I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 71 Bronze body gold paint, Shang Rongyue appears!

"What else can happen!"

"It must be the two bastards next to you who are lying.

"Go into the house quickly and let them change their clothes, don't let people see them laughing, look at them dirty! 39

Before Su Kangming and Chen Huilan could speak, Su Youwei smashed the crutches on the ground and said.

"Grandma Liu, Mr. Su is really right about this. Your two grandsons are really the villains who complained first, but I saw with my own eyes that the two brothers sneered at Su Chen's child first!

"I can also testify. I also took a video. As soon as the Su Kangming family entered the village, they were stopped by Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi. After they damaged Su Kangming's family, they drove the car into the sewer by themselves. Can you blame the Su Kangming family? 99

"What's more, Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi bought a car for us to show off him, and they deliberately ditched the car and asked us to help him carry it, which is like deceiving us as fools!

There were a lot of people watching the excitement around, and they all started talking.

As soon as these villagers opened their mouths, Liu Guihua couldn't hang on his face, and immediately wanted to protect the calf and quarreled with the villagers.

However, Su Youwei stopped him with a cane.

"Wife, it's my birthday today, you're trying to embarrass me, aren't you!

"Hurry in and let the two children change their clothes and see what it looks like. They were laughed at by a group of people, and the wicked people are still here to complain first!""

Su Youwei glared at Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi and said.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi immediately shrank their necks and ran into the room to change their clothes.

And next to Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, the two girls with heavy makeup and bright make-up called out sweetly to Grandma Liu Guihua.

When Liu Guihua heard the two girls calling her grandma, she immediately knew that this must be the girlfriend of Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi.

"Let's go, enter the house with grandma, and I'll give you a red envelope later!"

Liu Guihua said with one hand and two girls with heavy makeup.

When the two girls heard that there were red envelopes, they immediately followed Liu Guihua into the house happily.

"Let's go in too!"

Su Youwei said to Su Chen's family.

Su Kangming and Chen Huilan nodded, then helped Su Youwei into the room.

Su Chen followed behind with Nuonuo and Su Ting.

"Nuo Nuo, come and give grandma a hug!"

As soon as Su Chen came into the house with Nuo Nuo in his arms, he saw his two aunts smiling and wanting to hug Nuo Nuo.

For her two aunts, Su Chen's impression can only be said to be very general, because they belong to the kind of people who have nothing to do with themselves, as long as they are not bullied, they don't care.

So just now, the yard was obviously tense, and neither of them showed up.

"Auntie, Nuo Nuo is more recognizable, so let Su Chen hold it!"

Su Ting said at this time.

Nuo Nuo also cooperated and turned her head, hugging Su Chen's neck tightly.

Seeing this, Su Chen's two aunts pouted and left.

"Let's go, go to grandpa's birthday!

Seeing the two aunts leave, Su Ting said to Su Chen.


Su Chen responded, followed behind Su Ting with Nuo Nuo in his arms, and walked towards Su Youwei, who was already sitting on the main seat.

But here it is.

Liu Guihua came out with four red envelopes from the back room.

She handed the four red envelopes to the two girls with heavy makeup and said, "You two are so handsome, Zhan Bo and Zhan Yi are really insightful.

"Come on, this is the red envelope that grandma gave you! 35

"Two are yours, and two are Zhanbo and Zhanyi!"

"Grandma really wants to see you get married soon and give grandma a big fat grandson.

The two girls with heavy makeup and bright make-up nodded happily when they received the red envelope, and then secretly glanced inside the red envelope.

When they saw that there was only two hundred yuan in the red envelope, the joyful expressions on their faces suddenly decreased a lot.

However, when they thought that this was also worthless money, they quickly relaxed.

"Grandma, where is our red envelope? 39

"Yes, we do too!"

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, who had changed their clothes, gathered around Liu Guihua and said.

Liu Guihua couldn't resist, so she took out two more red envelopes and gave them to Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi took the red envelopes, and immediately waved their hands at Su Chen, indicating that they had red envelopes, but Su Chen did not.

Seeing this, Su Chen only felt that he was watching two monkeys perform acrobatics, and didn't bother to care about them.

"Su Chen, Su Ting, Nuo Nuo!

"Come on, grandpa also prepared a red envelope for you!"

At this time, Su Youwei took out three red envelopes from his pocket and gave them to Su Chen and Su Ting.

"Grandpa, let's forget it!"

"I'll just collect one for Nuo Nuo! 99

Su Chen and Su Ting said.

"The elder gave it, you can't quit, you two are obedient, accept it!"

Su Youwei said.

"What grandpa gave you, you can take it!

Su Kangming said.

Su Chen heard the words, nodded and accepted.

Su Ting also followed her subordinates, and handed one of them to Nuonuo.

Nuo Nuo received the red envelope, and happily called out to Grandpa a few times, making Su Youwei happy.

"Zhan Bo, Zhan Yi, take your girlfriends to celebrate your grandfather's birthday!

"Remember to ask for a red envelope! 35

Liu Guihua sat next to Su Youwei at this time and said to her two grandsons whom she loved the most.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi nodded immediately, and then brought their heavily made-up female companions to pay Su Youwei birthday wishes.

Su Youwei looked at Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, and brought their female companions to give him birthday wishes, then shook his head and smiled, and then took out four red envelopes for them.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi got the red envelopes, and immediately waved at Su Chen and raised the red envelopes in their hands.

But Su Chen ignored them directly.

Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi saw that Su Chen ignored them, and they were a little embarrassed.

Then they were very upset, took their female companions, walked to Liu Guihua's side, found a place to sit down, and waited for a while for the birthday banquet to start.

"Dad, this time Su Chen and Su Ting brought you a lot of things! 35

Su Kangming saw that it was almost time, so he was going to ask Su Chen and Su Ting to give Su Youwei a birthday greeting.

"Okay, Su Chen and Su Ting are really sensible!"

"Unlike their two cousins, they don't understand anything at all!"

Su Youwei glanced at Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi, who were sitting and waiting for the birthday banquet not far away.

At the same time, Su Youwei was also thinking about it, so he turned around and folded the gifts that Su Chen and Su Ting bought him into a wallet and returned it to them.

"Grandpa, this is the clothes I bought for you!"

"This is your favorite walnuts, raisins, and red dates!

"These are cereals that give you calcium, and vitamins."

"This is an old birthday star ornament carved from sandalwood!"


Su Chen and Su Ting, put their own purchases and put them next to Su Youwei.

Su Youwen looked at the things Su Chen and Su Ting gave him, and his eyes were a little wet, and he kept saying yes, saying that his grandfather liked it very much.

After Su Chen and Su Ting delivered the things, they each said congratulations to Su Youwei on his birthday.

Su Youwei said yes again and again.


Su Kangming and Chen Huilan also gave Su Youwei what they had prepared.

Su Youwei naturally praised him for a while, and his old face was full of happiness.

"Tsk tsk, Kang Ming, ah Kang Ming, you said that you are driving more than one million cars!

"Just give our dad these things!"

"It's shivering!"

"Let me show you what my brother gave to our father!"

Su Kangyong saw that Su Chen's family had finished sending the congratulatory gifts, he sneered at first, then clapped his hands, and his wife immediately handed him a slap-sized box.

Su Kangyong opened the box, and everyone in the living room saw a golden tiger the size of a baby's fist inside.

"Wow, the golden tiger, it just matches the zodiac sign of Mr. Su!

"Don't say it, although this Su Kangyong is not very popular, he still has filial piety. This golden tiger must weigh a pound at least. According to the current gold price, this golden tiger is almost 200,000! 99

"I really can't see that Su Kangyong is so rich, it seems that he has made a lot of money in the mining business in the past two years!

"I don't dare to hurt him in the future, I have to flatter me, maybe I have to count on him in the future!

In the living room, there were also people watching the lively outside the living room, as well as relatives who came to the birthday banquet. After seeing the golden tiger presented by Su Kangyong, they all immediately talked about it, and they all looked at Su Kangyong differently.

"Dad, this is me and your daughter-in-law, and your grandson Zhanbo, the birthday gift for you, I wish you a blessing like the East Sea, and a long life like Nanshan! 99

Su Kangyong held the golden tiger, enjoying the gazes of the people around him, pulling his wife and bowing to Su Youwei.

Su Youwei saw that Su Kangyong suddenly became so sincere, and thought that Su Kangyong had changed.

But when he thought that the Su Chen family had just entered the door, they were ridiculed by Su Kangyong for a while, and he immediately said: "Kang Yong, get along better with your brother Kang Ming in the future!

"It's all a family, don't let others see jokes, as a big brother, you have to act like a big brother!

"Also, go back and give me the list of the golden tiger, and I will put it together with the golden tiger!

When Su Kangyong heard the words, he immediately knew that his father was going to give him a discount, and he immediately smiled and nodded and said yes.

At the same time, he gave a wink to his wife beside him, as if the plan was successful.

Su Chen on the side was keenly aware of this.

Immediately let the light brain detect the composition of the golden tiger.

Light Brain: [Host, after the light brain test, the decoration seen by the host's eyes is copper body gold paint! 】

After Su Chen got the results of the optical brain test, he immediately hated his uncle Su Kangyong to the extreme.

A man who even lied to his 80-year-old father was still at his father's birthday banquet.

Su Chen really refreshed his understanding of people from Su Kangyong.

However, Su Chen didn't say anything immediately, but with a cold expression on his face, he was going to see what birthday gift he would give to his third uncle.

"Dad, eldest brother gave you a golden tiger, and I'm giving you gold, it seems vulgar!"

"I prepared this for you, it's a jade tiger!"

"I spent more than 80,000 yuan to buy the raw materials for this piece of jade, and then asked an expert to recite the scriptures and carve it every day. The cost before and after almost cost nearly 120,000 yuan!"

Su Chen's third uncle, Su Kangbing, pulled his wife and said sincerely.


"Yes, the jade tiger is beautiful!

"Go back and give me the list of raw materials, together with Jade Tiger!

Su Youwei took the jade tiger and put it aside.

When Su Kangbing heard this, he immediately nodded with a smile and kept saying yes.

"Light brain, detect the jade tiger that my eyes see!

Su Chen told Guangnao at this time.

Optical brain: [Host, after optical brain detection, the jade tiger seen by the host is made of ordinary glass mixed with jade gel. Staying with people for a long time may cause diseases! 】


Su Chen saw the test results of Jade Tiger.

Can not help but sigh.

At this time, Su Chen didn't even know whether to expose his uncle and third uncle.

If he dismantled them directly, Su Chen was afraid that his grandfather would not be able to stand this huge stimulation.

But if he didn't expose it, Su Chen couldn't just look at it like this. His grandfather kept the so-called golden tiger and jade tiger by his side, and then took out the pension money and gave it to his uncle and third uncle.

Just when Su Chen was in trouble.

Liu Guihua on the side said, "." The old man, did you see that at the critical moment, the boss and the third can be trusted!

"These golden tigers and jade tigers, look at the people who are here to celebrate your birthday and join in the fun. The one who doesn't say good, and the one who doesn't say extravagance!"

"It's your favorite Kang Ming and Hui Lan, as well as Su Chen and Su Ting. Look at the things they gave, they can't compare with the boss and the third!"

Hearing this, Su Youwei immediately shook his head and said, "Old lady, you can't say that, the gift is about your heart!"

"I just feel that the things that Kang Ming and Huilan, as well as Su Chen and Su Ting gave me, are very practical. I can use them anytime I want!"

"It's the golden tiger and the jade tiger, I don't dare to put them at home, I have to put them in the town bank to keep them in order to feel at ease!

When Liu Guihua heard this, she immediately said with a face full of unwillingness: "You, you just don't admit that the eldest and the third are good, in fact, just by looking at this gift, you can see how much you hold in the minds of your three children!"

"Although the gift is about the heart, the heart must also have value. I heard that the Kang Ming family drove more than one million cars this time!

"With more than one million yuan to buy a car, don't have ten thousand yuan to buy you a birthday gift? 35

Su Zhanbo also got up and said: "Grandpa, grandma is right, Su Chen's car is hundreds of thousands more expensive than mine, their family is not bad money, they just don't care about your 80th birthday. 35

"Or, the car they drove back was rented, so it makes sense why their gifts are so cheap.

Su Zhanyi also helped: "Brother, whether Su Chen's car is rented, let them say for themselves, if they say they rented it for the sake of face, then we agree with the cheap birthday gift he gave!"

"If they say it's not rented, it means they have money, they just don't want to pay for grandpa's birthday gift."

With Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi rioting.

The surrounding relatives and friends, as well as those watching the excitement, suddenly talked a lot.

The way they looked at Su Chen's family became strange.

Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing, seeing the changes in the faces of the relatives and friends around them and the people watching the fun, immediately looked at each other and smiled, their faces (Zhao Li's) full of pride.

They came back to celebrate Su Youwei's birthday this time, and they learned from their mother Liu Guihua.

His father, Su Youwei, saved some savings from farming and retirement pensions.

And Su Youwei wants to take advantage of his 80th birthday to divide his savings equally among his three sons and two daughters.

As soon as they learned the news, Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing joined forces with their wives to defraud Gold Tiger and Jade Tiger.

The purpose is to take all of his father's savings and leave nothing for Su Chen's family.



Just when many people looked at Su Chen's family with strange eyes.

They all heard the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums suddenly coming from outside.

And the sound is getting closer and closer, and it has reached the gate outside.


Everyone in the living room looked out.

It doesn't look good.

At a glance, everyone was stunned.

Because they saw that a girl wearing a pink and white Hanfu, who looked no different from a fairy in the sky, was slowly walking towards the living room.

And behind the girl, followed by a long line.

At the front of the line, four middle-aged men were using their milk to suck, carrying a golden tiger cognition that was bigger than an adult's head.

The golden tiger was carved so vividly that it shone incomparably under the sunlight, as if it were about to become real at any time.

At the same time, everyone is also guessing, what kind of identity the girl who wears pink and white Hanfu, like a fairy descended to earth, came.

Just when people were curious.

The girl in Hanfu first smiled at Su Chen.

Then, when Su Chen smiled helplessly and shook his head, he walked to the living room with a lotus in his skirt, bowed to Su Chen's grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I am Su Chen's friend Shang Rongyue, this statue Golden Tiger, my father and I, give you a birthday gift!"5

"Besides, there are top-quality silk, Hangzhou Longjing, Suzhou Biluochun, Huangshan Maofeng and other top-quality tea leaves, as well as an 80-year-old welcoming pine!

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