the light brain energy point secretly.


Su Chen looked at it again. After the fusion of the energy shield and the energy armor, it turned into an energy armor.

After some viewing.

Su Chen has a comprehensive understanding of energy armor.

The energy armor combines the advantages of energy shield and energy armor, and as Su Chen guessed, it can fly in a hidden state.

Not only can it be detected by all technological equipment in the world, but it can also be invisible to the naked eye.


The Power Armor also has new features for simulation.

After using the simulation function of the energy armor, you can improve various skills through simulation training.

For example, driving a car, flying a plane, etc., can be trained through the simulation function.

After getting familiar with all the functions of the optical brain after the improvement of the repair progress.

Su Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Then use the map navigation on the mobile phone, search for a nearby waste recycling station, quickly leave the hotel, and follow the navigation to the destination.

Su Chen needs to gather the resources needed to manufacture the 2-nanometer lithography machine and the ghost bomber before the energy point is restored to 200.


(The ghost is B2, ask for a monthly ticket for a flower evaluation ticket!)

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