I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 54 Push the cannon that has been with me for more than 40 years!

Xia Guo

Taklimakan Desert.

The yellow sand and horses fly in the sky all year round here, and the living environment is extremely harsh.

But it's such a barren place.

But there is an army of tens of thousands of people stationed.

And the person in charge of this unit is Mr. Chen Banghuai, one of the ten generals of the Xia Kingdom.

at this time.

Chen Banghuai, Chen Lao, is listening to severe criticism and educating several soldiers.

Each of these soldiers has at least two bars and one star on their shoulders.

Apparently, they were all officers starting with the lowest major.

But this moment.

They are like children who have made mistakes and are being severely criticized by Chen Lao.

"I've said it many times!

"Exercise is war!"

"It's a real war! 35

"Don't treat the exercise as an exercise, but as a real war! 35

"Although our Xia Kingdom has been at peace for decades, the humiliation we have suffered in the past has never been forgotten, and it has always been vivid in my mind!

"If you don't exercise seriously, don't treat the exercise as a real war!"

"Once our peaceful days are over, what will you do to protect your relatives, your country, and yourselves!

"Take the attitude of your child's play?"

Chen Lao angrily patted the table with his hand and said.

Several officers who started with the lowest major were all silent at this time.

Because they knew that what Chen Lao said was right.

Jingle Bell……

at this time.

The phone on Old Chen's desk rang.


Chen Lao glared at several trained officers with angry eyes and said, "Go to the refrigerator to get some water to drink, and see how I will clean you up!"

talking room.

Chen Lao walked to the desk, picked up the phone and said, "Hey, it's so late, who the hell is calling me!

"Old Chen, it's me, Lao Lu!"

"Why is it so late and so angry! 99

Old Man Lu from the Internal Affairs Office said with a bit of laughter.

"It turned out to be Lao Lu!"

When Chen Lao heard it was Lao Lu, his tone suddenly softened a lot and said, "It's so late, what are you looking for from me?"

"I'm a place where birds don't poop, do you have anything else to worry about, Lao Lu?

Lao Lu coughed and said, "I'll tell you what to do!"

When Chen Lao heard this, he immediately said, "Please instruct!"

Lao Lu coughed again and said, "We need you to open up an absolutely hidden channel within one day! 35

"And guarantee that within 300 kilometers around this channel, whether in the air or on land, there are no reconnaissance planes and other flying objects from other countries!

"Not even, if at all possible, a bird could appear!!

Chen Lao heard the words, his face suddenly showed a dignified color.

Because of Lu Lao's words, it means that 737 is likely to start a war.

"Received, guaranteed to complete the task!

Chen Lao said with a solemn expression.

"Okay, when you open up the hidden channel, tell me with an encrypted call!"

Old Lu said.

"Elder Lu, can I know about my current authority, what is this going to do?"

Chen Lao asked with a solemn expression.

"I will use an encrypted channel to send you the relevant information later!

Old Lu said.

"it is good!

Chen Lao naturally knew that Lu Lao was afraid of leaking secrets, so he would use an encrypted channel.

No more questions immediately.

"Then first! 9

After Lao Lao said this, he hung up the phone directly.


Chen Lao listened to the busy tone on the phone and guessed with a dignified expression, what Lu Lao was going to do.

But after guessing, Chen Lao didn't have the slightest look.


Suddenly, the mobile phone of the idiosyncratic military region in Old Chen's pocket rang.

Chen Lao immediately took out his special mobile phone and clicked on the message he just received.

Text message: "We have obtained a 2-nanometer lithography machine, as well as the physical machine of the B2 bomber."

"At this time tomorrow night, the B2 bomber will carry a 2-nanometer lithography machine and enter the country from the neighboring country of Afukhan. All subsequent work will be handled by you!"

"If you don't handle this matter well, you and I are the eternal sinners of the entire Xia Kingdom!!!


When Chen Lao saw this news, he only felt that his head exploded.

The whole person was completely stunned.

Because of the content of the news, he felt an unprecedented shock!

2nm lithography machine!!!

B2 bomber!!!

Then the B2 bomber, carrying a 2-nanometer lithography machine, will enter the country tomorrow night!

is this real?

Am I dreaming!!

This motherfucker is the god of the road, who was able to break the sea, land and air blockade of the United States around the world and get these two things!!

Chen Lao was a general for decades.

When he was young, he led the army to fight for more than ten years.

Now he is guarding one side and safeguarding the safety of the Xia Kingdom's borders.

Chen Lao believes that he has seen the big world.

But this moment.

For the first time, Chen Lao felt that his IQ was not enough.

Because the news he received made him feel that it was too far-fetched!


Chen Lao patted his desk hard.

After feeling the pain from the palm.

Chen Lao was sure that he was not dreaming.

But someone really needs to break through the US's global sea, land and air blockade, and give them the seeds of hope (biac) to break through the technology blockade!

"General please instruct!

In Old Chen's office, several majors who were being trained just now were drinking water.

Seeing that Chen Lao suddenly slapped violently at his work, he immediately stood up and said in unison.

"Ha ha!!

"Hahahaha!! 99

"God help me Xia Guo!!"9

"God help me Xia Kingdom!

"I want to see, it's the fairy who fulfilled my dream for so many years!!

Chen Lao felt the pain in his palm and said with a big smile.


He looked at the majors in the room and said, "Go, push up the cannon that has been with me for more than 40 years!

"Tonight, my motherfucker is going to have a blast!!!

Several majors heard that you look at me, I look at you.

Then they all immediately gave a military salute and said, "Yes!"


A few of them immediately ran out of Chen Lao's office and went to invite the cannon that accompanied Chen Lao for more than 40 years.

Chen Lao looked at the few young heroes who were leaving quickly, and immediately began to write quickly, preparing the task of opening up a hidden channel that Lu Lao gave him!

Home Office

After Lao Lao hung up the phone, he was very excited and shook his head with a smile and said, "I guess the area where Lao Chen is guarding tonight will be open for artillery fire tonight!

"And the artillery was fired all night long!"

When several old people around Old Man Lu heard the words, they all smiled and nodded in agreement.

In fact, if they were replaced, it is estimated that they would be as excited as Lao Chen, who guarded the frontier.

"Old Song, things are done, with Lao Chen here, we can ensure that the hidden channel is foolproof!

Lao Lao said to Song Lao who was calling him from the State Reserve Bureau.

Then, Old Man Lu said again: "Let me talk to that kid Su Chen!"

Song Lao immediately said: "Okay!


Song Lao said to Su Chen: "Su Chen, on the other side is my friend Lu Lao, you don't need to care what his identity is, as long as you have any ideas and needs, you can tell him directly!"5

"As long as you speak, as long as Lu Lao agrees, in our Xia Kingdom, there is nothing you can't do!"

Su Chen, who was on the phone in the hotel suite, couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the moment.

after all.

On the other end, that is one of the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Grandpa Lu, I'm Su Chen!

Su Chen took a deep breath, wiped away a little nervousness in his heart, and said in a humble tone.

"Good, good, good!"

After hearing that Su Chen called him grandfather, Mr. Lu immediately said three times with joy, and then he said again: "Su Chen, this is the case, is there anything else we need to cooperate with?"

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "The person who gave us the gift, he doesn't want people to know his identity, and he doesn't want to stay at the border. After he sends the gift, he needs us to send him out of the country quickly!"

The gifts in Su Chen's mouth are the B2 bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine.

Lu Lao naturally understands this.

Immediately, Old Man Lu said in a solemn tone: "Okay, do as you said!"

Originally, Mr. Lu was still thinking of giving a good reward to the patriots who drove the B2 bomber.

But since Su Chen said so, he dismissed the idea.

However, in his heart at this time, he was full of admiration and high respect for the patriot who was about to fly a B2 bomber and carry a 2-nanometer lithography machine to give them a gift to Xia Guo!

"Anything else to explain?"

Lao Lao asked Su Chen again.

"there is none left!"

Su Chen said.

"Yes, of course there is!

"That's the reward, our Xia Kingdom will never let the patriots who took such a big risk to give us gifts come home empty-handed!"

Elder Lu immediately said firmly.

"Then prepare 400 grams of californium and 400 grams of helium-3, and 4 tons of gold. I think those patriots will like these things!"

Su Chen directly stated all the things needed to improve the progress of optical brain repair.

Money, Su Chen has no shortage of money now.

But californium and helium-3, Su Chen couldn't get it.

At present, only the Academy of Sciences can extract the Xia Kingdom.

So Su Chen borrowed the donkey and said what he wanted.

"Okay, I'm satisfied with all the things you said!"

"I'll ask the scientific researchers of the Academy of Sciences to prepare these for you immediately!

Old Lu said in a sonorous and powerful voice.


"Then I won't bother Grandpa Lu! 35

Su Chen said.

"You child, what are you talking about! 35

"In this way, you write down my private number, and tell me directly what you need, what you want, or what difficulties you encounter!

"I promise you, in our country, your problem is not a problem! 99

"Your difficulties are not difficulties!

Old Lu said with a kind smile.

talking room.

Lao Lao gave Su Chen his private number.

Su Chen silently wrote it down and saved it on his phone.


The two sides chatted for two more words, and then both hung up the phone.

Leaving Song Lao, who was in a mess in the wind, staring at the State Reserve Bureau, he said in his heart: "You two, why did you forget me..."

In the hotel suite where Su Chen lives.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Chen immediately activated the energy armor and used the above simulation function.

This is the first time Su Chen has used this feature.

But Su Chen didn't panic at all.

Because of this function, it will not cause any harm to Su Chen.

With Su Chen using the simulation function on the energy armor.

Su Chen saw it immediately.

All skills that can currently be simulated by the simulation function.

But because there are too many skills that can be simulated above.

Su Chen was dazzled for a while.

In the end, Su Chen used the search query function and said to himself: "B2 bomber piloting skills!

next moment.

Su Chen saw that on the skill list of the simulation function, the B2 bomber driving technical skill ranked first, and the font was enlarged and highlighted.

"This mysterious light brain is really sweet!

Su Chen looked at the enlarged and brightened font and thought to himself.

Then Su Chen clicked directly, the B2 bomber driving technical skills, and the back started the simulation.

With Su Chen click simulation.

Su Chen immediately found himself in the cockpit of an airplane.

at the same time.

A lot of new knowledge began to be instilled into his brain crazily.

"B2 bomber driving skills!"

"B2 bomber button function!"

"B2 bomber joystick function!"


Accompanied by a lot of knowledge, instilled into Su Chen's brain.

Su Chen immediately started from a novice who didn't understand anything.

Become a B2 driver with extremely rich theoretical knowledge.

And familiar with all the driving operation knowledge on the B2 bomber.


Su Chen felt the extra knowledge in his mind, and couldn't help but praise the mysterious light brain.


Su Chen started the simulation.

The first time: the plane crashed just after take-off!

The second time: the operation error caused the crash!

The third time: the wrong button selection caused the crash!

Fourth time...

the fifth time...

the hundredth time

Three hundred times...

the next day.

In addition to eating and drinking, Su Chen.

The whole process is immersed in the training of simulated driving of the B2 bomber.


Su Chen after training more than a thousand times in the simulation.

It was finally possible, and the B2 bomber took off and landed normally.

And this time.

It was less than two hours away from the time when the gifts were delivered with Lao Lao, Song Lao, and Chen Lao.


Su Chen took a shower and kept himself in the best state of mind.

Then start the energy armor and turn on the stealth function of the energy armor.

at the same time.

Su Chen sent a message to Song Lao and Lu Lao on his mobile phone: "Get ready, the gift giver will appear within half an hour!

"The person who will give gifts in this operation is determined to be: Breaking Dawn!

"And his code name is: pawn!"

And at the moment when Su Chen sent the message.

Su Chen received a reply from Song Lao and Lu Lao: "Yes, you can answer the pawns at any time!

After reading the messages replied by Song Lao and Lu Lao.

Su Chen switched the phone to stealth mode, and then sent a message to Mr. Lu: [The soldier requests the location of the hidden channel, and requests the encrypted contact channel!]

Song Lao almost responded in seconds.

Song Lao: [Location, encrypted contact channel: 00000, channel password: xiaguoyongcun!]

Su Chen: [The pawn is received, about ten minutes later, the pawn will enter the location area! 】

Song Lao: [Received!]

Su Chen saw this message.

Directly open the window of the hotel suite, click on Song Laofa's location, and then let the light brain activate the teleportation function to teleport towards the destination.

After a minute.

Somewhere in the Taklimakan Desert.

Su Chen landed from the night sky, then reached into the carry-on space and touched the B2 bomber inside.

next moment.

The jet-black energy armor covering Su Chen's body quickly spread out more armor fragments, wrapping the entire B2 bomber.

When the entire B2 bomber was wrapped in fragments of energy armor.

Su Chen directly dropped the B2 bomber with a length of 48.5 meters, a width of 56.4 meters, a height of 12.4 meters, and a wing area of ​​370 square meters into the desert from the carry-on space.

Because the B2 bomber is now covered with fragments of energy armor.

Therefore, the B2 bomber at this time is completely hidden and invisible.

However, doing so will also consume 1 energy point per minute!


Su Chen saw the B2 bomber dropped from the carry-on space.

Immediately and quickly enter the cockpit of the B2 bomber, start the B2 bomber, pull the operating lever, and try to take off as soon as possible, the energy point can be saved a little bit.


boom boom boom...

The huge B2 bomber, as Su Chen started, immediately burst into a roar like a beast.

However, because of the coverage of energy armor fragments.

The hum of the B2 bomber could not spread.

And Chen, who was in the cab, naturally couldn't hear it either.


Su Chen, sitting in the driver's seat, felt that he was completely accustomed to the real B2 bomber.

He pushed the joystick up and said excitedly: "Take off, my B2 bomber!!

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