Early the next morning.

Su Chen's family got up early.

After Nuo Nuo was dressed, he held the Peppa Pig doll in one hand and the big lobster pit in the other, and ran and played in the living room.

Wait until the family is ready.

Su Chen hugged Nuo Nuo and followed her parents downstairs.

Su Ting was attentive in the back and closed all the windows of the house.

"Kang Ming, Huilan, what are you doing!

"Go back home, my dad's 80th birthday today!

"Yo, then I wish your father good luck and longevity!"

"haha, thank you!"

On the way out.

The Su Chen family met many acquaintances in the community.

Su Kangming cheerfully greeted passing acquaintances.

Several of them wanted to talk to Su Chen, but they were stopped by Chen Huilan at the first time.


Su Chen's family got into Su Chen's car.

Last night, Su Chen's family discussed it. There are exactly five people in the family, and it is enough to drive one car.

The family sits in a car and can still talk.

Driving too many cars makes it difficult for the family to talk.

Su Chen naturally had no opinion on this proposal.

Luckily, when Su Chen bought a car, he bought an SUV, if he bought a sports car or a car.

That family of five must be crowded.

"Su Chen, what did you buy for your grandfather? Why is the trunk almost full!"

When Su Kangming put the things in his hand into the trunk, he saw that the trunk was almost full, so he couldn't help asking.

"Some food to wear, and a decoration!"

Su Chen said casually.

In fact, what Su Chen buys is not expensive.

Mainly in the mind.

If Su Chen spends tens of millions to buy things for his grandfather who has lived in the countryside all his life, Su Chen doesn't think it's appropriate.

It is estimated that the elderly in the family would not dare to take out the things that they spent so much money on, and they usually have to offer them.

Sleeping all day and night, I am afraid that I will not sleep well, for fear that thieves will miss me.

If you don’t tell the truth to the elders at home, and tell the elders that the gifts you give are not worth anything, and the elders leave them in the living room, they will be taken away by some petty thieves.

Therefore, it is meaningless to give too expensive gifts to the elderly at home, especially those living in rural areas.

Of course, if your entire family is a wealthy family, then you can ignore the above problems.

"Have a heart, it's worth it when you were 18, your grandfather loved you!"

"Everyone in our family is the same generation as you, your grandfather loves you the most!

"Your grandfather would be very happy to see you buy him so many things!

Su Kangming looked at the trunk full of things and said with a smile.

talking room.

Su Ting came down from the upstairs.

He also had a few bottles of water in his hand.

"I didn't take any water when I went out just now, I just took a few bottles! 35

"Whoever is thirsty asks me for it! 35

Su Ting walked to the front of the car, opened the door and sat in the co-pilot, putting the water in her hand aside and said.

"Mom, I want some water!

Nuo Nuo was immediately thirsty.

"You mouth, don't be idle! 35

Su Ting smiled and took out a bottle of water and handed it to Nuo Nuo behind.

Nuonuo took the water with a smile, asked Su Kangming to open it for her, and then took two sips.

Su Chen looked at Nuo Nuo's cute appearance, and smiled suddenly, then started the car, turned on the navigation on the car, and went straight to the direction of his hometown.

After an hour and a half.

Su Chen's vehicle appeared at the entrance of his hometown, Yulin Village.

"It's coming so soon!"

Su Kangming looked at the road sign at the entrance of the village, his face full of surprise.

Because he used to take a bus back, at least four or five hours.

Two of the hours were spent on the bus running around soliciting customers.

"Dad, didn't I buy you a car too!"

"If you have time to practice more, you will definitely drive faster! 39

"When you are familiar with the practice, accompany my mother to travel around!

Su Chen turned the steering wheel, turned to Yulin Village and said.

"Okay, I'll practice driving after get off work!"

Su Kangming happily agreed.

"Hey, why are there so many people in front of you!"

When Chen Huilan in the back seat saw a lot of people in front, she immediately asked Su Chen who was driving.

As soon as Su Chen turned to the entrance of the village, he actually saw what was going on in front of him.

Not far in front, a Maserati Giberi fell into a ditch half the size of its body.

At this time, the two young people were scattering cigarettes for the people around them and asked him to help him carry the car.

"The car fell into the ditch, find someone to help him carry the car there!

Su Chen said with a smile.

In fact, Su Chen could see at a glance that the two young people in front who were looking for help with scattered cigarettes were Su Zhanbo, the child of his uncle's family, and Su Zhanyi, the child of his third uncle's family.

As for the motives of Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi.

Su Chen knew at a glance that the two of them were pretending to compare.

It's fake to let them help lift the car for them, but it's real to show off their Maserati Giberley.

"Whose child, how can you drive so recklessly!"

"Such a wide road can be driven into a ditch!"

Chen Huilan said worriedly.

"My uncle and third uncle's children!"

Su Chen said with a smile.


"It's your two cousins, when I didn't say it!

When Chen Huilan heard that she was the child of her eldest brother and uncle's family, she immediately curled her lips and leaned on the seat to watch the play silently.

Because Su Chen's grandmother is partial to Su Chen's uncle and third uncle.

Therefore, Su Chen's uncle and third uncle, together with their daughter-in-law, bullied Chen Huilan when they were not separated before.

Their sons are also rude and rude all day long.

Over time, Chen Huilan disliked Su Chen's uncle and third uncle, as well as their daughter-in-law and son.

"Su Chen, just pretend you didn't see it, just drive over!"

Su Kangming also didn't have a good impression of Su Zhenbo and Su Zhanyi, so he just let Su Chen pretend not to see it.


Su Chen nodded with a smile, then turned to the left, preparing to bypass his two cousins, the Maserati Ghibli.

But when Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi saw Su Chen's Cayenne, they immediately reached out to stop him.

No way, Su Chen could only park.


Su Chen opened the car window and said calmly.

"Who am I supposed to be, it's you Su Chen!"

"Why, I came back this time to celebrate my grandfather's birthday, and I even rented a Porsche Cayenne!"

"It's so lovely now!"

After Su Zhanbo saw Su Chen, he immediately retracted his hand that was going to hand Su Chen a cigarette, and said with a smile.

"Brother, don't worry about Su Chen, the car has been carried out, let's go!

"Manman and Xiaomei are waiting for us in front!"

Su Zhanyi glanced at Su Chen and said in a frivolous tone.

talking room.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi looked at Su Chen with disdain, and then returned to their car.

Regarding Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, Su Chen didn't bother to talk to them, and just drove forward.

Now Su Chen has a high vision, watching Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi is like watching two clowns.

But Su Chen just drove more than ten meters ahead.

I heard a loud bang from behind.

Then there was a chatter from the villagers.

"My dear, this car is really not very useful. It fell into a ditch once on such a long way, and it got stuck in the sewer as soon as it was lifted out of him!

"The chassis is too low, who will get stuck if you don't stick it, look at the Porsche in front of you, it will pass by with a swish!

"What, that's a Porsche, I said how familiar the logo is, how much does that Porsche cost!"

"More than one million, it's more expensive than this Maserati, and it looks more domineering!

"These Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi are hilarious, right? They got stuck in the sewer as soon as they took the car out for him!

"Khan, you don't understand, the two brothers just pretended to be comparing themselves to show us off that they bought a car. I often see videos like this on Douyin, but now, the two of them are pretending to be too much, and they are really stuck in the sewer. gone!"

"Unfortunately, no wonder the five or sixty-one packs of Chinese cigarettes are so happy to be scattered. This is to let us give him a long face and promote him!"

"It's gone, let the two brothers find a way to lift the car by themselves, I won't be the one to take advantage of!"

The villagers were chatting with each other.

Then they all slowly dispersed, looking at Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi who were embarrassed and desperate at this moment, like monkeys.

"This Su Chen is really not a brother enough to help me!"

Su Zhanbo said angrily.

He completely forgot that he was sneering at Su Chen just now.

"That's right, go back and tell grandma about him well, and just leave us two and run away. Does he think we are his cousins ​​in his heart?"

Su Zhanyi also said angrily.

talking room.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi began to use their milk-feeding strength to lift up the reels stuck in the sewer.

In the end, the two of them got dirty all over their bodies, and they could be regarded as carrying out the wheel of Maserati.

So the two of them immediately got into the car, dashing forward as soon as they gasped, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But it's nice to think about.

Cruel at first.

Just hearing another bang, the two reels behind the Maserati got stuck in the sewer again.

This time, the villagers who were watching the lively around were very happy.

Many people took out their mobile phones to take a video, and named the video: two brothers pretending to be rubbish, and below the video, Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi were accompanied by the text of how they tricked everyone into carrying him a car.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, who were in the crowd, blushed like monkeys' butts, and started to lift the car again with the strength of milk.

Su Chen here.

Seeing how embarrassed Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi were at this time, Chen Huilan couldn't stop laughing.

Su Ting and Nuo Nuo, at this time even more tears came out of laughter

Su Kangming wanted to laugh, but held back.

The latter two were his nephews anyway, and he felt that no matter what, he couldn't laugh at them.


I can't help it!

that's it.

in a chorus of laughter.

Su Chen drove his family to the back of his hometown's house, and found an empty spot to park the car.


Su Chen's family all got out of the car and put everything in the trunk by the way.

"Su Kangming is back!"

"Yeah, Su Chen is so old and looks even more handsome!"

"Hui Lan is so fortunate to have both children!""

"Kang Ming, you have made a fortune, and more than one million Porsches have been opened!

The people who watched Grandpa Su Chen's birthday from the front and the back of the house, saw Su Chen's family, and immediately greeted him cordially.

Su Kangming listened to the sound of people greeting him, and with a flushed face he took out the cigarette he had prepared for a long time from his pocket. Su Chen bought what he was wearing, what he was carrying, and that Porsche!"

When people heard this, they all looked at Su Chen.

One by one, they praised Su Chen as a child, who drove more than one million cars at a young age.

He also said to let his children learn more from Su Chen in the future.

Su Chen listened to the chaotic voices around, and couldn't tell who said what, so he could only smile and nod to them as a greeting.

that's it.

in the midst of a discussion.

Su Chen hugged Nuo Nuo, followed behind his parents and entered the gate of his old house.

"Kang Ming, why did you just get home!

"Go and help take out the garbage in the toilet, your sister-in-law is too busy!"

As soon as Su Chen's family entered the gate, Su Chen's uncle Su Kangyong said with a bluff.

In the words, it is full of the meaning of commanding the servants.

"Second sister-in-law, my eldest brother and I, and my wife have been busy for a long time, and you have only arrived home, and you are too lazy!

Su Chen's third uncle, Su Kangbing, also said sarcastically.

"It's just that you have long mouths, aren't you!"

"If you don't hurt our family, you'll be suffocated to death!"

Chen Huilan is not what she used to be now, Su Chen is her greatest strength, she is not afraid of the boss and the third family now.

Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing did not expect that Chen Huilan would become so articulate, and 750 was at a loss for words for a while.

When they reacted, they were about to say something.

Su Chen's grandfather, Su Youwei, came out on crutches.

"Kang Ming, Huilan, you are back! 35

Su Youwei said with joy on his face.

"Dad, why did you come out!"

Su Kangming immediately supported Su Youwei with concern on his face.

"It sounds weird, so I'll come out and have a look!"

Su Youwei glanced at Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing said.

Apparently, he was warning his eldest and younger sons to stop picking on things.

When Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing saw their father's eyes, they both smacked their lips and remained silent.

But in their hearts, they hated the Su Chen family.


Su Chen and Su Ting shouted together at this time.

"Hey, fine!

"I haven't seen him for more than a year, and my grandfather is almost unrecognizable! 39

Su Youwei looked at Su Chen and Su Ting with joy and doting on his face.


Nuo Nuo, who was held by Su Chen, also shouted in a milky voice.

"Yo, Nuo Nuo has grown so tall! 35

"Come and give Grandpa a hug!

While speaking, Su Youwei was trembling and wanted to hug Nuo Nuo.

"Dad, just let Su Chen hold it, and Kang Ming and I will help you into the house!"

"When you go back to the house and sit down, it's not too late to hold Nuo Nuo! 35

Chen Huilan said with a concerned face to Su Youwei.

Su Youwei is getting old, and Chen Huilan didn't let him hold Nuo Nuo at this time, for everyone's sake.

"Go, go, enter the house!"

Su Youwei naturally understood Chen Huilan's intentions, and happily led Su Chen's family into the house.

And right now.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, who were all dirty, walked into the yard with two girls in heavy makeup amid the chatter of the surrounding people.

When they saw that Su Chen was holding Nuo Nuo with a happy face, the two people suddenly became popular.

They felt that Su Chen was laughing at them.

Exactly at this time.

Su Chen's grandmother Liu Guihua also came out of the house.


Brothers Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, with their female companions, immediately ran to their grandmother Liu Guihua to complain.

"Grandma, the car we drove just now got stuck in the sewer. Su Chen and his family left without even looking at it!"

"Grandma, Su Chen, second uncle, and auntie are so ruthless, you see, we are both dirty, if their family helped, we wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"We were also laughed at by the villagers, saying that our family was not united, and that no matter where our family members were in trouble, they would not help!

Liu Guihua had always loved the brothers Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi.

At this time, seeing the two of them all dirty, very embarrassed.

Hearing their announcement again, he suddenly trembled with anger.

"Kang Ming, Huilan!

"Tell me, what's going on! 9

Liu Guihua looked at Su Kangming and Chen Huilan with anger on her face.

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