I wanted to pull Akiko out of this endless war. I knew that if I wasn't in Moriogai, he would exploit Akiko, but I underestimated his cruelty to Akiko. But in just a few days, Akiko had already collapsed.

"Dr. Mori, before we discuss cooperation, I want to talk to you about Jingzi."I stared at Mori Ogai coldly, like a beast biting its prey."I remember you promised me that Jingzi must not be in trouble. If Jingzi has any problems, I will drag you down with me." The knife flashed, and Alice was broken into pieces again. It's a pity that Mori Ogai didn't hurt her. I looked at the disappearing Alice indifferently.

The moment Mori Ogai realized my murderous intention, he immediately used his supernatural power to distance himself from me.

"Shiki, there is nothing we can do about it."Mori Ogai stood a few meters away from me and said with a smile,"Shiki has been unconscious for such a long time, and the situation is still tense. So I have to trouble Akiko."

"Can't you go by yourself? You are a doctor, so go by yourself!" I said to Mori Ogai

"I���She doesn't have the miraculous ability that Akiko has." Mori Ogai shrugged,"But Shiki has woken up now, so we can work together like before."

"What are you dreaming about?" I raised my eyebrows,"The basis of our cooperation is Jingzi, but Jingzi is already like this, and you still hope to continue our previous cooperation."

"What do you want to do?" Mori Ogai asked for my opinion.

"Let Jingzi go, and you guys solve the rest of the problems. I can stay here."I made my proposal. It's unrealistic for two people to leave, and one person must stay. I hope that person is me.

"Oh my, even though you said that, Jingzi plays a greater role!" Mori Ogai was unmoved."And this is not something I can decide."

"Dr. Mori, your life and Jingzi's freedom. You choose one!" My eyes turned into a deep rainbow color and stared at him coldly,"If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I will kill you."

"Even if you kill me, it's useless. The military has already known about Yosano Akiko. You can take her out of the army, but can you take her out of Japan?" The smile on his face disappeared at this moment, replaced by boundless coldness,"Ryougi Shiki, you are very strong. But your power cannot fight against a country." His eyes were full of calculations.

"……"I looked at Mori Ogai in silence,"What do you want?"

"I can let Yosano rest, but she must continue to receive treatment at my request." Mori Ogai's eyes were cold,"I can even give her enough freedom, but I need you to continue to go to the battlefield."

"Haha" I sneered ,"Aren’t you afraid that I might cut your neck one day?"

"You won't, because Akiko is here. You will consider Akiko."Mori Ogai said firmly.

"Tsk." I crossed my arms and said,"I agree to your terms, but I will not give up on taking Jingzi away."

"I know." Mori Ogai smiled,"After all, Shiki and Akiko have a good relationship."

""Happy cooperation!" He stretched out his hand and placed it in front of me."Happy cooperation!" I shook that hand and fell into the trap he designed for me.


I reached a deal with Mori Ogai, and Akiko's burden was lightened. But her mental state still did not improve. Even if I killed Mori Ogai, it would be useless because it was a shackle for both parties."I killed them. If it weren't for me, everyone wouldn't have to suffer so much." Akiko kept repeating these words. At the same time, I also learned from Mori Ogai that Tachihara committed suicide.

After knowing this, I was silent for a long time.

"……, is that so?"I don't know how to evaluate this matter.

Mori Ogai seems to be right, he is for the victory of this country.

The soldiers are not wrong either, a person's spirit has its limits, constantly wandering on the edge of life and death, constantly feeling pain.

Akiko is not wrong either, she just wants more people to live.

This is the first time I have experienced the cruelty of the battlefield.

It tears apart everything beautiful, and then reassembles it without human will.

I began to miss the motherland in my memory, it is so beautiful!

I don't know how to enlighten Akiko. I thought I could help Akiko get rid of such a fate, but it seems to have changed, as if nothing has changed. What I know about words seems so pale and powerless here. I know that Japan ended in failure in this war. But when I really stand here, I can't open my mouth to tell them. Should I say, don't try hard, you won't win anyway!

"888, does all this make sense?"I looked at everything in front of me and asked the system

【Everything in this world is predetermined, host. You cannot change the fate of others. They will experience all this with or without you. Yosano Akiko will eventually become the"Angel of Death", Mori Ogai's"Undead Army" plan will fail, and Tachihara will commit suicide. Host, this is reality. 】888 concluded coldly, [For the sake of your mental health, the system recommends that you just act as an observer. 】

""Huh? Didn't you already know their fate? What else do you want me to observe?!" I questioned the system, you want me to see tragedy after tragedy happen, to let me find out that I am so powerless in the face of fate? Then why let me come here? Why let me get to know them?!

【Host, you should know about the parallel world, right? 】888 Ask me

"Yes, I know."Hugh Everett's"parallel world" theory! Who hasn't read a few novels?

【What we need to do is to maintain the development of the main world and prevent the world line from changing. If the main world deviates from its track, it will cause abnormalities in other parallel worlds. In serious cases, it may be destroyed. The system explained,"During the observation process, we will also collect the energy around the main characters to invest in the operation of the world.】

"……, you guys change someone! I can't do it." I calmly watched the sunset. I am just selfish, not heartless.

【No, you can do it. This is the result of system matching. 888 said for sure

"Ha" I covered my eyes with my hands,"Thank you for believing in me"

【You're welcome. Trusting the host is what I should do. 888 didn't hear the sarcasm in my tone.

"………"I watched Jingzi walk down the destined path but I was powerless to do anything. I was so insignificant in the face of fate.

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