"Is Rintaro happy?" Alice lay on the table and looked at Mori Ogai with her big eyes.

Mori Ogai leaned back in his chair and smiled and said,"Alice, of course I am happy. Because I have one more trump card."

"What will Rintaro do next?" Alice looked at Mori Ogai in confusion.

"Emmm," Mori Ogai pondered for a while,"Since we have Shiki, let's do it! Get rid of all the predecessors at once." His face turned grim."After all, Shiki can also remove the special-grade curse spirits."

"The method is really useful. It's a pity that we came too late. If we had come earlier, we could have saved a lot of time."

Mori Ogai covered his face and cried exaggeratedly.

""How cruel!"

Alice didn't want to pay any attention to the crying Mori Ogai, and moved away with the drawing paper.

"Rintaro is too greedy. Have you forgotten what you did to Akiko and Shiki? Shiki is willing to do this, Rintaro, just be thankful. Isn't it good enough that he is willing to join?"

Alice crossed out the portrait of Mori Ogai with her paintbrush and muttered,"How greedy!"

"There is no other way, this is the 'optimal solution'. I would do it this way even if I had to start over again." Mori Ogai's face became particularly cold,"After all, this is all for victory."

"Rintaro is so cold-blooded!" Alice continued to paint on the paper with the brush, and a cute version of Ryougi Shiki appeared on the paper.

"Alice, how can you say that to me?"Mori Ogai looked at Alice aggrievedly, but his eyes darkened the next second, and Mori Ogai's voice was like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue.

"I'm doing this for Shiki! After all, Shiki can't go anywhere except the other world."

"Shiki is too suitable for the Port Mafia. Such perfect fighting power is simply born for the Port Mafia!"

She has the desire to kill and feels pleasure in killing. But she does not kill indiscriminately. She has empathy, but not much. She looks like she loves life, but her heart is desolate. The most important thing is that pair of magical eyes and ghostly skills. She really can't let go!

Ryougi Shiki should sink into darkness like people like them. The bright world cannot accommodate a person who enjoys killing.

"That's why Rintaro wants to keep Shiki! Shiki is not only suitable for the port mafia, but also for the other world."

"If it weren't for the contract between you two, she would have left long ago."

Mori Ogai closed his eyes and continued,"Yes, that's great."

"Well, with Shiki, I can do so many things."

With the powerful fighting power of Ryougi Shiki, many things have become simple.

Alice glanced at Mori Ogai and reminded:"Be careful, Rintaro! Have you forgotten about Akiko?"

"Alas——"Mori Ogai was scared���"Alice, don't be like this."

Alice snorted,"If Shiki really wants to do this, Rintaro will be completely helpless."

"Eh———Alice-chan" Mori Ogai yelled in pain

"I know, I will be careful. I won't let the same thing happen twice."Mori Ogai slumped in the chair.

"Fortunately, Shiki is on my side!"Mori Ogai sighed again.

Thinking of the cold and chilly look when Ryougi Shiki killed the cursed spirit, Mori Ogai narrowed his eyes.

"But I am really curious, what kind of environment can cultivate someone like Shiki, or what kind of family has such cheating eyes."

Alice ran to the side of Mori Ogai,"Why don't you just ask Shiki? Shiki will definitely tell you."

Mori Ogai:"Alice, this will completely ruin the fun of deciphering! And I don't think Shiki himself knows it." He boldly revealed his cards, I don't know whether to say that he is skilled and daring, or that he is ignorant and fearless.

As if he thought of something, Mori Ogai smiled:"So he is still a child……"

"Huh?" Alice looked up in confusion, and seeing Mori Ogai's lazy look, she angrily threw the crayon at his head.

"Get up and work, Rintaro!"

"We will go to report to Mr. Natsume later. Aren't you in a hurry?!?"

Mori Ogai dodged in a panic:"Alice, hit me gently! I was just lost in thought."

"By the way, we can ask Natsume-sensei to check Shiki's background." Mori Ogai clapped his hands,"This way, Shiki can know his family."

"Rintaro just wants Shiki to be grateful to him, so he can get Shiki's gratitude and gain connections with the magic world. He really has a good plan."Alice pouted her lips in disdain.

"Alice, this is just a necessary measure."Mori Ogai held his chin with both hands, his eyes full of calculations..


【Host, according to the calculation results, joining the Port Mafia is not the only option. 】888 I don't understand why I want to join the Port Mafia, because I don't have a good impression of the Port Mafia

"Although it is not the only choice, it is the best choice."I continued to wipe the dagger in my hand,"I, now I only know how to kill people." I said this indifferently. Since I woke up from the coma, I have been getting closer and closer to Ryougi Shiki. I really enjoy killing people. I am gradually being accepted and integrated into this world. I can hardly remember what my life was like before. The adaptability of human beings is fully demonstrated in me.

"888, I don’t seem to recognize myself anymore. My heart is desolate. I don’t belong to this world, but I am accepted by this world. My three views cannot adapt to this era.

【Host, the system will always be with you. The system will support the decisions you make. I will be your backer. 】888 replied


【You're welcome, host. 】

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