Most of the previous faction have rushed back. The current Mori Ogai is not as glorious as after the Dragon Head War. Now he does not have the"Double Black" and has no way to suppress his subordinates well.

Under the previous leader's extravagant spending, the current Port Mafia is not doing well. He left a lot of messes to Mori Ogai. Including a lot of overly complicated hostile relationships.

Because of the information sorted out by the system, the current Port Mafia is not as difficult as the original Port Mafia. At least there is no poverty.

But there are many problems that cannot be solved by money. After all, the previous madman made enemies everywhere.

Dazai Osamu is also unable to contact most of the affairs at this moment because of his identity. And the cooperation between Mori Ogai and me is about to expire.

The only confidants under Mori Ogai are Ozaki Momiji and Karasawa, and barely count Hirotsu Yanagirami and the cadre colonel of the black lizard.

The others can be used, but they are middle-level members who must be used with caution.

This leads to the headache of Mori Ogai now. I don't know how Mori Ogai solved it before, but now he seems to have an idea

"What should I do! Alice, now the advance guard has returned, what should I do as the leader?"Mori Ogai looked at Alice pitifully.

"Stupid Rintaro, just appease them, or use force to solve the problem."Alice looked at Mori Ogai with disdain and jumped off the sofa

"Yes! Alice is really smart, but who is going to do this?" Mori Ogai clapped his hands and suddenly realized it, but then he became distressed again.

"Stupid, isn't Shiki very powerful? Shiki can definitely solve it easily." Alice and Mori Ogai sang the same tune and threw the question to me.

I looked at Mori Ogai's self-directed and self-acted performance and found it a little funny."Our cooperation does not include this, and I have not joined the Port Mafia and cannot participate in internal affairs." I firmly rejected Mori Ogai and walked out. Before closing the door, I looked at Dazai Osamu, and sure enough, he still looked uninterested."Dazai, aren't you leaving? I said I would take you to eat crab meat."

Dazai was stunned for a moment but quickly caught up with my pace.

I took Dazai to Chinatown and walked to a hot pot restaurant with familiar roads. Because of the Japanese habit of eating raw food, I was forced to familiarize myself with the restaurants in the whole Yokohama. In order to prevent my stomach from being wronged, I now know the bosses of the whole Chinatown. I lifted the curtain,"Uncle Wang, I want a crab meat hot pot, a shuangxiang pot. Why is Aunt Wang not here?" I greeted Uncle Wang behind the counter

"Hey, your Aunt Wang went to buy groceries. Is this your friend?" Uncle Wang greeted us warmly."Look, how come you have lost so much weight? Uncle Wang will give you some tonic, add more crab meat."

"Yes, it's my friend Dazai." I introduced him to Uncle Wang,"I'm not thin, I just don't wear as much as before." I had no choice but to stop Uncle Wang from stuffing food into my hand. Because I'm about the same age as Uncle Wang's daughter, the couple took good care of me.

"Nonsense, can't I see it? You find a place to sit first, I'll prepare dinner for you." Uncle Wang said and went into the kitchen.

I found a seat against the wall and sat down."This crab meat hot pot is delicious, you will know when you try it later." I recommended it to Dazai.

"You are very familiar with this place."Dazai Osamu did not respond to my words and sat down opposite me.

"There's no other way, because neither Dr. Mori nor I can cook, so I can only look for food everywhere. Food is the first necessity of the people! People always have to have some thoughts."I said helplessly. I really want to eat steamed dumplings, sweet and sour pork ribs, and Bobo chicken."By the way, Dazai, why do you like suicide so much?"

"What is the story behind your cooperation with Mr. Mori? Dazai Osamu did not answer my question, but opened up another topic.

"This is, Doctor Mori brought me out, and I am his bodyguard to ensure his safety. Nothing special." I don't think so. If it wasn't a system task, I wouldn't follow Mori Ogai!

"You were a soldier before!" Dazai said to me affirmatively

"Ah, did you see that? I have been to the battlefield before, but I don’t know whether I am considered a soldier or not. As for why I went to the battlefield…" I paused,"You have to find out for yourself. I won’t tell you.""

"Ah, Shiki has told me so much, so this little bit is not a big deal. Go ahead and tell me."Dazai Osamu acted cute to me

"Stop, now, eat hot pot immediately."I covered his face with my hands. It was really unfair. This guy knew his appearance advantage.

I quickly scooped up a chopstick of crab meat and blocked Dazai's mouth. Sure enough, this trick worked. Dazai concentrated on eating the crab meat and gave up the topic.

"Really, slow down!"


Late at night, in the office of the leader of the Ganghei.

Sister Hongye and the colonel left one after another to talk to the middle-level members. I also returned to the leader's office after eating hot pot.

When the work came to an end, Mori Ogai rubbed the swollen corners of his eyes. He stood up and walked to the French window, overlooking the night view of Yokohama. I also stood behind him and watched


Mori Ogai suddenly shouted.


I looked at him puzzled.

The man with black hair and purple eyes stood in front of the large French window, wearing a black suit and a red scarf, looking at me with a smile, he looked exactly like someone in a comic book.

"Yokohama is beautiful!"

""Yes, it is very beautiful." I replied

"I want to protect this beauty, but I can't do it alone. Although the predecessors are gone, there are still many unstable factors in this city. It is still very dangerous."Mori Ogai looked at the port in the dark night, and there was something in his eyes that I didn't understand.

"So what?" I crossed my arms. This scene was so familiar. It was like a pyramid scheme.

"Shiki must have something he wants to protect in this city."Mori Ogai's attitude towards me is not strange. On the contrary, it would be strange if I didn't have this attitude.

He was right. If I really didn't care about anything at the beginning, Yokohama would be bombed, what does it have to do with me? I just need to complete the mission. Now I have been in this world for four years, and I have more and more ties with this world, Akiko, everyone in Chinatown... Gradually, I have become more and more involved with this world.

"You want me to join the port mafia."I pointed out his intention

"Yes, Shiki is really suitable for the port mafia, isn't he?"Mori Ogai was not embarrassed by being exposed.

"Just because you are suitable doesn't mean you have to join."I didn't follow his words and said,"I don't have a good impression of the port mafia."

"This requires us to change together"

"For the ordinary people who suffer in this city……"

"The dark nights of this land require new rules"

"A rule that belongs to the Yokohama world."

Mori Ogai turned around, and his red scarf drew a beautiful arc with his movements.

He looked into my eyes and expressed his beliefs and ideals with sincerity.

"I am willing to happily immerse myself in all kinds of filth. For Yokohama, no matter how cruel the thing is, I will gladly do it. This is long. Everything I do……①"

"Everything we do is to protect this precious city."①

Mori Ogai's fiery eyes almost burned me. His determination was unshakable, and his ideals were noble and great.

He took a step forward and stretched out his hand. I saw a new hope in him. Maybe I could give it a try.

My voice was still without joy or sadness.

"I understand your wish."

I responded

"So from now on, I will be the knife in your hand, your shadow in the dark"

"I swear to do my best to fight for you; to fulfill my duties and obey your orders. I will always be loyal to you and the Port Mafia and maintain the dignity of the Port Mafia. Anyone who provokes the Port Mafia will be my enemy." ②

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