I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 55 Pawn, your daybreak operation is a complete success!



Accompanied by the roar of the B2 bomber.

Su Chen flew the B2 bomber directly into the sky and got rid of the sandy desert.


Su Chen, manipulating the B2 bomber, shouted loudly!

Strong push back.

Terrible flight speed!

In the night sky, look at the endless desert and clouds in front of you!

Let Su Chen feel the unprecedented driving – driving pleasure.

This kind of fun is not the simulation function of energy armor at all, it can be simulated.


Su Chen howled a few times.

The inner excitement gradually subsided.

Su Chen looked at the flight altitude at this time and found that it had reached an altitude of 10,000 meters.

It directly lifted the energy armor fragments and covered the B2 bomber.

Then connect the mobile phone to the energy armor and start searching for the encrypted contact channel: 00000.


Among the many channels, Su Chen found channel 00000.

Then immediately enter the password: xiaguoyongcun for the login link.

"Connected, connected!""

"The pawn is online!

As soon as Su Chen logged in to connect to the encrypted channel, he heard a loud noise.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Su Chen heard another old man shouting in a thick, old but extremely high voice.

Then, the old man said again: "Pawn, this is the base, pawn, this is the base, please answer when you receive it!""

Su Chen: "The pawn is received, and it is expected to enter the airspace of the predetermined position in eight minutes!"

The old man immediately said excitedly: "I received it, let the fighter planes in the base take off and accompany you!"9

Su Chen: "Pawn received!"


Su Chen was orderly, manipulating the B2 bomber, and quickly flew towards the map navigation location.

at the same time

Somewhere in the Taklimakan Desert.

Chen Lao immediately said to the general staff around him: "Let those J-20 pilots who have been on standby for a long time connect to the encrypted channel and prepare to take off to guide the guests who come from afar today!""

The general staff member immediately saluted, and then said with the military walkie-talkie in his hand: "The first team of J-20, the second team of J-16 personnel report the number!

"001 is here!




"Report, 16 people should arrive, 16 people actually arrive, waiting for orders at any time!"

The general staff immediately said: "Collectively access the encrypted channel, and immediately take off to the initial airspace of the hidden channel airspace and wait on standby!"

"Received! 35

Accompanied by the word "received" neatly and uniformly.

8 J-16 fighters.

8 J-20 fighters.

Led by the two leading J-20s and J-16s, they took off quickly and in an orderly manner.

"Wu Zheng, do you know what we're going to do?

The leading J-20 pilot, Sun Peng, asked Wu Zheng, the leading J-16 pilot, by radio.

"I don't know, but it's certainly not trivial!"

"It's the first time I've seen such inspiring people to pick up an unknown person since we became pilots!

Wu Zheng replied immediately.

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng are currently the two strongest pilots in the Taklimakan Desert military base.

Available from last night.

The two of them received a mysterious mission at the same time, escorting and flying for an unknown patriot.

Until now.

Even if it has already taken off.

The two of them don't know yet, it is worth letting the two of them lead the military base in the Taklimakan Desert, and who are all the J-16 fighters and J-20 fighters escorting and flying.

But the two of them are the top pilots of the Taklimakan Desert Military Base.

Naturally knowing what they are doing now matters a lot.

So keep your mental state in the best possible state all the time.


They broke through the clouds and came to the sky above the clouds.

Then quickly flew towards the airspace that concealed the border of the waterway.

About five minutes.

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng, with their team members, all lingered in the airspace at the border of the hidden waterway, waiting intently and silently.

"The base, the base, the pawns have arrived at the airspace entrance of the hidden waterway border!


Sun Peng and Wu Zheng heard a metal synth sound from the encrypted channel at the same time.

"The base received, the base received!

"Leader and escort, immediately lead the pawn to the base!"

"The pilot and flight attendant, immediately lead the pawns to the base!

Old Chen's voice came from the encrypted channel.

After Sun Peng and Wu Zheng heard the words of Su Chen and Chen Lao.

Immediately with a face full of surprise and doubt, he looked outside through the plane window.

But they have never seen any fighter jets, or the existence of private jets.


Sun Peng and Wu Zheng immediately used the radar detection function of the J-16 and J-20 fighters.

However, after the radar monitoring function is turned on, it still cannot detect any signal around.

There was no signal other than their own fighter signal.

"Report, report, find the pawn!

"Report, report, find the pawn!"

"Report, report, find the pawn! 35

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng said nervously through the encrypted channel.

fly to the place.

But nothing is seen.

Could not find any signal.

This is the first time that Sun Peng and Wu Zheng have encountered such a situation in their driving careers.

"What? No pawn found?

When Chen Lao heard the words, his face suddenly became solemn.

Then, Chen Lao immediately said again: "Pawn, please answer when you receive it! 35

Su Chen responded immediately: "Received!"

Chen Lao: "Pawn, report your altitude!"

Su Chen: "13,500 meters!"

Chen Lao: "Lead the escort team, report your altitude!

Sun Peng: "19,500 meters!""

Wu Feng: "19,500 meters!"5

As everyone reported that they fell flying height.

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng immediately understood that there was too much difference between their flight heights and that of the pawns.

But they still wondered why they couldn't find any signal from the pawn.

Because of the difference in flight altitude between them and the pawns, they absolutely cannot escape the radar detection of their fighters.

But although I am very suspicious.

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng still quickly led their team and quickly descended the flight altitude.




Only 500 meters away from the height of the flight with pawns.

However, Sun Peng and Wu Zheng still did not find any signals from the radar that did not belong to them.

this moment.

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng even began to wonder if they and their pawns were not in the same area.

"Please pay attention to the fighter above, please pay attention to the fighter, I am a pawn, I am a pawn!

"Your fighter plane is less than 500 meters away from me!

"Please stop landing quickly!


Sun Peng and Wu Zheng heard the mechanical synthesis sound coming from the encrypted channel.

But at this moment.

They still did not detect any signal from the radar below.


Sun Peng directly drove the fighter jet into the air while looking down through the plane window.

It doesn't look good.

At a glance, Sun Peng's soul came out.

"My Cao! 35

"what is that?"

"what is that?"

"Is that an American B2 bomber?"

Sun Peng exclaimed when he saw the bomber below him, which was almost twice the size of the J-20 he was driving.

"Report base, report base!"

"Emergency, emergency!"

"A U.S. B2 bomber was found in our country's airspace! 35

"Fire or not, fire or not!

Wu Zheng was also startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Don't fire, don't fire, I'm a pawn, I'm a pawn!

"I don't have any ammo on my plane!"5

Sun Peng and Su Zheng heard metal synth sounds coming from the encrypted channel again.

"Attention to the pilot team, the B2 bomber in your eyes is the target you need to be escorted by the pilot and escort!

"Be sure to keep it safely within the fairway base! 35

"If you encounter any suspicious foreign fighter jets on the way, shoot them down directly, no need to ask!

"Please answer!

Chen Lao said in a passionate tone.


"Received! 55

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and replied immediately.

So mysterious.

Who would have thought that the person driving the top bomber in the United States turned out to be his own!

this moment.

Sun Peng and Wu Zheng couldn't help thinking of a post they had read.

The title of the post is: [If I drive back a B2 bomber, can I upgrade it?]

And the following replies are all: what to say, my dear academician, what to say, your honorable colonel...


Sun Peng and Wu Zheng were happy when they saw these posts.

did not expect.

They actually saw the real thing.

Someone actually drove a B2 bomber back to China!


In the hearts of Sun Peng and Wu Zheng, a thought arose: "In that B2 bomber, the gods are sitting on the road, it's too dangling, I will worship you to death!!!

Ask for flowers0・・

Su Chen here.

Su Chen in the driver's seat.

Through the monitoring radar on the B2 bomber, I saw more than ten J-20s and J-16s above, and my heart was also nervous.

Although he has simulated flying the B2 bomber more than a thousand times.

But it was the first time to actually fly a B2 bomber.

Just now.

Su Chen felt that if it wasn't for his doubts, why the pilots and flight attendants couldn't find him.

He was also puzzled and activated the radar detection function on the B2 bomber.

It is very likely that his B2 bomber will collide with the J-20 and J-16 above.

"Scare people to death!"

Su Chen sighed with emotion, and then secretly said: "The performance and quality of this B2 bomber made by the brain has only increased by 8%, but the performance and quality of this 8% increase is too scary.

"At such a close distance just now, the J-20 and J-16 fighter jets could not be searched!"

Just as Su Chen sighed.

Su Chen suddenly heard the voices of the personnel on the J-20 and J-16 fighter jets in the encrypted channel.

"Pawn, I'm navigator Sun Peng, please follow us back to the base!""

"Pawn, I'm navigator Wu Zheng, please follow us back to the base!"5

"Pawn received!"

Su Chen responded immediately.


Su Chen saw it.

More than a dozen J-20 fighter jets and J-16 fighter jets in the sky quickly landed to a level equal to their own.

Then, more than a dozen J-20 fighter jets and J-16 fighter jets lined up in two vertical lines, guarding his B2 bomber in the middle, and flew towards the front.


Seeing this, Su Chen immediately took control of the B2 bomber and followed closely behind.

five minutes later.

Su Chen saw J-20 fighter jets ahead, and J-16 fighter jets began to descend.

Su Chen immediately followed suit.


When it landed at an altitude of about 3,000 meters.

Su Chen looked through the night sky and saw two rows of extremely bright lights below.

no doubt.

That's the man at the base, the landing strip prepared for him.

"The base has seen the pilot escort team!"

"The base has seen pawns!"

"Start sending people to respond!

Su Chen heard an excited and favorable old voice coming from the encrypted channel.


Su Chen saw more than a dozen off-road vehicles with flashing lights driving slowly on the periphery of the landing strip below.

Don't think about it, those vehicles were filled with people who responded to him.

"Base, base, the leader of the pilot escort team is requesting to land!"


"Base, base, the pilot escort team leads the pawns to request a landing! 35

Su Chen heard the voices of members of the pilot escort team in the encrypted channel.

"Landing allowed! 99

"Let's land!"

Old Chen's voice sounded.

Along with Chen Lao's voice, Sun Peng and Wu Zheng began to lead their pilot escort team and landed in an orderly manner.

Su Chen also followed the landing very calmly.


After a slight vibration.

Su Chen's B2 bomber landed on the runway and began to taxi forward.

After a while.

B2 bomber stopped taxiing.

Su Chen also immediately put the 2-nanometer lithography machine in the portable space into the wide interior space of the B2 bomber.

Although the 2nm lithography machine is huge.

However, the space inside the B2 bomber can still be easily installed.

boom boom boom...

At this time.

As Su Chen's B2 bomber stopped taxiing.

More than a dozen off-road vehicles with flashing lights surrounded the B2 bomber.


An old man with gray hair and a calm face, got off the leading off-road vehicle, looked at Su Chen with excitement on his old face, and said, "Pawn, the dawn-break action you made has been a complete success. !

"Please get off the plane and accept our salute to you!"

The voice fell.

The old man stood there, slowly stretched out his right hand, and gave Su Chen the most standard military salute.

And everyone behind the old man.

And the pilots who got off from the J-20 and J-16 fighters also followed the old man and saluted Su Chen.


There were tears of excitement and joy in the eyes of some soldiers.

Among these soldiers, female soldiers are the majority!

Su Chen looked at a large group of people in front of him, headed by the old man, and saluted himself.

Immediately, I felt extremely shocked and moved.


Su Chen opened the hatch of the B2 bomber, stepped off the B2 bomber, raised his now extremely heavy right hand, and gave a standard military salute to the group of people in front of him headed by the old man! 2.

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