Because of my joining, Sen Ouwai became bolder. He began to provoke the predecessors frantically.

The predecessors were unexpectedly cautious. There were no big moves in the past few days, as if they were lurking.

Everything seemed to be turned upside down. But it seemed that nothing had changed.

I lowered my eyes to look at the battle below. It was as boring as ever, except that the battle between the psychics brought me a little excitement. The rest was no different from usual. I have seen too many gunfights on the battlefield. And most of them are masters of human body outlining.

Calculating the time, it should be about time now. I stood up, then hid and quietly went behind the enemy leader.


The knife flashed, and blood spurted out from the enemy leader's neck.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."I shook off the blood on the knife and stood in the middle.

When the powerful psychic died, the remaining people were vulnerable. The black lizard dealt with the remaining remnants with great force.

After they were cleaned up, I returned to Mori Ogai.

""Thank you for your hard work, Shiki." Mori Ogai stood up to greet me. Alice stood beside him and smiled at me."Welcome back! Shiki." Alice rushed to me.

"Well, I'm back."I caught Alice. How cunning! Dr. Mori. I seem to miss this warmth a little bit.


My joining stimulated the already sensitive nerves of the predecessors. Most of them have begun to get nervous and collect my information on the black market in order to better fight against Mori Ogai.

Mori Ogai took advantage of their mentality and deliberately released some false information saying that I was a speed-type psychic. They immediately took the bait. They relaxed their vigilance and prepared to take action against Mori Ogai.

After all, such a good opportunity does not come every time.

I was sleeping on the sofa in the leader's office, and subconsciously felt that something was approaching. I opened my eyes and saw Dazai Osamu as expected.

But it was too late, and I subconsciously pulled it out with the scabbard.

Dazai Osamu:"It hurts!" Dazai Osamu rubbed his forehead that was red from my beating,"That's too much! Shiki really learned bad things from that perverted uncle."

"Sorry, it was subconscious." I let go and Dazai caught the knife.

"Are you okay?"I looked at Dazai Osamu with a grin on his face, feeling a little guilty. It seemed that I had smoked too hard.

"Shiki, can you send me to Yomi Hirasaka painlessly?" Dazai Osamu's eyes suddenly lit up,"Please send me there!"

I lowered my eyelids and looked at Dazai Osamu:"No, Dazai. I can't see any dead lines or dead points on you." I haven't reached the level of"No Longer Human" where even the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception can be invalidated."Dazai, you are the only person in this world that I cannot kill. You must live well!"

"Alas——"Dazai jumped away in disgust,"What kind of vicious curse is this! I'm going to Yomi Hirasaka"

"I wish you success!" I waved my hand and picked up the medicine box next to me."Come here, let me take a look."

"I don't want it." Dazai Osamu quickly distanced himself from me.

"You are too naive, Dazai."

I was ready to take violent measures. Dazai's fighting power was almost nothing to me.

Just as I caught Dazai, Mori Ogai came back from outside."Oh, this is..." Mori Ogai looked at us in surprise.

"It was just an accident." I let go of Dazai Osamu,"I always feel like you're thinking of something bad, B—O—S—S"I lengthened the sound

"Don't say that, you are really easy to be misunderstood." Mori Ogai's eyes became deep,"So are you ready? Those people are very difficult to deal with."

"Don't worry."I picked up Doujikiri Yasunari,"They are no different to me." Moreover, in order to better use Doujikiri Yasunari, the system has formulated a corresponding training plan for me.

Dazai Osamu leaned on the sofa and snorted when listening to Ryougi Shiki's words. He put his legs on the sofa, curled up, and looked at Ryougi Shiki with a pair of eyes, and said in a nonchalant tone.

"So are you sure you can handle them when the advance party attacks? Don't let things get out of hand when the time comes."

The girl stared at Dazai Osamu for a few seconds, then looked away as if nothing had happened.

"I don't think they can defeat me."

Mori Ogai put his hands together and sat on the chair."My safety is in the hands of Shiki. I believe in your ability." Ryougi Shiki said expressionlessly:"Yes."

Dazai Osamu curled his lips and said disdainfully:"You are really shameless. Let Shiki protect you, but you are the adult." Mori

Ogai's eyes became deep, and he played with the scalpel in his hand,"Dazai-kun, I am doing this to solve the problem once and for all! After all, it would be annoying if flies were always flying around."

"So when do we start?" I wiped the blade, and my face was reflected on it.

"The day after tomorrow." Mori Ogai turned around and looked at me,"I'm looking forward to the surprise that Shiki will bring me."

"I won't let you down." I closed the scabbard.

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