As my relationship with Nakahara Chuuya became more and more familiar, I gradually lost my superficial politeness towards him. Because of my change to a clerical position, the number of documents that passed through my hands has reached a terrifying amount. For the sake of confidentiality, I rarely leave the building of the port mafia.

When Nakahara Chuuya knew about this, he would bring me some gifts from outside every time he went out on a field trip. Sometimes it was snacks that I mentioned inadvertently in front of him, and sometimes it was hair accessories that he thought were beautiful. He is really good at taking care of people. Compared with Dazai Osamu, he may be more popular among his subordinates. This is indeed the case.

I once asked him why he brought these things to me, and Nakahara Chuuya just touched the back of his head and said that he just thought I would be bored if I didn't go out, and it was just a convenient thing to do anyway.

I don't know how to evaluate this behavior, but I don't hate it.

I really lost to him!

In return, I will remind him when Dazai Osamu teases him.

Sister Hongye and Mori Ogai are happy to see this situation.

The first time Dazai Osamu saw this scene, he almost vomited his overnight meal.

"What? Why are you so nice to this slimy slug? Little slug, why are you so affectionate to others?!?"

"Ha!? Whose problem do you think this is? If it weren't for you, this fishy mackerel, why would I be in trouble?!"

"I don't care about you, Chuuya is obviously my dog! I told you not to get close to me, and you can't!"

My head hurts, these two people are obviously not like this usually. Why do they act like elementary school students when they are together. I rubbed my forehead,"Dazai, are you jealous?"

Dazai Osamu:"…?!How is that possible? I was just disciplining my dog."

Nakahara Chuuya:"I told you that you cheated that time, it doesn't count at all."

"Huh?! Are you trying to cheat?" Dazai Osamu retorted,"Do you have any evidence?"

"You dare to bring evidence to me?" Nakahara Chuuya smiled grimly, his face was very scary. He raised his hand, looking like he was going to hit someone.

"What, are you going to kill me too?" Dazai Osamu added fuel to the fire.

""Go to hell!"

I was on the verge of collapse, sandwiched between the two of them. Then I suddenly remembered a method I had seen on the Internet. While they were stunned, I pushed Dazai Osamu. The two of them hugged each other.

"Okay, now you are good friends. Stop making trouble.:"…?!"

Nakahara Chuuya:"!?"

The two people who were at odds with each other grabbed a window and lay on it retching.

The whole world finally became quiet.

"Why do you want me to be with this mackerel?!" Nakahara Chuuya leaned on the window with a look of disgust on his face.

"I was the one who was touched by the little slug. Dazai Osamu looked like he had touched something dirty.

"Enough, don't let me send that photo of you to everyone, okay?" I said to them gently..

"……Got it." Nakahara Chuuya sensed my murderous intent and turned his face away, not daring to look at me.

"Dazai, what about you?!"After getting a reply from Nakahara Chuuya, I looked at the other culprit.

"I see, Shiki is biased. Dazai Osamu grumbled in dissatisfaction. His cheeks were puffy and he looked very cute.

"Shut up and don't force me to destroy all your canned crab meat." I ignored Dazai Osamu's coquetry and said,"It's annoying enough to look at files with the boss every day."

This kind of life lasted for a while, and I thought it was over.

But I didn't expect Wei Erlao to come so soon.

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