Nakahara Chuuya joined the Port Mafia. Dazai Osamu and I didn't feel much about his joining.

Yumeno Hisasaku was handed over to Dazai Osamu by Moriou Diplomat, and they gave him a code name called"Q"I don't believe that Dazai Osamu can take care of children, because he can't even take care of them himself. Sure enough, everything is just as I expected."Q"He was tortured badly.

Because Q's ability is"Brain Hell", the most taboo"mind control" ability even among all the superpowers, it will use hallucinations to invade the target's mind, causing the target to indiscriminately attack the people around him.

The opportunity to activate the superpower is to destroy the doll he carries with him, but only the"receiver" who hurts Yumeno will be affected.

Scratches-like marks will appear on the body of the"receiver".

He was asked to tie razor blades to his body with wire.

This is to achieve the purpose of triggering the superpower.

This method was proposed by Dazai Osamu, and it is very much in the style of Mori Ogai. As expected, it was taught by Mori Ogai.

"Did the boss agree?"I watched Yumeno Hisasaku being tied with a razor blade and locked in the confinement room. Yumeno Hisasaku struggled frantically, hoping to escape this outcome. But his strength was still too small compared to Dazai Osamu.

"Agreed, or rather, extremely happy. Dazai Osamu slammed the iron door of the confinement room shut."‘Q’I can't control my own abilities yet, so I can only rely on this method to make them work."

"That's really pitiful!" I said pitiful, but there was no fluctuation in my eyes."I hope he can make it." Then I left the confinement room.

【Host, should we go and persuade Mori Ogai?"QWill your mind be distorted in such a situation?】

"You have a way to help‘Q’"Can I control my supernatural powers?" I asked 888,"Dazai Osamu and Mori Ogai are not fools. They both chose this method. That proves that this method is the most efficient and safest method. And I'm just a part-time worker. How can I question the actions of the people above me?"

I looked at the information Mori Ogai gave me."Q"The hospital where the supernatural power went out of control. 20 people died and 139 were injured. Most of them were children. So I acquiesced to Dazai Osamu's treatment."Q"His ability is too unstable. For the sake of the majority, it is better for him to be locked up.

I came to the interrogation room, where Ozaki Kouye and her interrogation team were interrogating enemy prisoners.

The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood. I could hear unstoppable screams. I frowned slightly, but quickly adjusted my expression.

"Sister Hongye, here are the materials you need."I put the materials on the table beside me and looked at Ozaki Hongye. Next to her stood Nakahara Chuuya.

It is undeniable that in such an environment, Ozaki Hongye seemed to become more gorgeous. The dim light formed a sharp contrast with the bloodstains on the ground. Ozaki Hongye bloomed like a peony here. Gorgeous beyond description

"Shiki, you're here!" Ozaki Momiji left the bloody prisoner behind and walked towards me. She flipped through the information on the table and said,"Thank you for your great help. I was just worried about this!""

"It's good to be able to help. Sister Hongye, the boss needs you to go there later." I looked at the bloody objects and asked,"Are there too many people recently?"

"This is all thanks to Dazai-kun. A few days ago, Dazai destroyed another organization. That's why the interrogation room is so lively today."Ozaki Hongye smiled, covering her mouth with her long sleeves.

"Dazai, is he working so hard?"I apologize, I'm sorry, Dazai. I shouldn't have thought you were slacking off. You are really a hard worker.

"Ah, maybe it's because of the bet!"Ozaki Kouye teased. Her eyes fell on Nakahara Chuuya.

Sister Kouye was talking about the bet between Dazai and Nakahara Chuuya. Who can become an executive first? Although I think it's Dazai Osamu, but Nakahara Chuuya may be the latecomer.

After chatting with Ozaki Kouye for a while, I got up and left.

"Sister Hongye, I won't bother you anymore."

"Go ahead. I'll let Chuuya see you off. Chuuya." Ozaki Kouyo called over Chuuya Nakahara who was standing nearby,"Chuuya, let's see you off."."

""Okay, big sister." Nakahara Chuuya touched the brim of his hat and agreed.

""Thank you for your help." I nodded to him.

On the way, Nakahara Chuuya seemed to have something to say, but he didn't know how to start.

"Zhongyuanjun, is there anything wrong?"I couldn't help asking him as I saw him struggling.

"Tsk, just call me a middle schooler." He pressed his hat impatiently,"Why did you switch to a civilian position? Is it because of me?"

"………"I was silent for a moment,"Why do you think that? Did someone tell you something?" I just wanted to relax. What on earth were they imagining?

"They said it was because of me……"Nakahara Chuuya seemed to sense my speechlessness

"You think too much."I couldn't help but complain,"It's just because I prefer it this way. The boss doesn't need me as a fighter now." There is already the military deterrence of Nakahara Chuuya, so there is no need for me to deter those malicious organizations. And the port mafia is really short of civilian positions, so I was assigned. Although I have no objection

"I thought……"

"You don't have to care about them, there will always be some gossip."I interrupted Nakahara Chuuya. Let me lie down, thank you!"Chuuya, you are really suitable." After all, this is the model worker in the original work! I had no idea at first. In the end, I found that he was really hardworking and was still processing documents at two in the morning. Aren't you really tired?

"No matter what you say……"This honest boy is a little shy

"Okay, just send it here. Sister Hongye needs someone else. See you next time."I said goodbye to him.

Later, due to the nature of our work, we naturally had opportunities to meet each other.

Sometimes Ozaki Hongye was busy, and Nakahara Chuuya could only ask me, his senior. After a few visits, we gradually became familiar with each other.

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