Time passed slowly. Nakahara Chuuya's life in the Port Mafia slowly got back on track. At the same time, people also saw the potential of Nakahara Chuuya and Dazai Osamu.

Not long after, the pianist, the head of the"Flag Club", invited Nakahara Chuuya to join them.

It is a group of young people composed of the younger generation of the Port Mafia, and they are all outstanding in various aspects.

I don't know them well, but I have seen one of the members, the"Public Relations Officer", who is a very beautiful person.

He has an identity in the outer world that is incompatible with the Mafia: a well-known actor superstar.

The kind that even has fanatical fans overseas.

He is a guy who can kill both men and women with pure charm.

The Public Relations Officer is responsible for the communication between the Port Mafa and the outer world.

On the afternoon when I learned that Nakaya had joined the Younger Club, I had just finished the work in my hands and came down from the leader's office.

"Really? Congratulations, Chuuya." I looked at him and smiled faintly.

"I heard from the pianist that they invited you before, but you refused."Nakahara Chuuya looked very happy. He really liked this youth club.

"I am not good at dealing with any complicated interpersonal relationships. For me, my circle of friends is enough for you."I don't want to invest too much emotion in other people, especially when I know my fate. The higher the cost of the initial investment, the more painful it will be when you lose it later.

But when I said this, Nakahara Chuuya seemed to have misunderstood something. His face turned red.

"Even if you say so..." He pressed the hat on his head,"You still have to expand new relationships! Don't be like that bluefish!" When he said this, he seemed to be disappointed in his friend.

"I understand your suggestion, Chuuya." I nodded. Whether I listened to it or not is another matter. Anyway, I will agree now. Otherwise, I will be nagged by Chuuya Nakahara for a long time."Do you want to go together?"

"No, I have to go to my elder sister's place. I might be back late." He said and walked towards the interrogation room.

"See you tomorrow, Chuuya"

"See you tomorrow"


In this way, the relationship between Nakahara Chuuya and the Young Scholars Association became more and more harmonious, and I kept learning about the Young Scholars Association from Nakahara Chuuya.

"The guy Ah Duanniao was actually teased by a PR officer dressed in women's clothing."Zhongyuan Chuuya told me these interesting stories in the corridor of the port building.

"If it was a PR officer, it wouldn't be strange. After all, it's really hard to tell."I recalled the PR officer's face that brought disaster to the country and the people, and suddenly felt sympathy for the stupid bird mentioned by Nakahara Chuuya. It will only leave a psychological shadow for a lifetime."Chuuya seems to like them very much."

"Ah, this one!" Nakahara Chuuya thought for a moment and said,"They feel like family." Nakahara Chuuya defined his relationship with the Young Men's Association.

"Really?" Looking at Nakahara Chuuya like this, I hesitated whether to tell him that the young man would die because of Weierlaan.

"If Shiki met them, he would understand."Nakahara Chuuya was sure that I would be attracted to the Young Men's Association just like him.

"Maybe!" As I was talking, I arrived at my destination: my office."Chuya, can you wait at the door for a moment?"

I pushed open the door and walked straight to the small table next to the sofa. On it was a beautifully wrapped box, which contained the one-year anniversary gift I prepared for Chuya Nakahara. It was Chateau Haut-Brion, and it took me a lot of effort. But the result was satisfactory.

After coming out, I handed him the gift."Happy first anniversary, Chuya."

Chuya Nakahara took the gift, his lips moved, and the red glow at the end of his eyes spread. The blood rushed to the top of his head, making the red color climb up from the exposed neck, and soon burned the whole face red.

He stood there in a daze,"Chuya, come back to your senses." I woke him up helplessly,"Dazai is still waiting for you!"

""Who cares about that mackerel..." He muttered softly,"But it's still a thank you ceremony." His eyes seemed to be filled with stars, really shining. Then he walked outside,"I'll treat you later."

I looked at the high-spirited Nakahara Chuuya, feeling a little guilty.

【Host, is it because of the events of the later generations?】888 sensed my guilt

"Half and half, there are many things.‘N’I didn't tell him these."

【The host does not need to care. This is something that Chuuya Nakahara must go through individually. It will happen regardless of whether the host reminds you or not.】

"I know, but I can't live with it. Especially seeing him so happy."How about looking for Tang Ze?"

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