When Tang Ze found me, I was a little surprised. After all, I had only met him a few times. We knew each other but not very well. I knew him.

"What's the matter, Mr. Tang?" I stood five steps away from him."You have followed me all the way. I don't think this is a coincidence."

"I knew it." He scratched his head,"Miss Liangyi, I……"

"Please don't call me by my last name." I interrupted him.

"Okay, Miss Shiki." He waved his hand helplessly,"I am host No. 666 Tang Ze, and now I want to ask you for help, and I will give you a reasonable reward accordingly."

"!"Tang Ze's words seemed to have dropped a landmine in my heart. What on earth was going on?!

【Host, No. 666 just communicated with me, they have no ill intentions. His host has a mission that needs assistance, and now sends us a request for cooperation. 】888's words dispelled my vigilance, and I took my hand away from Tongziqi Yasunaga,"So what is the situation?"

"No. 666 is responsible for saving Yi Nan Ping. They get energy by contacting the protagonist and changing the fate of Bai Yueguang on the world line to obtain the emotions of high-dimensional readers."888 explained to me,"And my group is the observation group. We are responsible for maintaining the world line and keeping the world running normally. Obtaining energy through the protagonist is mainly to deal with the butterfly effect of saving Yi Nan Ping."

"So we are the ones who clean up the mess?" I understand and feel like a mother. I envy him a little."If it were him, Jingzi wouldn't have collapsed, right?"

【Host, this is not possible. 666 cannot change the world line. It is only responsible for saving some people who are not closely related to the world line. 888 denied my idea. [The timeline cannot be changed.】

"What do you need me to do?"I looked at Tang Ze. I didn't think I could help him.

""Miss Shiki, have you seen Conan?" He smiled at me shyly, as if he was bothering me."If you have seen it, you should know Kenji Ogihara. My next mission is related to him."

"Was it to avoid his fate of being killed by a bomb?"I thought about the plot of Conan, it turned out to be him!

Every time I watched Conan to count down the unforgettable things, he and Matsuda were always on the list, but I watched Conan intermittently, and I only knew that he was killed by a bomb.

Later, in order to avenge him, his good friend Matsuda Jinpei transferred to the First Investigation Division.

Later, for the public interest, he gave up the hope of survival.

In the last three seconds, he sent out the address of the bomb and was killed on the Ferris wheel.

Is he really worthy of being a good friend?

"Yes, after finishing the first assignment, I will apply for a mission in Tokyo. At the same time, I will apply for Miss Shi to accompany me first."He told me his plan

"Are you so sure that the boss will agree to let me go to Tokyo with you?"Mori Ogai, the capitalist, wants me to work for him 24 hours a day, so how could he agree to let me leave Yokohama? And now the port mafia needs a strong force to deter those scoundrels, so it is even more impossible for him to let me go.

"Don't worry about this, Miss Shi. I will get the leader to agree. Miss Shi just needs to agree to cooperate with me."Tang Ze was confident, as if he knew something.

"I have no problem. I will follow the leader's instructions. As long as you can convince the leader, that's all."I don't care what they want me to do. Anyway, Mori Ogai will not abandon such a useful tool like me until I lose my usefulness.

"Then I look forward to Miss Shi's cooperation with me."Tang Ze told me that his system had transmitted a set of sword techniques to 888.

"This is the breathing method from the world of Demon Slayer. I think it suits Miss Shiki very well. There is no use for me to keep it. Just consider it as a gift."

The breathing method really suits me, but unfortunately I am a latecomer and cannot master the Sun Breathing. I can only learn other breathing methods. With the help of the system, I mastered the Water Breathing in one afternoon. Thanks to the system, the flow rate of time can be adjusted in space. At the same time, my hands were covered with thick calluses.

Under the arrangement of Mori Ogai, the predecessors were lured to the warehouse by him. I hid in the shadows and watched Mori Ogai's negotiation with the predecessors. I don't know what Mori Ogai said, which made the leader angry and attacked him.

Mori Ogai quickly distanced himself from him. And threw the scalpel. The guard next to him immediately blocked Mori Ogai's way when he distanced himself.

"Officer Tanaka, you are also an old member of the Port Mafia. Why did you betray the Port Mafia when the Port Mafia is on the rise?"Mori Ogai looked at him with a smile, as if he was looking at a child who had gone astray.

"What are you talking about? You are the traitor! Who knows what you did to kill the ancestors? I am just setting things right now!"As if he had been hit in the sore spot, Tanaka shouted angrily.

"This is not right. I was appointed by the will of my ancestors. Do you want to go against the will of your ancestors?" Mori Ogai immediately accused him of something wrong in order to clear his name.

"You know what you did with Hongye, that woman? You don't have to put the blame on me!

"Hongye, that woman, is not here now, you can't escape at all!"

After saying that, he activated his supernatural power,"Supernatural power, Rock Fury" A row of earth spikes sprang out from the ground and extended in the direction of Moriogai, who quickly left the spot. Tanaka took this opportunity to rush towards Moriogai

"Water Breathing Type 1: Water Surface Slash."

I jumped out of the shadows, and Doujikiri Yasunaga also sheathed at this moment. It seemed that there was flowing water around me, and I knocked down the earth bomb that Tanaka fired in the air. At the same time, I also knocked Tanaka several meters away.

"You are Mori Ogai's assistant?!"Tanaka looked very shocked, as if he had been deceived.

"How about this surprise?"Mori Ogai said with a smile behind me,"I was worried that you wouldn't cooperate." Mori Ogai's smile deepened,"But I didn't expect you to be so obedient." I don't need to see how much hatred Mori Ogai attracts from his weird look.

But Tanaka is worthy of being an old man. After being shocked for just a few seconds, he immediately calmed down and organized his subordinates to prepare for the offensive. Behind him, rows of guns were raised, and it seemed that they wanted to use firepower coverage to deal with Mori Ogai and me.

This situation is too familiar. I have always faced such situations on the battlefield. When Tanaka gave the order, I grabbed Mori Ogai's collar and shuttled through the hail of bullets.

""Formula, form. Be gentle. I'm going to die." Mori Ogai was out of breath and grabbed his collar and shouted.

I put Mori Ogai down in a safe area,"Don't worry, you won't die." I looked at the situation, it was so damn familiar, it reminded me of some bad memories

"Then, we should be able to deal with them!" Mori Ogai's face suddenly turned cold.

"Who do you think you are commanding?"I raised a swaggering smile.

"Water Breathing Form 3: Flowing Dance"

I dodged the enemy's attacks like flowing water, and rushed towards the enemy. In just a few minutes, I was in front of them.

The rainbow eyes looked down at them, as if they had been locked by the god of death. My hands and feet became stiff, unable to move, and I couldn't shoot with a gun.

The knife flashed, and a line of blood appeared on my neck, and blood spurted out in an instant. I covered my neck weakly to stop the blood, but I still fell slowly. Ryougi Shiki reaped the lives of the people present like the messenger of the god of death.

In an instant, only Ryougi Shiki and Tanaka were still standing on the battlefield. Ryougi Shiki held Doujiki Yasunaga and took the starting posture for the attack.

"Even if you have outstanding swordsmanship, what can you do? You are just an ordinary speed-type psychic! As long as you are restricted, you will be helpless."

Tanaka activated his psychic power, and a cage made of soil trapped Ryougi Shiki. At the same time, he summoned soil bullets to shoot at Ryougi Shiki.

""Water Breathing Type 2: Waterwheel"

A water ring made of water seemed to form around Ryougi Shiki, breaking the earthen prison, and the earthen bomb also melted into the water.

Tanaka stared at Ryougi Shiki blankly, and when he reacted, the girl was already close. He saw colorful spiral patterns in her beautiful rainbow eyes.

How beautiful! He thought so. His head was cut off by the girl and held in her hand. The girl stood on the corpses with a knife, and the wind blew the girl's hair and hem. There is a strange beauty in the real scene. At this point, the predecessors were completely destroyed. The name"Ghost" also reappeared in the world. It deterred Mori Ogai and the port mafia from having bad intentions around.

How beautiful! The dance composed by corpses and death is simply too magnificent. It is a beauty that cannot be described in words. Dazai Osamu looked at the standing girl, and the figure of the girl was reflected in his lifeless iris eyes. It seems to be more looking forward to death! Will there be such a beautiful scenery on the side of the three rivers?

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