Finally, Akiko couldn't stand the soldiers turning into zombies one by one, so she sneaked into the bottom of the ship and placed a large number of bombs on the bottom of the ship, trying to sink the base. Unfortunately, she was discovered when she was about to ignite the fire and was arrested by the patrol. After that, she was isolated.

Akiko and Mori Ogai created the"Undead Army", which caught the opponent off guard, but finally lost because of the weakness of human nature.

I thought about rescuing Akiko, but when I was about to do it, I was ambushed.

I was also knocked unconscious by drugs, and my consciousness was always groggy.

Damn world consciousness, if it hadn't done something, I wouldn't have been unaware of it.

It was three years after I saw Mori Ogai's defeat, and the first person I saw after I regained consciousness was him.

He lowered his head and looked at me and said,"Shiki, use your ability to help me again!

" I turned my head away and didn't look at him:"Where's Akiko?"

"Akiko was taken away by the Armed Detective Agency."Mori Ogai said it indifferently, but I knew he was actually very angry.

""Is that so!" I said, that's great! Akiko found her own redemption and path. I'm really curious if Edogawa Ranpo is the same as in the comics.

I looked at Mori Ougai and said,"So I'm the backup option!" I underestimated his cheekiness

"Really, Shi." He still had that smile on his face,"Some things are better seen than spoken."

"It's really strange that someone snatched someone from you and finally snatched him away. Doctor Sen, I haven't seen you like this for a few years?"I sat up and supported my head with my hands and said sarcastically

"Yes! Shiki, since I am so pitiful, would you like to come and help me?"Mori Ogai invited again.

"If it is the Undead Army, please forgive me for rejecting it. I simply rejected him. I am not an AI like him. I also don’t want to be like Akiko. Akiko was lucky to meet Edogawa Ranpo. I don’t have that kind of luck.

"I didn't agree with your plan from the beginning. If it wasn't for Jingzi, I wouldn't have joined you. Dr. Mori, please show some sincerity when you ask for cooperation!"I looked at him

"Oh! This is difficult to do." I watched his performance,"Then how about bringing peace to the citizens of Yokohama and establishing a new order for this city?" He finally stated his purpose

【Ding, the keyword"Yokohama" was detected. It was detected that the original task object Yosano Akiko's life will not be shifted. Now a new task is released: Witness the establishment of the new Port Black and maintain the three-moment concept】

【Mission reward points: 9000 Progress bar advances 9%】The system that has been silent for a long time finally speaks up

【Settling the previous task………】

【Settlement completed, 8000 bonus points, progress bar advances 3%]

Ah, it's finally here! I feel like the dust has settled in my heart. It looks like Jingzi will be fine.

"What do you need me to do?"I asked Mori Ogai. He should have just parted ways with the president and would meet Dazai soon. I thought to myself, I really want to know what Qing Shizai is like.

"I'm in need of a bodyguard now, and I believe Shi should be able to take on this position!" He stopped beating around the bush and said,"After all, your physical skills and those eyes are too strong!"

"Thank you for your kindness.

I will guarantee your safety during this period.

Once the time is up, it will depend on your ability whether you can stay or not.

But I have a condition, Doctor Mori.

" I got up, straightened my clothes, and stretched my body.

"I know you haven't given up on Akiko, but I can't let Akiko be used by you again.

So my condition is: Doctor Mori, during the time I work with you, you can't disturb Akiko.

Don't even think about it!

If you want to do anything to Akiko, this will be the end!

" A dagger appeared on the wall next to Mori Ogai and was deeply embedded in the wall.

His face was also injured by the dagger, and a wound appeared.

Mori Ogai looked at Ryougi Shiki in front of him, still calmly:"Ah! This is too……"

"So can you do it?" I interrupted him impatiently.

"Of course." Mori Ogai had a hypocritical smile on his face. Yosano Akiko had been taken away by the"Silver Wolf" and could not be taken back in the short term. There was no loss for him to agree to Ryougi Shiki's conditions. It was better to say that this condition was no different from having no conditions.

"If Shiki is by my side and cooperates with me, I certainly won't bother Akiko." Mori Ogai walked up to me and extended his hand to me,"Then happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"I looked at the system panel

【Witness of Styx (Status: Used) A-level item Styx, the goddess of the Styx River in the underworld in ancient Greek mythology, is also the goddess of oaths and hatred. She is a staunch ally of Olympus, and the Styx River given to her by Zeus is binding on the oaths of all gods.……①】

【Under her witness, those who violate the contract will be thrown into the underworld and will never be able to return to the human world.]

I know that I used the system to plot against Mori Ogai, but Mori Ogai was also plotting against me. I just added a layer of insurance for our cooperation. As long as he doesn't have any crooked thoughts that he shouldn't have, everything will be fine.

"Happy cooperation!"I held his hand, and we reached a cooperation at that moment. I also fell into the trap woven by Mori Ogai here. I was tied to him and there was no way to escape.

After that, I followed Mori Ogai to Leibo Street, where he worked as a black doctor, and I became his bodyguard. Alice also became lively, like a real little girl.

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