Dazai Osamu's eyes widened slightly as he watched me move, and he was surprised. To be precise, this was the first time I did it in front of Dazai. Even the most powerful person can't find out the truth without clues.

"Doctor Mori, no, leader. It's time to announce the news now." I put away the dagger and retreated behind Mori Ogai.

Mori Ogai succeeded.

The change of generation went smoothly, and the Port Mafia had a new owner overnight.

The leader was successfully changed.

Maybe someone noticed something strange in the process, but everyone kept silent.

The previous generation is still being held back and can't get back in a short time.

Most of those who stayed in the Port Mafia headquarters were instigated by Karasawa, and the others were indifferent neutrals.

Karasawa is really a good revolutionary.

There is no one he can't take down, and even the most stubborn Yamaguchi was persuaded by him.

The other grassroots personnel don't care who is above their heads. As long as they can afford to pay them a salary, it's fine.

So it is a foregone conclusion that Mori Ogai will become the new leader.

Mori Ogai is exhausted.���He rubbed his brows and leaned back in the chair:"Why are there so many things? The predecessors really left a mess for me."

Dazai Osamu, who was slacking off on the side, looked at Mori Ogai with glee:"Isn't this what you've always dreamed of, Mr. Mori? This should be a happy burden for you!" Mori Ogai made a bitter face:"Dazai-kun, do you have to say something sarcastic at this time?"

Dazai Osamu happily opened the can of crab meat, casually pushed away the documents on the table, and blatantly left his work.

I pushed open the door, holding a cup of tea and dessert in my hand, walked to the table, put down the things in my hand, and knocked on the table where Dazai Osamu was lying:"Dr. Mori looks in good spirits." I really lied with my eyes open, I deserved it.

Dazai Osamu agreed with me on the side,"That's right, Mr. Mori looks good." He said happily on the side

""Style, Dazai." Mori Ogai was a little helpless,"Can you help me? After all, I'm so busy."

"No - no. Shiki and I didn't join the port mafia. We don't want to work for nothing, Mr. Mori should just work hard on his own!" Dazai waved his hand and continued to eat.

I shrugged helplessly:"That's true, by the way, let Dr. Mori work hard on his own!" I clasped my hands together and said happily to Mori Ogai

"Ah, no! Dazai-kun, Shiki. Come over and help me!"Mori Ogai looked at us with resentful eyes, and felt even more like a corporate slave among so many documents!

"There is nothing I can do about it, since Dazai and I have not joined the Port Mafia. But I can help you with some unimportant documents."I picked up the documents on the table and glanced at them casually.

"888, you should have basic file processing skills!"Looking at the files in my hand, I feel a headache.

【Received, host. Next we will enter the hosting mode. 】888 quickly scanned the file in front of me

"Thank you for your help, Shiki." Mori Ogai continued to correct the documents.

"Shiki, you actually left our slacking team." Dazai looked like he was betrayed.

"Dazai, be more restrained."I rolled up a file into a paper tube and tapped Dazai's head gently,"Pick out the parts you can do! I'll go back early today."

Dazai picked up some of the content and read it angrily. I sighed,"Okay, how about I order some crab meat hot pot for you when I get home?" Dazai was visibly happy. He

's so easy to please! I sighed in my heart

"Ah, what happened?"Ozaki Hongye came in from outside and looked at us working hard.

"Ozaki-kun, you're here!" Mori Ogai raised his head from the documents.

"Sister Hongye."I stood up and greeted her. Because of Mori Ogai, I was familiar with Ozaki Hongye. After all, Ozaki Hongye was not much older than me, and she was really beautiful. Who doesn't like a beautiful sister!

"Dazai-kun, this is………"Ozaki Momiji covered her mouth with her long sleeves and smiled secretly

"I was forced to do hard labor by the hateful adults." Dazai Osamu said pitifully, his eyes still blinking.

"This is really unfair to me, Dazai-kun. Didn't you make a deal with Shiki and come here to help voluntarily?"Mori Ogai helplessly held his forehead.

"Oh my, this is really……"Ozaki Kouye smiled and moved to the center.

"Ozaki-kun, is there anything important?" Mori Ogai said seriously.

""Chief, the previous leader has returned." Ozaki Hongye also put away his smile and his face became serious.

These days, he was so busy that he almost forgot about them. Although the previous leader was unpopular, there were still some people loyal to him. They were a big obstacle on the road to becoming leader Mori Ogai.

"So what are you going to do, Dr. Mori?" I leaned back in my chair and looked at Mori Ogai in the shadows.

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