"The tenth one." I stabbed the attacker with the dagger, and soon, the ground was full of corpses."Thank you for your hard work, Shiki." Mori Ogai came over with a smile.

"You should be a doctor, why do so many people want to kill you?"I was a little upset,"This is the fifth batch today. What on earth did you do?" I wanted to grab his collar and let him see the corpses on the ground.

"It's true that I'm a doctor, but I also do intelligence business by the way. Looks like someone has been watching me!" He stroked his chin with his hand, thinking."Rintaro is a big idiot! He can't even clean up!" Alice stomped her feet beside her,"Shiki, let's stay away from this idiot." Alice ran to me and prepared to pull me forward."Alice, don't do this to me!" Mori Ogai wanted to cry but had no tears, and reached out to grab the corner of Alice's clothes. But Alice dodged him.

"Ah, wait." I put the dagger back into my waist,"I'm still a little dirty." Alice handed me a clean handkerchief,"Then Alice will lend you the handkerchief!"

""Thank you, Alice." I took the handkerchief and wiped the blood off my face. The current Alice doesn't look like a superpower at all. If I hadn't seen the previous Alice, I would never have thought that this was Mori Ogai's superpower.

I followed Mori Ogai back to the clinic. Mori Ogai rummaged through the drawers for a while, and I sat on the sofa and played games with Alice."That's terrible." Mori Ogai sighed."What's wrong?" I turned my head and asked."The penicillin is gone!" Mori Ogai looked worried,"Shiki, I'm sorry to bother you to look after the house. I'm going out for a while." He put on his white coat and prepared to go out

"Don't you need me to follow you?" I raised my eyebrows,"You know, there are many people who want to kill you now."

""You actually care about me. I'm really touched!" He was touched."Go away, I'm worried that you will be killed and ruin my reputation.."I'm disgusted. How did Jingzi endure it?

"Don't worry! I still have some ability to protect myself." He pushed the door open,"After all, I was a military doctor before."

"Then go early and come back early."I turned my back and didn't look at him.

After Mori Ouwai left, I was the only one left in the clinic. The sunlight poured in through the window, and the dust was flying in the sunlight. I fell asleep on the sofa unconsciously. When I woke up, Mori Ouwai had returned. At the same time, he brought back a child who was about my age.

It was a very beautiful child. He had short black hair that looked rather messy, as if he never paid too much attention to taking care of it. There was no enthusiasm for life in his iris-colored eyes, which were dead silent. His whole body was wrapped in bandages, and it seemed that he had many old injuries. One eye was covered by the bandage, which made people curious about the appearance under the bandage.

"So where did you pick up this child, Dr. Mori? You look like a pervert." I stared at the boy in front of me. Can anyone explain to me why he picked up a child just by going out?

"This is not an ordinary child, this child is a superpower."Mori Ogai said to me while sorting out medical supplies.

"A superpower?" I was lost in thought. At this time, there was a bandage again. Could it be...!

I raised my head suddenly. Yes, it was definitely Dazai Osamu, no doubt about it!"Where's Alice?" I turned around and asked Mori Ogai. I just wanted to confirm my answer.

"When I met this kid, he was in the river. I asked Alice to save him, but guess what happened?" Mori Ogai's eyes were full of interest."Alice disappeared the moment she met him! I had to go into the water to save him myself.""

"It was you who disturbed my entry into the water. Dazai Osamu woke up from his bed. He looked as if he had been disturbed.

"Ryougi Shiki, my name is." I introduced myself to him. I didn't want to listen to the monologue of a suicide enthusiast.

"Dazai, Dazai Osamu."He responded to my self-introduction,"I will graciously forgive you for interrupting my embrace of the goddess of the underworld."

Mori Ogai pushed Dazai Osamu into the room, and the two seemed to have reached some kind of agreement.

So far, Mori Ogai has welcomed Dazai Osamu, and I will also witness the birth of Hong Kong Black.

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