"Heh, are we finally back to the point?" Gin sneered and walked away from Tang Ze. He returned to the negotiation table.

"After all, you came here for this, right?" Tang Ze asked back, his eyes cold.


I hid in the shadows and watched the confrontation between Tang Ze and Gin. I am not good at negotiation. So I just leave the negotiation to Tang Ze. I just need to ensure his safety.

I looked at Tang Ze at the negotiation table and felt that he was completely different from usual. He was sharp and no longer concealed himself.

Tang Ze seemed to be born to be at the negotiation table. He didn't say much, but every word he said hit the nail on the head. If he could just point out the problem incisively, it would be fine. The most shocking thing is that he is very good at negotiation skills and seeing through people's hearts. Besides him, I have only seen two such people, one is Mori Ogai and the other is Dazai Osamu.

Dazai Osamu has always been very powerful. This is something I have always known. But I didn't have a specific concept of this until I saw the scene where he gambled his life for the jewel. It was really like walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will lose everything. But he himself doesn't care. I don't understand what Dazai is thinking.

"You are asking for too much!!"

My thoughts were interrupted and my attention returned to the negotiation table. I saw that Vodka could no longer control his emotions and was about to do something but was stopped by Gin.

"I don't think it's excessive. After all, these are just some external things, right? And you are not short of money." Tang Ze had a smile on his face that was so annoying that he put his hands on the table and looked at the vodka..

"Either give money or give transportation lines."Tang Ze finally threw out his weight."Gin, I believe you are a smart person and know how to choose"

"The place of the transaction."Gin said this coldly. His face was frighteningly cold.

"At the same time tomorrow at the old place, we will deliver the Yamazaki whiskey to you."Tang Ze was not scared, or he didn't care about it at all.

"I'm leaving first. Looking forward to our next cooperation!"Tang Ze turned around and waved his hand,"By the way, the guy with the sniper rifle over there, please put your gun down. If anything happens to me, you will be in big trouble."

Lei clearly saw Tang Ze smiling at him through the scope, and was immediately shocked. Did he notice me a long time ago? What an amazing sharpness!

"Mr. Tang, are you confident?" Bourbon crossed his arms, his eyes full of malice.

Tang Ze did not answer him, but threw a photo of Yamazaki Whisky in the interrogation room without looking back.

"This is a naked threat."Bourbon thought,"either agree to the port mafia or lose the trading line for Yamazaki whiskey." He didn't think Yamazaki whiskey could withstand the means of the port mafia.

Everyone watched Tang Ze walk out of the dock. The moment he walked out, I quietly came behind him.

"How much did you ask for?"I was a little curious, how much did Tang Ze ask for to make the wealthy Black Organization hesitate.

""One billion!" Tang Ze said calmly, as if it was a dollar,"US dollars." He added silently

"How much?"I was a little uneasy.

"One billion dollars." He repeated it patiently, and explained a little bit in case I didn't understand,"I raised the boss's request a little bit, after all, we are also short of money."

You call this a little bit? You are completely squeezing the Black Organization to death! Maybe my expression was too shocked, so he found it difficult to understand.

"Anyway, the Black Organization is so rich, it would be a waste if we don't cheat them." Tang Ze continued,"I remember that the boss of the Black Organization seemed to have a golden house. Now this little money is not a problem for them. Now the main storyline has not started, and the Black Organization is still very powerful. If the main storyline starts, there will be no chance."

"You know so much about it?"I admire him a little bit. He has such a clear timeline of Conan. I know Conan from whatever was on TV when I was a kid. I know Matsuda because I happened to see him appear at that time.

"I am a Shinran fan."Tang Ze said succinctly.

I understand, the obsession of CP. Let him chase it.

"Go back and rest first, tomorrow is the main event."We returned to the residence and he stretched

""Okay." He and I went back to our own rooms.

When I finished washing up, the screen of my phone on the table kept flashing. I stopped wiping my hair. It was from Mori Ogai. I thought Dazai would contact me first. After all, he looked unhappy when I left.

I answered the phone,"BOSS"

"How is the situation going?" Mori Ogai's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's going pretty smoothly now. Mr. Tang is very good at this kind of transaction, and I don't have much room to play."I know Mori Ogai wants to know more than just this, but I didn't speak up on my own initiative.

"Ah, so that's it!" Mori Ogai paused and said something else,"The previous leader has been resurrected."

"This is impossible, no one can be resurrected from the dead. Even Akiko can only save dying people." I questioned this matter,"I'm afraid someone is playing tricks." I know this is Rimbaud's doing, but I'm in Tokyo now and can't rush back immediately

"I think so too, but many people inside are starting to waver because of this matter! It's really a headache!" Mori Ogai complained to me,"If this continues, we won't be able to completely control the grassroots staff."

"Do you want me to rush back to Yokohama from Tokyo?" I asked Mori Ogai,"Maybe the situation will be better this way"

"There is no need for that. I have already handed this matter over to Dazai-kun." Mori Ogai rejected my proposal and said,"You just need to take care of the things in Tokyo."

"Yes, Boss." I put down the towel I was using to wipe my hair."How did you convince Dazai? Did you use euthanasia drugs? I can't think of anything else."

"There is no other way, Dazai-kun is willing to act only in this way."Mori Ogai said helplessly,"It would be great if Dazai-kun joined the Port Mafia like Shiki did."

"Dazai won’t join in on whatever Rintaro is daydreaming about!"Alice's cute voice suddenly interrupted,"Shiki, I miss you so much!"

"Well, I miss Alice too. When I finish things here, I will bring a gift for Alice. My eyes softened.

"Humph, it's all Rintaro's fault. He sent the master to such a far place."Alice said dissatisfiedly,"As expected, Rintaro is the most annoying."

"Alice, there is nothing we can do about it. We are so short of people, and I can't bear to part with Shiki. After all, Shiki is really useful."Mori Ogai said aggrievedly.

"……, I feel like I have joined some shady company." I complained,"Boss, do you remember that I am not an adult yet?"

"There is no way, Shiki is really capable." Mori Ogai laughed on the other end of the phone,"Shiki, come back early." Mori Ogai's tone suddenly became serious.

"Ah, I know."I hung up the phone. I knew that Mori Ogai was using a conciliatory policy, but I had no way of resisting his scheme. He was the person who knew me best besides Akiko. He was also my teacher in this world, and he had left his mark on me. Early in the morning, Tang Ze came and knocked on my door.

"You'd better be okay." I said through gritted teeth, do you know how much torture it is for me to get up early?

"Don't be angry, calm down." He looked at me with a smile,"Why don't you go out for a walk now that you're out? This is a public-funded trip!" Tang Ze's eyes lit up when he said this

"Tsk, wait for me a moment."After hearing his noise, I lost all my sleepiness. Anyway, I was free anyway. It would be nice to go out for a walk.


"Is this what you call strolling around?" I looked at the gangsters blocking my way, and my eyes twitched. Whose good man was robbed so early in the morning?

"This is just an accident." Tang Ze also looked a little helpless,"It's not time to start the main storyline yet!"

"I said, is there a possibility that you are unlucky?" I said,"You encountered a bomb as soon as you arrived in Tokyo, and you were robbed when you were just walking around today. Why don't you go to pray?"

"Do you take us seriously?" Seeing me and Tang Ze talking as if no one was around, the leading thug felt provoked,"Hand over the valuables on you!"

"Are you sure?"Tang Ze finally gave him a look. He looked at the leading thug with a smile, but his eyes were cold.

The thug was intimidated by his eyes and took a few steps back.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"The henchman saw this and quickly supported him.

The gangster came to his senses and immediately returned to his previous position.���He said arrogantly,"What are you sure about? Hand over all the valuables on you, or I will kill you." The knife in his hand seemed to give him great courage. He gestured a few times in front of Tang Ze with the knife.

"It's been a long time since someone treated me like this." Tang Ze said as he walked up to the gangster.

"What are you going to do?" The thugs were forced back by him until they reached the corner."I warn you, don't come over! Otherwise you will be in trouble." He looked around, and the henchmen around him understood his signal and surrounded us.

"Stop playing, I don't want to waste my time in this kind of place." I urged impatiently.

""Hi hi hi." Tang Ze responded, and he quickly removed the gangster's arm, and the knife fell into his hand.

"Boss!" the henchman yelled,"Let our boss go!"

"You try it." Tang Ze still had a smile on his face, but in their eyes it was like a monster.

Tang Ze threw the knife to me,"Miss Shi is more skilled in this kind of thing!"

"This is Tokyo." I took the knife and said without turning my head,"It's troublesome to deal with the corpse!"

"It seems so."Tang Ze held his chin with his hand, looking distressed."By the way, there is no need to kill them, just disable them directly. After all, it is normal to lose arms and legs in an accident, isn't it?" He clapped his hands.

The gangster on the ground was full of fear. Who did he offend? Just a few words decided his fate. It was really terrible, especially in their eyes that they did not reject the idea of killing. Just when the gangster was desperate, suddenly a voice came from outside the alley,"What are you doing?! Police, don't move."

He seemed to hear the sound of nature,"Police, I surrender." He slid to his knees at the speed of light. Nothing is more terrible than falling into the hands of these two people. He caught a glimpse of the man in his peripheral vision and saw that the man's face was full of pity. He was even more scared.

The two young policemen came, and we recognized them the moment we saw them. 666's mission target: Hagiwara Kenji, Matsuda Jinpei.

The gangster was detained by the two of them, and Tang Ze and I were sent to the police station to take statements because we were victims.

"This is what happened. We were tourists from other places, and the girl next to us was my cousin. We didn't expect this to happen. We were really unlucky."Tang Ze explained the incident to the police, of course in a beautified version. He perfectly fit into the role of the victim.

I really admire Tang Ze's acting skills. At least I can't see any problem.

"But the suspects kept saying that you were going to kill them. What's going on?" asked the middle-aged police officer who was taking the statement.

"Maybe I saw them pull out a knife to threaten my sister, and I said something that scared them."Here he wiped his eyes,"My sister has always been very introverted and doesn't like to talk. I'm worried that this incident will leave a shadow on her."

Hey, look at what you are talking about? Leave a shadow on me?

After more than ten minutes, the record was finally completed. There is a handwriting inside the Hong Kong gang.

"Please pay more attention to safety. The public security is not very good recently. Especially young people like you from other places are more likely to get into trouble."The middle-aged police officer told us

"Thank you for your advice, we will be careful." Tang Ze responded.

After the middle-aged police officer left, Tang Ze wiped a non-existent cold sweat,"Finally done. Let's go."

"I can't leave, someone is coming."I saw a curly-haired young policeman walking towards us.

"Ah, it's him!" Tang Ze looked at the man and recognized him."It's Matsuda Jinpei, so it's not surprising that it's him. After all, there are still loopholes in what I said."

"You lied in there, didn't you?" Matsuda Jinpei came over and got straight to the point,"She is not your cousin at all, you have no blood relationship at all."

"Sorry, Shi is my neighbor's kid. I said this to avoid trouble." Tang Ze didn't show any panic of being exposed, he could even be considered calm.

"You really want to kill those people, don't you?" Matsuda Jinpei said confidently, as if he had already found some evidence..

"Officer Matsuda, are you kidding me? How could I have such an idea? I am just an ordinary citizen." Tang Ze quickly denied it. In order to increase credibility, he showed a wound. It was the wound he accidentally got while cutting fruit yesterday, and it was located on his palm.

"Wait, little Jinpei." Hagiwara Kenji chased after him from behind and stopped Matsuda Jinpei from saying anything. Knowing his friend's temper, Hagiwara Kenji grabbed Matsuda Jinpei's wrist and said,"Forget about adding fuel to the fire at this time. Leave the questioning work to me."

Matsuda Jinpei paused for a second and then obediently stepped back to make room for the sociable Kokunran

"Mr. Tang, Xiao Zhenping didn't mean to cause trouble for you, but because there are too many doubts about this matter. I want to ask you to clarify my doubts."Hagiwara Kenji raised a very friendly smile on his face..

"No matter what you say, I don't know anything! I have already said everything I can when I was taking the statement."Tang Ze blocked Hagiwara Kenji's words.

"What you said is true, but maybe you missed some details?"Hagiwara Kenji did not give up and continued to inquire.

"Are all the police in Tokyo so nosy?" I looked at Hagiwara Kenji and Matsuda Jinpei impatiently,"Isn't the matter resolved? Why are you still digging into it? It won't do you any good."

Those black eyes exuded an invisible coldness, and just a casual glance made people feel like they were trapped in a cold kiln.

"Sorry, the child is ignorant." Tang Ze hurried over to smooth things over,"But what my sister said is also right, this has nothing to do with you, right?"

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