"Huh? What are you talking about?" Matsuda Jinpei looked at the girl who had not said a word when he met her in the alley. He felt that something was wrong with the girl from the beginning. No child is as quiet as a doll. Even the most introverted child will have some small movements of nervousness when arriving in a strange environment. But this girl was not like that. In fact, her eyes were full of indifference, as cold and lonely as the snowfields of Siberia.

"You are not police officers from the search department, and you are not even related to them. I don’t understand, what good will this do you?" The girl seemed to really not understand why they were so persistent, and she had an indifferent look.

"You can't say that, young lady." Hagiwara Kenji smiled and stepped forward,"We are doing this to protect the safety of the citizens. Besides, didn't Xiao Zhenping and I help you?" Hagiwara Kenji winked at Ryougi Shiki

"Thank you for your help, officers. We have something urgent to do. Can we go now? Tang Ze smiled politely. He was already a little impatient.

"Of course, I'm sorry to have wasted your time." Kenji Hagiwara handed over his business card."Here is our contact information. If you need anything, you can contact us. I look forward to seeing you next time."

Looking at Kenji Hagiwara's smile of implicit tolerance, I finally reached out to take the young policeman's business card.

What a trouble! It seems I have to be careful next time.

After I put the business card away, Karasawa said,"Thank you for your concern, officer. We will remember it."

After Ryougi Shiki and Karasawa walked down the stairs, Jinpei Matsuda suddenly said behind them,"Hide the calluses on your hands next time!"

I turned around suddenly, my eyes were dark and unclear, I was still careless. I didn't expect Jinpei Matsuda to have such a strong observation ability. I thought that except for those main characters, the others were just tools. Will he hinder me?

【Host, don't be nervous. He just doubts your true identity now, and has no definite evidence. The identification provided to you by Port Mafi has no loopholes. 】888 noticed my murderous intention and came out to comfort me.

Hearing what 888 said, I calmed down:"It's just left over from swordsmanship practice. It's no big deal."

After Ryougi Shiki and Karasawa walked away, Hagiwara Kenji walked to the side of Matsuda Jinpei and put his hand on his shoulder."Little Jinpei, why are you targeting a little girl like that? This is not like you!"

"I just looked at their information. They are from Yokohama. Matsuda Jinpei said as he looked at the direction the two men left.

"Is this the Yokohama I know?"Hagiwara Kenji was a little surprised.

"Yes, that Yokohama. We all know what is in that place."When Jinpei Matsuda said this, he felt a little irritated. Yokohama is a city ruled by the mafia. At least 49% of the people are mafia. It is also a place where Japanese supernatural people gather.

"So Xiao Zhenping, you suspect they are mafia.."Hagiwara Kenji understood what Matsuda Jinpei meant in a second."It seems possible." He recalled Mr. Tang's performance in the interrogation room. He was clear and logical. He seemed to have said everything, but in fact, he didn't say anything about them. That little girl was also different from ordinary children.

"What on earth are those people in Yokohama doing? Such a young child has joined the mafia!"At this point, Matsuda Jinpei punched the wall in front of him angrily.

"Don't be like this, Jinpei." Hagiwara Kenji patted Matsuda Jinpei,"Didn't they receive the contact information? There is still a chance to get Miss Ryougi Shiki out of here." Hagiwara Kenji smiled confidently.

"That's true." Matsuda Jinpei also smiled in the same way.

Tang Ze and I didn't know that the vest had almost fallen off, and even if we knew, we wouldn't care.

""Aren't you going to throw away your business card? Miss Shiki." Tang Ze asked me on the way

"Are you sure you won't go there again?" I held the business card and waved it at him."I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble."

"Forget it, let's keep it." Tang Ze held his forehead, thinking of the past two days' experience. He really wondered if he had a conflict with Tokyo. He kept running to the police station these two days.

"Complete the mission as soon as possible and return to Yokohama as soon as possible. Yokohama should be entering the main plot soon."I recalled the timeline. When we return, Dazai Osamu should have joined the Port Mafia! Nakahara Chuuya should have been tricked by Dazai Osamu. I really want to see it! What kind of person is that bright boy like the sun?

"Calculating the time, it's almost time." Tang Ze took over my words and said,"I have something I have always wanted to ask you."

"Huh?" I looked at him puzzledly.

"I can change 20% of the plot, such as saving characters that do not affect the main storyline, and the time and process of some events. What about you? It seems that you haven't changed much. Is there anything you want to change?"Tang Ze looked at me.

"I can't change it." I smiled bitterly,"I once wanted to change Yosano Akiko's fate, but Yosano Akiko still became the 'Angel of Death'. Later, I thought that I couldn't change Akiko's ending, but I should be able to change the process. At least I could prevent Akiko from collapsing. But I failed. I even added a psychological burden to Akiko."

"……"Tang Ze didn't know what to say. He didn't interrupt me, but continued to listen to me.

"Later the system told me that I could only be an observer. I could not interfere with their fate. I looked ahead and said,"I really envy you."

"There is nothing to envy, we are all working part-time."Tang Ze said calmly,"Although my system task is to save people, every time I save someone, I have to be fully prepared and consider the butterfly effect. Otherwise, I will be punished. There are some people I don't know at all, but in order to survive, I still have to save them. Because of this, I almost typed GG several times"

"Don't think too much, you're already here. Just live your life slowly."Tang Ze looked indifferent to life.

"Do you need me to show up for tonight's deal?" I changed the subject."You'd feel more relaxed if I were here."

"No, you stay in the dark. We can deal with those people when the time comes. Tang Ze was not worried that he would be killed by the Black Organization."I really didn't expect the Tokyo branch to be like a sieve. I'll trouble you tonight."

"I know, otherwise the boss wouldn't have sent both of us here at once."In addition to trading with the Black Organization, the more important reason for us to come to Tokyo is to clean up the Tokyo branch and strengthen the influence of the Port Mafia on Tokyo.

In the few days since we came to Tokyo, we have already figured out the situation in Tokyo. Sure enough, there are many guys in the Tokyo branch who are secretly smuggling drugs and trafficking in people in the name of the Port Mafia. God knows how angry we were when we found out, it was clearly banned. Why is there such a thing?!

For this reason, Tang Ze plans to take advantage of this opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop.

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