Two weeks later, Tokyo Police Station.

"Thank you Tang Zejun for your cooperation. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have caught the murderer so quickly. "Officer Megure shook Tang Ze's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

"Cooperating with the police is the duty of every citizen. I think whoever is there will help."Tangze replied to Officer Megure with a smile,"Okay, just send it here. Sorry for bothering you, the person who picked me up has arrived." Officer Megure looked outside the police station and saw a black car parked next to the door of the police station."Officer, goodbye then." Tangze waved and said goodbye to Megure.

"How did you get yourself to the police station on your first day?" Ryougi Shiki in the back seat waited for Tang Ze to close the car window and asked.

"Well, I thought it was not the first year of Conan. I would not encounter any cases. I underestimated the power of Conan's world."At this point, Tang Ze sighed."I was so careful, but I still encountered eight eggs. It is worthy of being a Conan student."

"What is the current timeline?"I looked out the window. I haven't seen such a busy street for a long time. Because of the previous generation, there are no people on the streets of Yokohama.

"It was probably not long after the police academy group graduated from the police academy.

Keimitsu Morobushi and Rei Furuya had already obtained code names in the Black Organization and formed the Whiskey Group with Shuichi Akai, who used the alias Dai Moroboshi.

Jinpei Matsuda and Kenji Hagiwara stood out in the Explosive Disposal Squad of the First Security Division Mobile Team and were given the title of 'Twin Stars'.

Overall, there was still plenty of time.

"Kangzawa thought for a while,"But I don't know when the bomber will take action?"

"It doesn't matter. It's enough to know the approximate location. I can check it again when the time comes."I sat in the back row without caring, playing with the scalpel in my hand,"Don't forget the business."

"I won't forget it. When I go to the port to trade with the Black Organization at night, I'll have to trouble Miss Shiki to protect me as a civilian."Tang Ze teased himself,"But Tokyo is really troublesome!"

I know what trouble he is talking about. Tokyo is controlled by the government and is not as free as Yokohama. Many of our actions here are restricted. For example, the police are everywhere.

I recalled the conversation between Mori Ogai and us before we set off.

After quelling the rebellion of the predecessors, the Port Mafia finally had time to deal with the affairs of the other world. Mori Ogai also issued his ban: 1. Prohibit the sale of human beings and organs. 2. Prohibit the drug business.

I support these bans of Mori Ogai, but this has greatly damaged the interests of other organizations. But some of them dare not confront the Port Mafia directly, so these black transactions are hidden underground. In order to implement the leader's orders, the armed forces of the Port Mafia have been cleaning up these organizations.

A few days ago, members of the Black Organization were caught selling drugs at the scene of the transaction. The person in charge was the code member Yamazaki Whiskey. Tang Ze took the opportunity to propose using this code member to negotiate with the Black Organization to obtain the greatest benefits.

"I'll trouble you then, Shiki, Karasawa-kun. The dignity of the port mafia cannot be violated."Mori Ogai's half body was submerged in the shadows.

"Yes, Boss."I and Tang Ze knelt down on one knee and saluted,"I will make the crow pay the price it deserves." Tang Ze smiled.

This is why I was sent to Tokyo by Mori Ogai.

"Are you so sure that the Black Organization will sell drugs in Yokohama?"I always find this hard to believe. How could such a coincidence happen?

"I'm not sure. My original plan was to come to Tokyo to discuss arms business, but I fell asleep and someone sent me a pillow."Tang Ze was lying on the passenger seat."I took advantage of it. It was coming anyway."

"Do you want to come to the police station?" I said a cold joke,"You may be the only one among the senior management who will go to the police station."

"This is not an accident! Anyway, it didn't delay anything. The negotiation with the Black Organization will be at 8 o'clock tonight, and the location will be an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs."He changed the subject

"I see. Will Gin come?" I saw what he was thinking, but I continued speaking along with him.

"They should be here, and the Whiskey Team should be there too. I might be pointed at by two sniper rifles. Tang Ze laughed at himself,"You really think highly of me."

"You'll be fine with me here." I looked away from the window and looked at Tang Ze."I will keep you safe."

"I'll leave it to you then." Tang Ze gave me a wink,"Miss Shi, it's a pleasure to work with you."


"Hey, how can this be?!"


A blond, wheat-colored man walked all the way from the bustling city to the desolate suburbs. Finally, he stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse.

He pushed open the rusty warehouse door, and a teeth-grinding creaking sound rang out inside the warehouse. Along with the teeth-grinding sound, the blond man slipped into the door.

The warehouse was dark, and the smell of old ash floated in the room. The moonlight shone through the window. Flying dust could be seen in the moonlight.

After adapting to the darkness, several black shadows could be vaguely seen scattered around the room. Beside the container, a spark flickered. As the cigarette butt was thrown on the ground and crushed, a cold voice said:"You are late, Bourbon." Bourbon looked up and chuckled, but there was no trace of smile in the purple-gray color:"I am on a mission in downtown Tokyo. Is there something important that requires me to get here in less than forty minutes?"


"Ha, you're useless." The man with long silver hair sneered."A mission can take you so long."

"Gin, you asked me to give up the mission and order me to come here just to listen to you wasting your time?"The man with long black hair and wearing a knitted hat leaning against the wall frowned impatiently and said

"Gin, so what is the purpose of calling us here?" asked a black-haired man with a guitar case on his back. He had phoenix eyes with upturned corners, and his blue eyes like the sea were full of indifference.

Gin turned his eyes away from Borimoto and said,"That idiot Yamazaki Whiskey was caught by the Port Mafia while doing business in Yokohama. The Port Mafia sent two senior executives to negotiate with us."

"Do you want to silence him?" The man with long black hair and a knitted hat asked after a moment of contemplation.

"If that's all, there's no need to send out so many codename members, right?" The black-haired man carrying a guitar case asked in confusion.

""Heh." Gin sneered and looked around at the code-named members. Bourbon, Scottish, Rye, Vodka. No wonder they were confused. For the black organization that adheres to the principle of secrecy, this is a rare big scene.

"Yamazaki Whiskey cannot die. He controls hundreds of trading lines. These lines are very important to us."At this point, Gin frowned impatiently.

"This is a problem. If it is someone sent by the port mafia, it is very likely that the ghost’"Bourbon thought for a moment,"So we want to negotiate?"

"The boss's requirement is to stay alive as long as possible, and not die at the hands of the port mafia.."Gin took out a stack of information from his arms and threw it to Vodka behind him.

Vodka took the information and distributed it to everyone present.

"This is the personnel information of the Port Mafia."

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