There was a photo on the white A4 paper. It showed a handsome young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a faint smile. He looked elegant and easy-going. If there was no burning building next to him,

"This is Tang Ze, the main person in charge of foreign trade for the port mafia. He is a civilian, but his methods are very clever. 60% of the transportation lines of the port mafia are opened by him. If it weren't for the turmoil in Yokohama, the scale of the port mafia would be even larger."Gin lit a cigarette and leaned against the container.

"Is this a child?" Vodka held an A4 paper in his hand and pointed at the photo on it hesitantly. It was a photo of a girl standing with a knife. There were corpses under the girl's feet. The blue kimono on her body was also stained black by blood. She looked at the corpses beside her with an indifferent expression.

"She is the trump card of the leader of the Port Mafia, Mori Ogai, and is called"ghost" by the people in the Yokohama underworld. There is a saying in the underworld:"If you are targeted by a ghost, just pray as much as you can, this is the only thing you can do." There is no one she can't kill."At this point, Bourbon paused, a trace of regret flashed across his eyes, but no one noticed

"This is just a little devil, is he really that powerful?"Vodka looked strange,"Could it be that they are exaggerating?" Bourbon heard this and mocked,"Congratulations, you are the same as the predecessor who died in her hands before. The current leader can gain a foothold so quickly, but it has a lot to do with her."


"The people who made a name for themselves in Yokohama were never simple. Yokohama, a city abandoned by Japan, became a concession of various countries after the war. International treaties had no effect on that land, and it was a battleground for superpowers. The superpowers in Yokohama were more terrifying than those in other places."But such a young child is indeed rare," Scotland added."

"There are no children in the other world." Lei said coldly..

"So, brother, are we going to take back Yamazaki whiskey from them?" Vodka looked at Gin beside him.

"According to the boss's intention, we should take back Yamazaki Whisky. If possible, we should test the strength of the port mafia."The cigarette gradually burned to the filter, Gin left the cigarette butt and crushed it with his feet.

"There are still 40 minutes left before the negotiation. All members must arrive at this address in 40 minutes."Gin pointed to a place on the map.

"Yes! Big brother."Vodka responded

"I'm fine." Scotland picked up the guitar case and sorted out the items in it.

"Me too." Lei replied coldly

"I have no problem with that either." Bourbon smiled the way Gin hated him.

Instantly everyone left the warehouse.


"Is this where we negotiate with the port mafia? How careful they are. Bourbon put his hands in his pockets and looked at the building in front of him.

It was an abandoned dock, with weeds covering the side and rusty doors.

"According to the address Gin gave, this is it. Scotland looked at the map.

""Come in!" Ley walked into the dock first, followed by Scotland and Bourbon.

When they walked in, they found that Gin and Vodka had been waiting here for a long time. Gin looked up at them and said nothing. But when Vodka saw the Whiskey Group, he stepped forward and said,"The people from the port mafia haven't arrived yet, but they should be here soon."

"This attitude is quite arrogant, being late for the transaction." Bourbon smiled, but his eyes became dark.

"This is really unfair to us." A male voice came from behind. Turning back, it was Tang Ze who I saw on the A4 paper before.

Tang Ze came alone without any guards."Sorry, I went to the police station to make a statement so it took a while."

"Oh, go to the police station to give a statement!" Vodka didn't respond and echoed,"Wait, what did you say?" Vodka felt incredible

"When I came to Tokyo, I saw someone dropping a bomb and dismantled it, so I went to make a statement. Is there any problem? Tang Ze looked at Vodka in confusion.

"This is a huge problem! How can a mafia member like you go to the police station?"Vodka complained

"Ah, because I am a law-abiding citizen. Isn't it normal to cooperate with the police? Tang Ze said calmly, as if he couldn't understand why Vodka asked such a simple question.

"Hi, Gin. Long time no see."Tang Ze waved in the direction of Gin,"It seems to be three months since we last met."

Gin raised his head and glanced at Tang Ze. It was considered a greeting.

"Gin, you didn't say you knew each other!" Bourbon saw the two of them greeting each other and said with some dissatisfaction.

"The Port Mafia had business dealings with the organization before. Gin explained why he knew Tang Ze.

"You are the new guy, right?"Tang Ze looked at Bourbon and walked into the dock."In the previous generation, we had some business dealings with Crow. But the current leader doesn't do these businesses anymore, so we broke off the relationship. Can I ask your code name? I feel like you have potential. Are you interested in changing jobs?" Tang Ze poached Gin in front of him.

""Click." Gin put his gun against Tangze's temple,"Do you want to die?"

"Don't be too nervous!" Tang Ze raised his hands in a surrender gesture,"I'm short of people recently, so I can't help but see a good seedling."

"Bourbon, my code name. Thank you for your kindness. I have no plans to change jobs for the time being." Bourbon replied

"Oh, what a pity. Tang Ze sighed,"Gin, can you put your gun down now? I can't stand this stimulation."

"Humph." Gin snorted coldly and put down his gun.

"So let's get back to the point. How do you plan to trade? Or how much do you plan to pay in exchange for Yamazaki whiskey?"Tang Ze retracted his nonchalant expression and his face turned grim. Only then did people really realize that he was a genuine mafia.

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