Gently putting Yosano Akiko, who was coughing and covering her neck, on the ground, Ryougi Shiki, who was wearing a blue kimono, whispered something, then turned to face the cursed spirit, holding a sharp dagger in her bony right hand. The war between the cursed spirit and Ryougi Shiki was about to break out.

The cursed spirit roared angrily. It was severely injured by the girl in front of it and lost most of its tentacles and domains. It waved dozens of tentacles at the girl. The thick tentacles brought a gust of wind during the waving process, waiting to tear the girl's body apart.

Ryougi Shiki's movements were still nimble and elegant, and even a little weird. As soon as the cursed spirit's tentacles stabbed over, Ryougi Shiki dodged, leaving a few knife lights in the air, and the cursed spirit's body lost a few more tentacles.

I didn't even see when Ryougi Shiki drew the knife.

The cursed spirit couldn't touch anyone at all, but Ryougi Shiki's attacks were all in vain. No one knew how Ryougi Shiki intercepted all the attacks of the cursed spirit and fought back.

Under Ryougi Shiki's attack, the body of the cursed spirit shrank rapidly, and the places attacked by Ryougi Shiki showed no tendency to heal. Upon seeing this, the cursed spirit screamed and expanded its body, occupying half of the room in an instant, and even merged with the building, attempting to surround and attack its prey by expanding the alienation range of the building.

Ryougi Shiki looked at the actions of the cursed spirit indifferently, and her pair of bright rainbow-colored pure eyes were full of divinity."If it were the old me, your trick might be of some use. But for me, who has experienced life and death and has upgraded my magic eyes to the rainbow level, it is just a waste of effort." The heartless and merciless words came out of Ryougi Shiki's mouth.

The cursed spirit was stimulated by Ryougi Shiki's words and became even more angry.

It screamed and expanded its body, speeding up its progress.

Ryougi Shiki held the dagger across his body, kicked the ground, and jumped into the air..

"No matter if you are a monster or something, you are still alive, right?……"Ryougi Shiki's arm thrust out a cold light that quickly penetrated the body of the cursed spirit, who cried out in pain.

"No matter what it is, I'll kill it for you to see!

" As the knife flashed, the cursed spirit was cut in half and slowly disappeared into the air..


Agatha Christie is worthy of being a transcendent. If the system had not activated the emergency plan at the last moment and taken over my body, I would have really died in"no survivors". Even so, I was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Fortunately, there is Jingzi's ability, otherwise I would have to lie down for half a year like Ryougi Shiki in the original work.

But I also experienced the feeling of being on the verge of death. During this process, the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception evolved and directly jumped to the Rainbow level. After waking up from the coma, I didn't have the real feeling of being alive, and countless death lines flashed before my eyes. My heart seemed to be empty and urgently needed something to fill it.

With the prompt of the system, I knew that Jingzi was in danger and broke the field to come in. From the system, I learned about another power system-cursed power. So those monsters I saw before were cursed spirits?

I picked up Jingzi,"Are you okay?" I lowered my head and asked Jingzi"……"Jingzi was silent, and her eyes, which were usually bright and lively, were now dead silent. I don't understand why Jingzi became like this in just a few days.

""Shiki, you're awake!" Mori Ogai walked towards me. When Akiko noticed him coming, her body couldn't stop shaking. I held Akiko's hand soothingly and whispered to her,"It's okay, you stay here. I'll go talk to him."

I put Akiko down gently and said to Mori Ogai,"Let's talk outside." I roughly knew what had happened to cause Akiko to be like this. I hope Tachihara is still alive! Otherwise, Akiko will collapse.

Mori Ogai and I walked out of the broadcasting room,"First of all, congratulations to Shiki for waking up, I thought you wouldn't wake up after all you were so badly injured.

" Mori Ogai said to me with a smile.

"Ah, I thought I wouldn't wake up either.

" I answered indifferently, looking at the dagger.

"It seems that Shiki's coma this time has turned out to be a blessing in disguise and his strength has increased.

" He finally threw out the question he cared about most.

"That's right.

"I confirmed his speculation,"Everything has flaws, not to mention humans, but also the atmosphere, thoughts and even time.

And my eyes can see everything...

" I stopped here.

Mori Ogai is a smart man, he should know what I didn't say.

I turned around and looked at him.

Sure enough, his eyes widened slightly, full of shock.

"This ability is really unfair." He whispered."Yeah! So is Dr. Sen interested in making a deal?" I looked at him with a smile.

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