Late at night, a full moon hung in the night sky of Tokyo, adding a bit of eerie atmosphere to the trading dock.

"It's a dark, windy, moonlit night, a time for murder and arson. It fits the current atmosphere quite well."Tang Ze joked while looking at the moon in the sky

"Be careful and don't flip over." I took the Doujikiri Yasunari and walked in the opposite direction from him."After all, Gin is not that easy to deal with."

"Don't worry, I cherish my life. See you in an hour." Tang Ze walked to the agreed pier, where Gin and his group had been waiting for a long time.

"See you in an hour." I waved my hand without looking back. My battlefield is not here, my battlefield is the gathering place of those guys in the Tokyo branch.

Looking at the receding back of Ryougi Shiki, Karasawa put his hands in his pockets,"Okay, it's time for me to get down to business. I hope Gin won't let me down! I really want to see the strength of the model worker."

When Karasawa and his confidants arrived at the dock, Gin had already extinguished and crushed the cigarette in his hand. He raised his head and stared at Karasawa with sharp eyes,"Is this the sincerity of the port mafia?" Under Gin's gaze, Karasawa still wore a fake smile mask and did not give in at all.

"It's just a few minutes. I believe our deal won't change because of these few minutes, right?"Tang Ze glanced at his watch.

Gin made an impatient"tsk" sound, but due to the other party's identity, he didn't waste any more words on this issue.

He called for Vodka behind him, and several suitcases with passwords were placed in front of Tang Ze.

"The things your port mafia wants.

Tang Ze asked the people behind him to open the box. Inside was a large stack of US dollars. After Tang Ze counted the amount,

"You are really generous. It seems that Yamazaki Whisky is very important to you. I got the thing, so according to the agreement, I will hand it over to you."The person behind him brought the person up at Tang Ze's signal. Vodka took the Yamazaki Whisky.

"Although you should have known it, but according to the order of our boss, I still have to tell you: drugs are not welcome in Yokohama, and it won't be so simple next time." Although Tang Ze still had a smile on his face, his eyes were unusually cold. No one thought it was a joke. The new leader of the Port Mafia was warning the Crows through this transaction, and at the same time, he was also warning the other world of Tokyo that my Yokohama cannot tolerate such disgusting things!

Gin suppressed his anger and squeezed out a voice from his throat,"Are you, the Port Mafia, going to demonstrate to us unilaterally?"

"No, we are not the ones demonstrating."

Tang Ze lifted the box in his hand and shook it, then asked the people behind him to move the box away. He spread his hands and said,"Our leader issued the bans a long time ago. It was you, the Black Organization, who ignored the ban and did drug business in Yokohama. To be precise, you are provoking us."

"No one and no organization can challenge the dignity of the port mafia.

He ignored Gin's increasingly ugly expression and continued.

"And you have planted a lot of spies in the Tokyo branch of the Port Mafia. So"So originally we agreed to have three people, but now we can only provide you with one. Of course, you can also choose to cancel the deal. The Port Mafia looks forward to cooperating with your organization next time."

Swoosh--A bullet shot from a tall building in the distance grazed Tang Ze's face, leaving a scar.

"Is the Port Mafia playing tricks on us?"

Gin's eyes were sinister under his silver hair, and he pointed his gun at Tang Ze.

"After you agreed to the deal, you changed the terms of the deal. Are you doing this on purpose?"

Tang Ze smiled at Gin's gun. He raised his hands in cooperation, but his eyes fell on the tall building behind Gin.

"How could that be? I am just adhering to the principle of honest transaction. By the way, the nails you arranged should have arrived, right?"

Gin looked into his smiling eyes, and suddenly his heart was chilled..

"How did you know that?

Tang Ze blinked,"Isn't it obvious??"

"You deliberately picked a dock within your sphere of influence and arranged a sniper. Aren't you just trying to kill me and then support the nail you arranged to take over?"

He sighed without emotion.

"What a great plan! Did you guys do this in the previous Tokyo council election?"

"People who know too much don't live long."

Gin was silent for a while, then smiled coldly.

"Very good, all hit."

He moved the muzzle of his gun from Tang Ze's chest to his head, obviously ready to kill.

"Put down your gun!"The gangster behind Tang Ze immediately pointed his gun at Gin, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

"Gin, why don't you put down your gun and let's have a good chat."Tang Ze looked at Gin and seemed to be making a serious suggestion.

"Ha." Gin sneered,"Do you think you won?" As his voice fell, a large number of armed men suddenly appeared behind the Hong Kong gangsters.

"Oh, this is a bit bad. Although Tang Ze said this, he didn't seem panicked at all.

"Gin, you should know that our boss sent more than just me!" Tang Ze showed a half-smile to Gin.

Gin saw his expression and felt that something was out of his control.

At this moment, a crisp sound came from the silent dark alley.


Gin's eyes under the black hat suddenly widened, and he subconsciously turned the muzzle of the gun towards the direction of the sound behind him. A flash of knife light passed by, and Gin's gun had been cut into two pieces. At the same time, he felt a cold touch on his neck.

"Don't move."

The girl's cold voice came from my ear.

"Very timely! Miss Shiki. Tang Ze greeted Ryougi Shiki.

Gin recovered from the shock of being approached silently by someone, and listened to the cold female voice behind him, and snorted a laugh from his throat..

"It turned out to be the 'ghost' of Yokohama!"

"I have dealt with all the people you arranged." Ryougi Shiki coldly moved Doujiki Yasunaga closer to Gin,"Now let these people put down their guns."

"How can you withstand so many guns by yourself?���You release the elder brother, and we will release Tang Ze. Then we can each take our things back. Let's find another time to discuss it."Vodka looked at the sword of Ryougi Shiki and advised

"Are you kidding me? Miss Shiki is not comparable to you losers."Tang Ze said,"You just can't do it."

Gin's face immediately showed several blue veins.

The Whiskey Team hiding in the dark was also shocked by the sudden appearance of Ryougi Shiki.

"How did she show up? Scotland looked through the scope at the two sides confronting each other on the dock.

"It seemed to appear suddenly. Bourbon couldn't believe it."The gin is still in her hand.""

"Gin should have a backup plan, we should adapt to the situation."Ley said.

"No problem." Scotland responded. Although Bourbon and Rye don't get along well, they won't deliberately go against each other at an important moment.

Ryougi Shiki clenched the knife,"Tangze, hide yourself, I may not be able to take care of you later."

"No problem. Tang Ze made a gesture."OK", the defensive psychics under his command activated their powers.

Vodka looked at their actions and said with some disdain:"Just relying on your broken sword?"

Ryougi Shiki ignored Vodka, she kicked Gin and took the opportunity to move the sword downwards.

Ryougi Shiki lowered her eyes and looked at Doujiki Yasutsuna:"I really want to know, who gave you the courage to provoke me?"

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