There is no doubt that this was a crushing victory.

There is a saying that goes: In the face of absolute strength, all political schemes and tricks are nothing. Victory comes from overwhelming advantage.

The moment Ryougi Shiki picked up the Doujiki Yasutsuna, the outcome was already determined.

""Water Breathing Form 4: Tide-beating"

Ryougi Shiki swung out slashes continuously, and her speed seemed to be able to knock down the continuous tide. It was impossible to catch her figure, leaving only a trail of afterimages on the spot.

Faced with the pressure that suddenly poured down on them like a rainstorm and a strong wind, the Black Organization could only keep shooting, leaving a trail of bullet marks on the ground.

In just a few dozen seconds, the Black Organization had lost dozens of people, and the fear brought by Ryougi Shiki lingered over everyone's head. No one knew if they were the next.

She was reaping other people's lives like the god of death."It's worthy of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Killing people is almost like cutting vegetables." Tang Ze looked at the one-sided battle,"With the addition of the breathing method, the lethality has increased several times. It looks like it should be over soon." As the voice fell, there was a flash of a knife, and the last person also fell to the ground with a bang.

The blood of Doujiqi Yasunaga fell"tick-tick" along the blade and fell to the ground. Ryougi Shiki shook the blood on the blade,"Next, it's up to you."

"Of course."Tang Ze came out from the defense,"Now I think I can have a good talk again." There was a smile on his face, but it made people shudder.

When Ryougi Shiki started to fight, even the excellent dynamic vision of the two snipers, Lei and Scotland, did not react. Are all the psychics in Yokohama such monsters? This is just a teenager. If it was another adult psychic, would the battle end earlier?

Cold sweat soaked the clothes, and the Whiskey team who were watching and waiting were all shocked.

That kind of fighting style, such a sharp swordsmanship. This is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people. Originally, they had no concept of the cruelty of Yokohama, but at this moment, they saw a miniature of it in Ryougi Shiki.

When they were watching Ryougi Shiki in the battle, a message came from their mobile phones. In order to reduce the loss of code members and maintain the principle of concealment of the organization. Gin asked them to retreat. The three looked at each other, packed up their things, and retreated quickly.


When the Whiskey Squad retreated, I looked up at the tall building opposite, and the feeling of being watched disappeared. The sniper must have left, he moved quickly.

I moved my eyes back to where I was and saw Tang Ze walking towards me.


"Thanks to you, it's solved. I can report to the BOSS and focus on the system tasks next." Tang Ze seemed to be in a good mood. He took out a piece of paper from somewhere and said,"This is the location of the bomb that I found through the description in the original work and continuous comparison through the system. It really took me a lot of effort."

I took a look at the paper. It was full of dense words and a picture of a duplex apartment building."What are you going to do?"

"Next, I will rent an apartment here, and then use the identity of a tenant to get close to the plot. Miss Shi, I'm sorry to bother you with the bomb disposal. After all, this is just a small problem for you. Tang Ze threw me a key. It looked like the key to the apartment.

"What about you?" I took the key and looked at him."There are two bombers."

"This is a secret." He made a"silence" gesture,"I won't let them escape."

"It's up to you." I didn't ask Tang Ze,"Anyway, I just need to deal with the bomb."

"Yes, I'll trouble you, Miss Shi." He clasped his hands together, and his men just happened to have cleaned up the battlefield.

"Let's go!"I turned around and said to him, let me see how you changed your destiny.

"Go talk to the boss."

"do not!"


Tang Ze and I moved to that apartment and quietly waited for that time to come.

A few days later, we saw police coming and going from downstairs, and police cars with warning lights flashing all the time. We immediately understood that the plot had come.

"Then I will go out first." Tang Ze was cleaning up the door,"The police will come to evacuate the people next, Miss Shiki must not be discovered by them."

"I know." I leaned against the wall and watched him go out."I wish you success!"

"We will definitely succeed." Tang Ze said as he walked out of the door.

As expected, the police came to evacuate the residents of the building. I also hid at this time.

I watched the police evacuate the residents, and then Hagiwara Kenji led the explosives squad to the 20th floor.

Then, just like the plot we all know, after defusing the bomb, he really let down his guard.

"This thing is so hot, please help me take it off." Hagiwara Kenji asked his companions to help him take off the heavy protective clothing.

"We are still at the scene, so you should dress nicely!"A team member said worriedly.

"It's okay, I've dismantled the bomb. Nothing will go wrong." Hagiwara Kenji took off his mask confidently,"Hurry, hurry, I'm dying of heat."

Not long after Hagiwara Kenji and his companions took off the protective suit from Hagiwara Kenji, Hagiwara Kenji looked around, put the bomb down, and sat beside him. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one.

Suddenly Hagiwara Kenji's phone rang. Hagiwara Kenji blinked, stopped what he was doing, and picked up the phone:"Hello, Kojin Heiichi-"

"What are you hesitating about? Take that thing apart for me!!"

"Wow, Jinpei-chan, you are so fierce!" Hagiwara Kenji moved the phone slightly away from his ear,"Be gentle, Jinpei-chan, the timer has stopped. You solved it over there.?"

�� The bomb was surprisingly simple and only took three minutes to detonate."

"I've solved it here, too." Hagiwara Kenji said with a smile.

Matsuda Jinpei sighed.:" Did you wear protective clothing properly this time??"

"Well," Hagiwara Kenji smiled guiltily,"After this, let's go to the restaurant next door to celebrate!" Hagiwara Kenji tried to change the subject

"You are not wearing protective clothing! Don't you want to live?" Jinpei Matsuda said angrily

"Don't be so angry, it's okay!" Hagiwara Kenji once again moved the phone away from his ear and rubbed his right ear. Then he said to the phone:"If I really die, Xiao Zhenping must avenge me."

Matsuda Jinping took a deep breath:"Hagi, it's over when you come back!";

"Come on, Jinpei." Hagiwara Kenji was still joking,"Let me go this time, okay?"

I hid outside the room and listened to their conversation, calculating the time. It should be soon.

Sure enough, when I was about to go in, I suddenly heard from inside:"Everyone, run away!"!!"

Hagiwara Kenji's pupils shrank and he turned his head to look

"Run! The timer starts ticking again!"

The bright red countdown was ticking happily, and Kenji Hagiwara quickly picked up the bomb and rushed out."Run!"

Click - a flash of a knife passed by, and the bomb broke into two halves, and the countdown disappeared.

""I say you guys should be more careful!" A crisp female voice came from the front.

Hagiwara Kenji looked up and saw Ryougi Shiki standing at the door in a blue kimono with a fruit knife in her hand. It seemed that she used the knife to resolve the bomb.

Ryougi Shiki noticed everyone's gaze and said,"Long time no see, Officer Hagiwara. Congratulations on your new life.""

The bomb was immediately disposed of, and the criminal was caught by enthusiastic citizens. I knew it was Karasawa who did it. After disposing of the bomb, I went downstairs with Kenji Hagiwara and his group.

The moment Matsuda Jinpei saw Kenji Hagiwara, he punched him,"You bastard!"

"I know I was wrong. Jinpei-chan." Kenji Hagiwara was unexpectedly serious,"If it wasn't for the young lady, I would have really died there, and I wouldn't have said those words to you."

Kenji Hagiwara pulled Jinpei Matsuda towards Shiki Ryougi who was silent on the side, and he said gratefully:"Thank you so much Miss Ryougi this time." Jinpei Matsuda looked at Shiki Ryougi, he put away his anger towards Kenji Hagiwara, and said solemnly:"Thank you so much this time, if you need any help in the future, just let me know."

I came to my senses, looked at Jinpei Matsuda and Kenji Hagiwara who looked serious, and said lightly:"There's no need to be like this, it's just a matter of convenience"

"It's a handy thing for you, but it's a life-saving favor for this guy." Matsuda Jinpei gave Hagiwara Kenji an elbow

"Ahem, that's right. I can't repay you for saving my life, I can only repay you with my life---Puh, cough, cough!" Hagiwara Kenji shrank back under the punishment of Matsuda Jinpei.

I glanced at the two people in front of me:"Whatever you want."

At this time, a black car stopped not far away. It seemed that Tang Ze came to meet me.

I turned and walked towards the car,"Be careful, you won't be so lucky next time."

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