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"Could it be..."

After hearing Shen Liang's words, several people suddenly thought of a situation.


"It's just like it was in Jixiang Village."

"Since this evil spirit wants to use our conscience and morality to kidnap us, let's take action against him."

"But as long as we don't have conscience and morality we won't be kidnapped."

"And if we don't do this, these people won't do it lightly or harshly."

"I'm afraid it won't be as simple as just hanging on."

Shen Liang said without any psychological burden in his heart.

Although these classmates were bewitched, this was not the reason why Shen Liang had to be beaten.


"The boss is right."

"We can't just sit back and wait."

Several people were not blind. When Shen Liang said this, all his ideas opened up.

"Or there's another option."

"We just kill this evil ghost directly."

"At that time, the illusion among these people will be self-defeating."

"And I've been to Laogou Village before."

"This big tree didn't exist here before."

"And don't you think it's too abnormal?"

"It's winter now, but this tree shows no signs of dying at all."

"All things considered, this tree should be related to ghosts."

"We don't even rule out the possibility that this big tree is a ghost."

Shen Liang said, pointing to a towering tree in the distance.

It's December now, and it just snowed yesterday.

But this big tree is still lush.

And against the backdrop of green leaves, pink flowers are still in full bloom.

No matter how you look at it, it feels a bit weird.

Until now, the fierce ghost has never appeared in front of everyone.

So Shen Liang guessed that the ghost was always there, but he and others didn't notice it.

But now, this abnormally large tree is very suspicious.

Smelling the faint fragrance of flowers in the air, Shen Liang felt that the flow of spiritual power in his body began to speed up.

This directly proved that Shen Liang's guess was correct.

This big tree, even if it is not a ghost, is inseparable from the ghost.

"Boss, your brain is really useful."

"You discovered these details so quickly?"

After hearing Shen Liang's analysis, Xu Jinjiang said with admiration.

In such a short period of time, Shen Liang not only rescued them from being bewitched, but even saw through the essence of the matter.

As expected of their boss, he is so awesome.

"This is what the class teacher taught in the last class."

"Don't fix the weird form."

"Have you forgotten now?"

Looking at Xu Jinjiang with an admiring look on his face, Shen Liang's mouth twitched.



When Shen Liang said this, Xu Jinjiang scratched his head in embarrassment.

He really kind of forgot about it.

"I just ask you to listen carefully in class. Now you know that these are life-saving things, right?"

Lin Beizhi also spoke to hurt Xu Jinjiang at this time.

Although he didn't remember it, it didn't stop him from talking about it.

"We can't hide here any longer."

"People outside will find us sooner or later."

After calling a few people over, Shen Liang said.

"Then we divide our forces into two groups?"

"One team attracts the bewitched students, and the other team goes to look at the big tree?"

Pan Xu put forward his own suggestions at this time.

"If my guess is correct, there should be a lot of people guarding that big tree."

"So let's go there together."

"Lead everyone over."

Shen Liang shook his head and rejected Pan Xu's suggestion.

Now in the entire Laogou Village, they are the only eight people who can stay awake.

The remaining 90 or so people were probably all bewitched by the evil spirits.

And when he was just being chased, Shen Liang noticed that the number of people was wrong.

Less than half of them were in pursuit.

"If this big tree is a ghost, we can be much more relaxed."

"After all, it's a plant, so it can't run away, right?"

"At that time, we will direct all attacks on the big tree."

"But you will need to be very focused when the time comes."

"It can be compared to holding yourself back in the process of guidance."

Shen Liang revealed all his plans.

If the guess is correct, this method should be the best method.

It's equivalent to letting that evil spirit beat himself up.

It’s just that the requirements for instant steps and movement are a bit high.

After all, we have to face an attack from more than 90 people.

If you're not careful, you might be in trouble.

But if they don't do this, if they fight 8 or more than 90 people, they will still be numb.


"Have you even thought of a way to break the situation?"

After hearing Shen Liang's plan, Lin Beizhi praised it repeatedly.

"Shen Liang, your mind works so fast."

Zhu Xiaolin and the other girls also looked at Shen Liang with admiration.

"to be honest···"

"If you, the male god, were more talented, you would probably put more pressure on us than Yaoyao."

Wang Qian was also looking at Shen Liang with admiration at this time.

"of course."

"My brother Liang is the best."

Zhang Xinyao also looked proud when she heard this.

Praising Shen Liang made her happier than directly praising herself.


"This is not the first day you have met me."

"Get ready."

"Let's just go right there."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid something will change later."

Smiling helplessly, Shen Liang interrupted the flattery of several people.

After resting in the small courtyard for a while, Shen Liang and others rose into the sky at the same time and ran towards the towering tree.

"it's here!?"

"Don't let the evil ghost escape!"

Shen Liang and the others just showed up and were noticed immediately.

In an instant, several figures rushed out from every corner of Laogou Village, chasing after Shen Liang and others.

"It seems my guess was right."

"This big tree is the final BOSS."

After galloping all the way, Shen Liang and the others soon arrived in front of the towering tree.

At the first moment, Shen Liang noticed the twisted human face on the tree trunk.

And around the towering tree, the other half of the bewitched students were indeed staying here.

The guess was established and the plan started to be implemented.

"Broken Path No. 4 - White Thunder!"

These students, who were left behind by the ghosts, immediately began to attack.


"Not even a hello?"

Seeing the thunder in the sky, Xu Jinjiang's expression changed.

The spiritual skill is activated, and Bai Lei's coverage area can be withdrawn in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Shen Liang noticed an overlooked detail.

Xu Jinjiang was the first to run away.

Everyone turned to follow Xu Jinjiang's figure at the same time, but no one of them noticed.

In other words, these people who were bewitched by the evil spirits should be under the spell of illusion.

It just replaced the people in sight with other weird images.

And this influence cannot be carried out at the same time, and can only affect one target.

It seems that things are simple.

"Old Xu!"

"Hold on!"

"It's up to you to attract the firepower!"

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