The next day when I came to the chief's office, I saw a mess.

The wind blew in from the broken French windows and made the curtains rustle. There were not only broken glass but also pieces of corpses on the ground. The carpet was stained dark red with blood. The documents on the table were scattered all over the floor. The smell of blood in the air did not slowly dissipate due to the passage of time, but became stronger and stronger.

Mori Ogai and I looked at the tragic scene in front of us in silence. Mori Ogai walked towards the desk expressionlessly. Looking at the documents left on the table, his expression was gloomy and terrifying.

I did not disturb him. I came to his side quietly, and together with him, we silently watched the broken glass downstairs through the gap in the window. Under the sunlight, the glass flickered like stars, very dazzling.

Mori Ogai picked up the branch of the white yew tree next to the chair and looked at it for a while.

"Do you know Verlaine?"

"If you mean the 'King of Assassination' Verlaine, who was able to kill the British Queen's substitute effortlessly under the protection of the Clock Tower some time ago,���I think I know."

This incident shocked the whole world. It was the first time that someone was killed in public under the protection of the clock tower. If the Queen of England had not used a substitute, she would have been the one to die. Not long after this incident, Britain and France issued an international arrest warrant for Verlaine. At the same time, Verlaine was called the closest person to the"Seventeen Greatest Evil Men in the World".

"This is just the surface situation. In fact, Weilun left a cross-shaped branch of the white yew tree at the assassination scene to prove his identity. At the same time, the queen's stand-in was also evenly cut into pieces like the guards."Mori Ogai played with the white yew tree branch in his hand, his eyes dark..

"So he was the attacker this time." I continued along with what Mori Ogai said,"If it was Verlaine, his target should be Chuuya!"

While I was talking to Mori Ogai, the people below quickly cleaned up the scene. If it weren't for the broken French window, everything seemed to be no different from usual.

"Do you want to remind Chuuya?"I was picking up the scattered documents. Can't Verlaine just take the documents properly? His documents were clearly placed at the top.

Before I left yesterday, Mori Ogai asked me to put the documents about 'Arabato' on top of all the documents. In addition to these, other information investigated by Lantang was also placed there. Now it seems that Mori Ogai has known about Verlaine's existence for a long time.

"There's no need for that." Mori Ogai casually glanced at the items on the table,"Chu Ye should be celebrating with the guys from the Young Men's Association right now! Don't disturb him."

"Rintaro must have a plan! He knew this would happen, but he didn't inform the guards. The same thing happened to the youth club. Rintaro is really cruel."Alice, who was silent on the side, exposed Mori Ogai's actions.

"Alice, there is nothing I can do! I am such a cruel adult!"

I watched Mori Ogai and Alice singing the same tune with cold eyes, but my heart was calm. This is the Mori Ogai I know, who doesn't mind sacrificing in order to achieve his goals.

"Those people will die!"It is an established fact that the young will not be able to defeat Verlaine. But I suddenly thought of the scene when the public relations officer came to me a few days ago.

At that time, I was about to go to Dazai Osamu, because with the efforts of the interrogation team, the prisoner finally let go and revealed the whereabouts of the other members.

That's when the public relations officer came to me.

"Is there something wrong?" I looked at the PR officer who stopped me, puzzled. I had only met him a few times.

"Excuse me, Miss Shiki, do you know 'Arama Tu'?"Although the PR officer asked me, his tone was full of confidence.

After all, I am the secretary of the leader, the person with the highest authority besides the leader and cadres.

"I roughly know why you are here, but I am sorry, I cannot tell you. I simply rejected him.

"We didn't ask you to go against the leader's wishes.

"The PR officer smiled at me,"Chuuya is very concerned about his background, and we want to give him a surprise.

Miss Shiki, you don't have to tell us the details of 'Arabato'.

You just need to tell us some of Chuuya's information.

"He winked at me when he said this.

It is undeniable that he is really smart.

Although we all know that the Nakahara Naka is 'Arakato', the information of the members of the Port Mafia is not at the same level as that of 'Arakato'.

"……, you can try to go to the coastal villages." I said this and walked around the public relations officer and went straight.

The public relations officer was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what I meant. He whispered a thank you in the direction I left..


"There is nothing we can do about it, that's the 'Transcendent'!" Dazai Osamu walked in from outside,"Boss, I heard that your office was attacked. I came here immediately. But it seems that you are fine!" Dazai Osamu was full of malice.

"Dazai-kun, please stop making fun of me." Mori Ogai looked at Dazai Osamu with a wry smile,"This time the enemy is unexpectedly strong."

"There is nothing we can do about it, Boss." Dazai Osamu found a comfortable place on the sofa and sat down."I am a weak brain, and I can't deal with the 'Assassination King', right." Dazai Osamu clapped his hands,"Why don't we hand over the slug! This way, the problem is solved perfectly"

"Dazai, you know this is impossible." I interrupted Dazai,"We can't hand over Chuuya, and I won't agree to it."

"Tsk." Dazai turned his head and stopped looking at me.

"Dazai, if you keep talking, Shiki will hate you."Alice clapped her hands in gloating.

Dazai ignored Alice and quietly approached her and grabbed her hair.

"Ah!" Alice exclaimed as she disappeared from our sight.

"Dazai-kun……"Mori Ogai looked at Dazai Osamu helplessly

"Dazai, do you know what Verlaine is planning?"I don't remember much about the plot, I just remember the general idea. I know Verlaine will kill everyone in the Youngsters Club, but I don't know why he will do it, or when he will do it.

"Ah, I guess I know!" Dazai Osamu slumped down on the sofa."It's really troublesome! Slugs always cause trouble."

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