"……That’s all for Tokyo.BOSS"Tang Ze stood at his desk and reported all the results of this trip to Tokyo

"Thank you for your hard work. Tang Zejun still has style." Mori Ogai sat in the chair, his hands on the table, his violet eyes dim and unclear.

"This is what I should do, Boss." Tang Ze glanced at me in the shadows and said,"If you have no other instructions, I will take my leave first." Tang Ze bowed and left.

""Mori Ogai called me.

I looked back, a little puzzled.

"I remember that Shiki was saved by Akiko."Mori Ogai suddenly mentioned this, which made me feel a little strange. But I continued.

"To be exact, it was picked up. What happened?"

Mori Ogai took out a few sheets of thick documents from the table and handed them to me.

"Based on your last name and those eyes, the port mafia has found some clues about your background.

I took the information Mori Ogai handed me and flipped through it casually.

"Your background is related to the world of magic, and no more information can be found. It's like it was erased."

""Yeah." I responded calmly.

""I don't think you're surprised at all. Did you investigate this before?" Mori Ogai was a little confused by my reaction. He didn't understand why I was so calm about this matter.

"I can roughly guess something." I pinched the corner of the paper,"I can see the curse spirits, and I can remove the curse spirits."

"What are you going to do? Should we check it out?" Mori Ogai asked for my opinion.

"I don't have any obsession with my background. If the Port Mafia needs me to get in touch with the world of magic, I won't refuse."I am not from this world. My so-called background is just a filler made by the system to make me fit into the world.

"As expected of Shiki, he was completely seen through."Mori Ogai clapped his hands and praised,"The Port Mafia now needs to establish contact with the magic world. There are more and more cursed spirits in Yokohama. It's far from enough for you alone. But don't be too anxious about this. Everything needs Yokohama to stabilize."

"I understand."I responded,"If there is nothing else, I will withdraw first."

"Have a good rest!"Mori Ogai patted my shoulder.

I left the chief's office.

【Host, aren't you curious about your life experience in this world? 】888 asked in confusion

"If I'm not curious, it will be troublesome. Mori Ogai can't find anything, it must be a big trouble. And I hate trouble."I get a headache when I think of the setting of Ryougi Shiki. The Ryougi family is very complicated in Fate. Now the worldviews of these worlds are integrated. I don't know what will happen!

Just when I was having a headache, I met Dazai Osamu in the corridor. He was wearing a black coat. I recognized it as Mori Ogai's coat. It seems that Dazai has joined the port mafia.

"Dazai." I called out to Dazai Osamu who was walking.

"Ah, it's Shiki! You're back from Tokyo?" Dazai glanced at me and said with a lack of interest.

"Well, I just came back." I looked at his black coat and asked,"Any mission?""

"Mr. Mori is really good at squeezing people!"Dazai complained to me, and although he was complaining, he still walked out,"By the way, do you want to come with me, Shiki?" Dazai seemed to have thought of something interesting, and the boredom on his face disappeared and turned into an excited look.

I thought about it for a while, anyway, there was nothing to do. It was a good opportunity to go see Nakahara Chuuya, I really want to know what the"gravity user" will be like in the future

""Okay." I followed Dazai's steps and headed towards Laser Street.


In the public cemetery, the sea breeze blew in with a strong smell.

In the quiet cemetery far away from human habitation, a group of cold tombstones without names were arranged on the open space protruding from the cliff. The end of the cliff was the sea. Such a scene made people feel sad.

On one of the tombstones, a boy was sitting casually. The boy was the famous"King of Sheep" Nakahara Chuuya

"Really, this uncle is still causing trouble for others after his death." Nakahara Chuuya said to himself with a unhappy face" All the records you collected during your lifetime were thrown away by the mafia. Thanks to you, the investigation will take a lot of effort. Now all the clues are gone."

In front of Nakahara Chuuya's sight is a white, brand new tombstone. It seems to be an ancient stone from somewhere, with defects and damage everywhere.

"Forget it. On the contrary, even if you were still alive, you wouldn't tell anyone about this.……"

Nakahara Chuuya jumped down from the tombstone he was sitting on. He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the tombstone of Lan Tang..

"Goodbye then. I'll come again."…………①

Dazai and I hid behind the rocks by the sea. We silently observed Nakahara Chuuya.

"Is that Mr. Lan Tang's grave?" I looked at the brand new tombstone.

"Yes! Don't you wonder what Mr. Randou did?"Dazai Osamu's eyes were full of malice.

"No need, it's just those few things. I'm not familiar with him."I ignored the black mud thrown by Dazai Osamu. I know more than you do. I also know that Nakahara Chuuya's brother will also go to Yokohama soon.

Dazai Osamu saw that I didn't take the bait he threw, so he continued to observe Nakahara Chuuya..

"You are here. I was looking for you."

" Shirase……"

It was a silver-haired boy. But he made me feel uncomfortable.

"Is he one of the 'sheep'? I turned around and asked Dazai Osamu

"That's right, and his status is not low." Dazai Osamu seemed to have anticipated what would happen next.

"How pitiful! He was plotted against by you and the boss. Looks like I can look forward to the newcomer."I looked at Nakahara Chuuya with sympathy. At the same time, Nakahara Chuuya talked with the boy named Shirase.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Nakahara Chuuya asked

" I want to apologize to you."The silver-haired boy shrugged,"Didn't we have a quarrel before? We shouldn't say that to you, we are all companions! We were wrong about the game hall, we shouldn't believe the words of that mafia. Let's go back together, Chuuya! Everyone in 'Sheep' is waiting for you."

Nakahara Chuuya listened to his companion's words with some surprise.

The silver-haired boy continued

"Through this incident, we clearly realized what the problem of 'sheep' is."Then we discussed it and made a decision. Can you go back and listen to us?" Nakahara Chuuya was a little overwhelmed."Really?" He turned his head and said,"Let's go," and walked towards Shirase.

"He will definitely be plotted against. That Shirase doesn't look like a good person. But I didn't expect Nakahara Chuuya to be so……"I don't know how to describe it. Should I say he is heartless? But isn't it normal to trust your companions? I can only say that he is too unlucky to have met such a companion.

Sure enough, while I was complaining, Shirase attacked Nakahara Chuuya.

The moment Nakahara Chuuya walked towards him, Shirase took out the knife he had prepared long ago and hit Nakahara Chuuya's back heavily, making a"bang" sound.

Nakahara Chuuya fell forward..

"This is the solution."

Nakahara Chuuya looked at Shirase in disbelief.


Nakahara Chuuya fell to the ground. His body was shaking slightly.

A brand new short knife was stuck in his back.

Blood flowed out from the wound.

"It's better for Chuuya not to struggle. I've coated the knife with lethal rat poison." The silver-haired boy's smile deepened."Your hands and feet will temporarily lose sensation and you won't be able to move. How pitiful! If Chuuya wasn't that powerful, there wouldn't be so much trouble.""

"what happened……?"

Nakahara Chuuya tilted his head to look at the wound, and reluctantly turned back to look at Shirase. He didn't understand why his companions treated him like this?

" It's your fault, Chuuya."Shirase smiled at Nakahara Chuuya."Because of that mafia, everyone thinks Chuuya will abandon us at any time. 'If Chuuya really abandons us next time and joins the port mafia, what should 'Yang' do??’So for the sake of all the sheep, the sheep should‘GSS’"Join hands."

The silver-haired boy snapped his fingers. Immediately, countless mercenaries appeared from behind the woods and raised their guns at Nakahara Chuuya.

"asshole……I have never thought of this. I will not betray the 'sheep'." Nakahara Chuuya shouted at Shirase with a pale face. His face was covered with cold sweat. As time passed, the poison had slowly spread.

"But Chuuya, we don't dare to gamble! We are not Chuuya, who has powerful supernatural powers. If Chuuya is not here, the"Sheep" will be destroyed soon. So we chose to go with‘GSS’Cooperation."

Nakahara Chuuya panted and looked at his former companion. Everything seemed so absurd and ridiculous. They were obviously companions, but now they were looking at him like a monster.

"So that's it……"Nakahara Chuuya said while panting."Is everything I did wrong? I caused trouble for the sheep...?……"

"It is undeniable that Chuuya did make a lot of contributions to the organization. But isn't this what he should do?" Shirase pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Nakahara Chuuya."It was the 'Sheep' who accepted you as a wanderer. So Chuuya is making one last contribution for us. For the future lives of everyone in the 'Sheep.'"

Gin Shirase ordered the mercenaries with his chin."Kill him." The mercenaries opened fire together, and countless bullets were fired at Nakahara Chuuya.

Although the initial bullets were stopped by Nakahara Chuuya's supernatural power. But the number of bullets was too large, and Nakahara Chuuya was now poisoned. The bullets hit his head like hail.

Nakahara Chuuya rolled on the ground with his powerless hands and feet to avoid the bullets. The ground where Nakahara Chuuya dodged was pierced with countless holes by bullets. Nakahara Chuuya used his supernatural power to inject gravity into the soles of his feet. Gravity pressed the ground to deform���Cracks appeared on the ground and quickly spread. Under the influence of gravity, the soil on the ground began to break up and turned into fine sand.

Along with a large amount of sand, Nakahara Chuuya fell from the cliff..

"It's really disgusting." I watched this farce with disgust."Dazai, put an end to this farce!"

""Hi, hi, hi." Dazai Osamu walked out from the reef and headed towards Nakahara Chuuya.

Behind a reef at the bottom of the cliff, Nakahara Chuuya was treating his wounds.

"hateful……"Nakahara Chuuya leaned against the reef and said."Why is this medicine so effective?"

Nakahara Chuuya focused his attention on the wound on his back. He held the knife stuck in his body with his hand, pulled it out of his body little by little, and threw him into the sea.

Nakahara Chuuya showed an unconscious bitter smile on his face. As if he was mocking himself.

"What kind of leader am I?…" Nakahara Chuuya muttered to himself,"I have screwed up everything, haven't I?"

He grabbed the rock and supported himself to stand up.

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