It seems that Mori Ogai and Dazai Osamu have already made a plan. After I came out of the leader's office, I did not return to my original job. Instead, I asked 888 to locate Tang Ze's position.

【Host, Host No. 666 is now at the port terminal. 】888 unfolded the real-time map for me, [Do you need me to contact No. 666?】

"If you need it, tell him. There is something urgent here."I rushed to the direction of the map.

Sure enough, I saw Tang Ze at the port dock. He was directing a group of people to unload the cargo. He saw me from a distance.

"What's wrong?" Tang Ze waved his hand to signal the people around him to leave and took me aside.

"Wei Erlan is here." I answered him briefly,"Have you refreshed the system tasks here?"

"Wei Erlan? Is it the one I know?" Tang Ze pondered for a while,"If it's him, then it's no wonder." He seemed to have figured out something,"Last night, my system task was refreshed, but it was not to save the people of the Younger Generation Society. It required me to keep the world line moving forward."

"This doesn't make sense. Your system should save the people of the Houshenghui." I leaned against the container and thought about what went wrong.

888 is an observation system, so the world line cannot be changed to avoid the butterfly effect. And 666 is a rescue system, which saves popular characters who have little impact on the world line without affecting the world line, which is what we call Bai Yueguang. But in this incident, his system tasks are similar to mine. This is totally unreasonable!

"I also felt it was unreasonable, but now that I see you I understand. It was a trap set by Mori Ogai." Tang Ze took out a piece of paper and a pen from somewhere, spread them on the ground and explained to me.

"Remember the three rules of port mafia?"

" Are these three? 1. If you receive an attack, you must return it double. Remember, you must return it double.

2. Do not leave the organization (if you are absent for many days, the way to save your life is to leave Yokohama and never, ever reveal the organization's information, but always remember that Dazai cadres are an exception)

3. Absolutely obey the leader's orders. (Remember, absolutely. This is the most important of the three basic principles. You must remember, it is absolute. )"When I said these three points, I also understood why

"We all know that the importance of these three items increases in sequence. Tang Ze wrote these three items on a piece of white paper and circled the last one.

"If I remember correctly, the people from the Flag Society should have investigated Nakahara Chuuya's life experience without Mori Ogai's knowledge! And they also told Nakahara Chuuya."Tang Ze put down the pen in his hand and looked at me," You also provided them with clues, right?"

"It's not a clue, just let them go to the coast to look for it."I am very confident that I won't get into trouble. I gave them a detailed address. It's just a circle. Whether they can find it depends on their ability. Mori Ogai will not care about this matter. The value I bring now is greater than expected.

"That's good. From the looks of you, you probably don't remember why Wei Erlan wanted to kill the people from the Flag Society." Tang Ze sighed when he said this,"Otherwise you wouldn't have gotten so close to Nakahara Chuuya"

""Hmm?" I looked at him a little puzzled.

"Verlaine, once the strongest weapon of the"Shepherd", is an artificial supernatural being he created alone,"Black No. 12". A monster that can freely manipulate gravity and invalidate all physical attacks."Tang Ze reluctantly confided information about Verlaine to me,"Because the French high-level officials treated him as a tool, and the French supernaturals did not regard him as a companion at all, he lived like an alien in France. So he often felt lonely."

"That's why he betrayed his partner when he met Nakahara Chuuya again."I continued Karasawa's words and understood the reason why Weierlao was active in Yokohama."He wanted to sever the bond with Nakahara Chuuya and take him away."

"That's right, so I have been avoiding missions with Nakahara Chuuya and avoiding any intersection with him."Tang Ze said this coldly, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

"The order of Verlaine's assassination was determined based on the information Dazai gave him. In other words, Dazai was controlling the order of Verlaine's assassination in order to protect Mr. Mori's safety."I continued,"That's why the Flag Association was the first to suffer. This is probably what Mori Ogai meant."

"Now it seems that the group of people in the flag society are beyond saving. Tang Ze pointed out the fate of the five people coldly.

"There is nothing we can do about it." I was about to turn around and leave, but Tang Ze stopped me and threw me a glass ball.

"This is the storage of Yosano Akiko's special ability. Just break it and you can use it."After Tang Ze threw the thing to me, he walked back without caring.

"Although Dazai Osamu's relationship with you is not enough to put you first, but who knows what will happen?"

"Thank you. I put the things away and thanked him in a low voice.

Tang Ze and I are of the same kind, and we both know this very clearly.

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